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- OOC First Name
- Taylor
- Wand
- Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Taylor Lee Mercer
- Full Name: Taylor Lee Mercer
- Birth Date: 9th December 2010
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance: Taylor's Hair is dirty blonde, gold when the sun hits it and reaches half way down her back, she used to keep it short and at shoulder length, but soon decided she liked it better longer. Her eyes are usually emerald green, but can turn a dark shade, almost to brown, when feeling strong emotion. She is tall, at 5'8, although she used to be one of the shortest amongst her friends when she was young.
- Parents: Her Mum (Melissa) is a half blood and her Dad (Keith) is pure blood. They were married until Taylor was 6 years of age, it was then that they divorced. They remained friends, which made it easier for Taylor to still maintain a normal life, seeing her parents equally, but living at her Mothers the majority of the time. Her Dad now lives with a pure blooded witch called Susanna. While Taylor's Mum remarried to a halfblood named Chadarnus Pappus, changing her name to that of her new husbands.
- Siblings, if any: Taylor has two younger sisters, one who was born to her Mum and Dad, named Jessica. The other born to Taylor's Mum and Chadarnus, named Faith.
- Pets, if any: A black cat named Merlin who she has had sinse she was 7 years old.
- Area of Residence: Taylor lived in England until her parents broke up and then her Father moved to Australia where he met susanna, so her Mother moved also to not seperate Taylor and Jessica from their Dad.
- Blood status: Halfblood
- Hogwarts House (And why): Gryffindor. Taylor is a strong believer in loyalty to the people she loves and standing strong is very important to her. She is also very optomistic, but also realistic. Although for a Gryffindor, she is also very cunning and knows how to get certain things she wants. She also very rarely loses an argument.
- What would their Patronus be? A tree frog.
- What would their Boggart be? A person vomitting slugs.
- What would their Animagus form be? A cat.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? A christmas when i was a young girl playing with my mother and father in my first house when they were still married, i was just beginning to grasp my magic a little and was shooting water at them from my hands, while they used their wands to block me, we were laughing and playing and nothing else mattered.

- Full Name: Taylor Lee Mercer
- Birth Date: 9th December 2010
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance: Taylor's Hair is dirty blonde, gold when the sun hits it and reaches half way down her back, she used to keep it short and at shoulder length, but soon decided she liked it better longer. Her eyes are usually emerald green, but can turn a dark shade, almost to brown, when feeling strong emotion. She is tall, at 5'8, although she used to be one of the shortest amongst her friends when she was young.
- Parents: Her Mum (Melissa) is a half blood and her Dad (Keith) is pure blood. They were married until Taylor was 6 years of age, it was then that they divorced. They remained friends, which made it easier for Taylor to still maintain a normal life, seeing her parents equally, but living at her Mothers the majority of the time. Her Dad now lives with a pure blooded witch called Susanna. While Taylor's Mum remarried to a halfblood named Chadarnus Pappus, changing her name to that of her new husbands.
- Siblings, if any: Taylor has two younger sisters, one who was born to her Mum and Dad, named Jessica. The other born to Taylor's Mum and Chadarnus, named Faith.
- Pets, if any: A black cat named Merlin who she has had sinse she was 7 years old.
- Area of Residence: Taylor lived in England until her parents broke up and then her Father moved to Australia where he met susanna, so her Mother moved also to not seperate Taylor and Jessica from their Dad.
- Blood status: Halfblood
- Hogwarts House (And why): Gryffindor. Taylor is a strong believer in loyalty to the people she loves and standing strong is very important to her. She is also very optomistic, but also realistic. Although for a Gryffindor, she is also very cunning and knows how to get certain things she wants. She also very rarely loses an argument.
- What would their Patronus be? A tree frog.
- What would their Boggart be? A person vomitting slugs.
- What would their Animagus form be? A cat.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? A christmas when i was a young girl playing with my mother and father in my first house when they were still married, i was just beginning to grasp my magic a little and was shooting water at them from my hands, while they used their wands to block me, we were laughing and playing and nothing else mattered.