Task 1: Beauxbatons

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Aubrey Derlinch

Well-Known Member
Aubrey lit her wand up, approaching the forest, breathing in heavily, on ther alert for fierce creatures. She was prepared for this moment, as the excitement rushed through her heart, she beamed with delight. Carfeully closing in on her destination, she peered behind trees and listened for sounds, concentrating on her own noises that she made, listening to the ones that weren't her own. She thought she'd better make decide what to do. Making sure she was careful not to step too loudly as to not draw attention and ring the bells for dinner time, she moved closer, light on her feet, now running at a quickened pace. She did quite well in ancient runes, the one she was looking for she'd remeber because the name of it started with an 'M' and the rune was shaped like an 'M'. Easy. She knew she was to have some sort of guide. SO before she went closer she anticipated it hitting her right between the nose.
When the veela heard the whistle blow, he stood up from the tree stump he had been sitting on, stretched and shook his platinum hair. It was nearly time for him to get to his task, one that he was quite eager to perform. Charming others came quite naturally to him and he had thus far not come across anyone who had resisted his charm. Add that to the fact that there would be another veela around and he knew that the poor girl would likely have a tough time refusing their charm.

Leaning back against a tree and crossing his arms, the veela waited for the human female to arrive, his nearly perfect features completely relaxed. With the quiet in the forest, it wasn't long before he heard something running. He figured it was her and a smile crossed his face. If she continued on her path, she would run right into the clearing where he was standing.
Aubrey came to a stop, getting full view of a wonderous site of a platinum haired male, tall glass of water he was, his features just radiated right into her heart. Aubrey vigorously shook her head to remind herself of the ting she really had to focus on here. She stood before the veela male and smiled. She nodded her head, wand in hand, "Where to, Veela?" She asked boldly, her head held high, though her hard exterior masked her melted heart from what she took view from the Veela before her.
As the girl entered the clearing, she stopped in front of him. He could see that she was the Beauxbatons champion by what she wore. Without even saying a word, he could tell that he was already succeeded in distracting her. The shake of her head told him so. The veela's smile widened as he listened to her question. She was a smart one. She already knew what he was, which meant she probably knew what he could do. That didn't really matter to the veela though because he knew that knowing what he could do and actually being able to fight against a veela's charm were two totally different things.

Pushing off of the tree, the veela strolled over to her slowly. "A woman with purpose...how refreshing" he said in his hypnotic voice. "I wish it were so easy though" he continued on, stepping in closer, "I can't just tell you where to go. Where's the fun in that?" He laughed melodically as he pushed her wand down with his hand. In truth, the veela didn't know where the runes the girl needed to find were hidden. It wasn't part of his job to know though.

"But I know something we can do..." the veela said with a smile. "Perhaps you'd like to join me?" he asked as he held out a hand to her.
Aubrey lowered her eyeborws at his remark, her love-struck daze, turned into feminist-disgusted-I-won't-stand-for-that look, but under that, she was putting up a hard fight to resist his awe striking looks. The charm just went down hill after that, Aubrey wasn't finding it very hard anymore. It was true. It would be to easy if he just told her where to go. She raised her wand and kept steady eye contact, as he moved closer, their wands touched, and he lowered it slowly, pushing down Aubrey's wand until it was by her side. She kept looking in to his piercing eyes and blood crept up into her cheeks. "But I know something we can do..." he said, with his velvety voice, and at that moment, impure thoughts flooded her mind, and she slightly wished they would turn into reality, but Aubrey still focused on the main thing. She kept her eyes on the prize. Curiosity was ultimately the main thought in all of this, she was afraid that he will distract her so much that she would lose completely. She watched him, and nodded, keeping a skeptic eye on him, and didn't take his hand, instead she just walked infront of him, her wand tight in her hand
The veela gazed at the girl before him curiously. He could sense her skepticism of him, but could tell that she was still struggling. He'd never had such difficulty keeping anyone human's attention before. As she walked ahead of him, the veela waited a moment, wondering if he should simply allow her to continue on alone. More likely than not, she'd end up lost in the forest. She was amusing him though so he chuckled and then strode to catch up to her.

"Perhaps we'll run into my friend on the way" he stated as they stepped out of the clearing and deeper into the forest. He began to hum a tune, not one that the girl would know, but one she would feel nonetheless. It was in his nature to love music and he was always dancing or singing in some manner. Though there were plenty of leaves on the ground, his steps hardly made a sound as they continued on through the trees. "This forest is large though...sometimes it is hard to find things here" he uttered with a bit of a smirk as he glanced up toward the treetops.
The brown headed girl took by his side and turned her head to look at him as they walked. She wondered who his 'friend' was. She knew it couldn't of been good. She rolled her eyes, knowing she didn't really have time for this. She was beginning to become impatient, she tried as best as she could to stay on the subject of matter at the time. She planned to just calmly to go along with what he was doing, ignoring the statement about his friend and just skippin right to the part where he stated that it was hard to find things in the forest. She nodded, "Yeah, it's going to be real hard finding those thingies I have to look for," she said following his eyes towards the treetops, immediately thinking he did that on purpose, supposedly thinking that that was going to be her reaction. She didn't see anything in particular but sh scanned hard for anything that seemed out of the ordinary, holding up her lit up wand to guide her naked eyes.
"I doubt your wand will help you here, but maybe it wouldn't be so hard if you had a hint" the veela stated swiftly, hiding a smile as he saw her glance into the trees. There was nothing there as far as he knew. He simply liked looking into the trees. Their steps were taking them deeper into the forest, and the veela listened carefully for any sign that there were other veelas in the area. The blond veela knew that there were other veelas who had been contracted to do the same job, but he had no idea how they were faring. So far, they hadn't run into any others.

"Are you being timed?" he asked in a sing-song voice, realizing how much of hers he had probably already wasted. To him, the more, the better, but he had the feeling that the girl wouldn't feel the same way.
The veela knew what his mission for this was and he would be as much of a hinderance to the girl as he knew was allowed. He stood leaned against a tree as he heard the signaling of the beginning of the task and there he waited until the moment was right.

After a while the veela heard a set of voices. One that was as musical as his own and the other of a human girl. Sliding from his spot behind the tree his angelic face took on a wicked grin. "Well well well, what do we have here? Who is this lovely being you have here with you," he asked in his smooth tone.
The veela smiled as he heard a quite familiar voice called out to them. Now the real fun can begin he thought to himself as he returned the veela's wicked grin with one of his own. The smile made his features take on a more predatory bird-like appearance, but they quickly returned back to normal. "This is the Beauxbatons champion" he began. "She's a ball of fire" he added with a melodic laugh as he made one appear in his palm.

Turning towards the champion, the veela leaned in close, unleashing more of ihs charm as he spoke into her ear. "Are you sure you want to go on? You could always just stay right her with us." Many a woman and man had been tempted by those very words.
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