Open Target Practice

Audrey Beauchamp

I have a cunning plan...
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Unyielding Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
16 (17/11/2047)
open after Jess posts with Amodeus

Audrey was not about to let herself settle. The joy of coming to Hogwarts was that she would be mentally stimulated and not get bored, and she was starting to achieve that. She was thrilled to actually be learning things, although the classes were fairly slow to start with. But she didn't want to get bored, and didn't want to necessarily come across as some kind of weird nerd. She was clever, and she liked learning, but that wasn't all there was to her. She craved excitement and enjoyed messing with people, and as much as she wanted friends she also wanted to stir the pot a little. Or the cauldron, Audrey thought with a smirk, noticing a boy she recognized from Potions. Must have been a Gryffindor. He'd taken the same potion as her, or at least something similar, so she saw the perfect opportunity. "How are you feeling after Potions?" she asked, with about as much sincerity as she could muster (which wasn't a huge amount). "I'm glad I took the antidote when I did. Changing hair colour is fun but if you don't drink the antidote right away you get weird stuff happening to your tongue." Audrey lied, with feigned concern. "I wasn't quite fast enough, see?" she added, sticking her tongue out and showing that it was an indigo colour. Which was totally from a bunch of candy she'd eaten before, but this boy wouldn't know that.
Amodeus was just walking around, lost in thought, when he heard someone speaking to him. He turned, before smiling brightly at the girl. "Hi!" He greeted. He was surprised by her question, and was about to answer, of course he was alright, but she continued on. His eyes widened as she stuck out her tongue. "What, really?" He asked, absolutely believing her immediately. He stuck his tongue out and tried to look at it, almost going cross eyed as he tried to look at it. Realizing he couldn't see it, he turned to look at her with his tongue out. "How bad ith it?" He asked, touching his tongue almost as if that would help him see the color.
Oh no, thought Audrey, hiding her mild surprise behind the most solemn look she could manage. He's actually stupid. She hadn't expected it to work as well as it did, and she brought her hand to her mouth to hide the fact that her mouth was breaking into a grin and laughter was threatening to come out. She covered it up with a fake gasp, that only barely hid a chuckle. "'re very lucky," she said, grimly, once she'd managed to swallow down the cackles that were close to unleashing. "Any worse and you'd be in the Hospital Wing, for sure." She fiddled around in her bag, wanting to see if she had the right tool on hand. Finding the box, she could barely contain her grin any longer. Perfect. "I heard they start giving us stronger potions each year. Here, this'll make it all better," she said, holding out a canary cream to the boy. "It takes a bit to kick in but when it does, it'll really ruffle your feathers."
Amodeus gasped as she gasped, bringing his hands up to cover his mouth. Was his tongue that bad? He was worried for a moment, but then she pulled out something from her bag. He followed her movement with wide eyes. He lit up when she offered him the antidote. "Oh, thank you!!" He gushed, taking it without a second thought. He didn't hesitate, immediately moving to put it into his mouth. She had promised that it would help him, after all. He ate the unidentified thing without a thought, swallowing it quickly. "Is it working?" He asked, sticking his tongue out. Though it didn't matter for long, because with a tickle and a shake of his hair- poof! Amodeus was a canary, chirping and fluttering about wildly. It lasted for several minutes before it wore off. He poofed back into himself, sitting on the floor with wide eyes and his hair a mess- and still molting feathers- as he tried to process what had just happened.
Audrey almost moved to stop him, surely there was no way someone was that gullible, right? It almost seemed a bit pitiful. Maybe she should've just taken it herself and freaked him out thinking she'd been cursed, it would have felt a little less mean. Though, of course, it didn't feel mean enough for her to stop, and her hesitation meant he'd eaten the treat before she could say anything. Her conscience was drowned out by exhilaration. Nobody would've been foolish enough to fall for a canary cream 'antidote', but apparently this boy was, and it was a thrill to have such an amateur prank even work! While the boy was confused, Audrey was on the floor, laughing so hard tears streamed down her face. It was almost breathless, more wheezing than laughing, and it took her a moment to calm down and sit upright once the transformation had ended. "Oh Merlin, I can't believe you fell for that!" She wiped away tears from her eyes, catching her breath. "Seriously, I didn't think anyone would fall for that! Sheesh, you gotta be more careful."
Teddy was greeted by the sight of a canary fluttering about as he walked into the entrance hall. Perplexed, he questioned aloud, "Whose bird got out?" To his astonishment, the canary transformed into Amodeus, leaving Teddy utterly bewildered. However, the mystery unraveled quickly as he spotted Audrey collapsed with laughter.

Teddy let out a sympathetic giggle, reserving how funny he actually found it to check on his best friend. "Oh no, Moo! You okay? Did you eat a canary cream?" he chuckled, offering a comforting pat on his back. Once out of Amodeus' line of sight, he playfully mouthed a "good one" to Audrey. Teddy had always admired a well-executed joke. He looked back to Amodeus, "She's right, never eat a custard cream around here," he chuckled, reinforcing the golden rule about custard creams.
Amodeus blinked, still struggling to understand what had happened, when suddenly Teddy was there too. He looked between the two, his brow furrowed, and soon started to pout a bit. "Canary.... cream?" He spoke slowly, and pulled his knees up to his chest, feeling insecure. Had... the girl just been picking on him? What had happened? It had been- it was all too much for him to really figure out, and he let out a half laugh, though his face was still twisted as he struggled to wrap his mind around it all. Was he being bullied? But- Teddy was here, and he wasn't actually hurt or anything... but he couldn't help but feel like he was being laughed at, and he wasn't sure how to feel about that, either.
Audrey was a little surprised by the appearance of Teddy, though she should've expected someone would come by sooner or later. Since they were both Gryffindors, it stood to reason they were friends - though Teddy at least seemed much more like he had his wits about him than Canary Boy. (She had to resist the urge to make a comment about 'Moo', though). She winked back at Teddy at his comment - of course he was a bit worried about his friend, but canary creams had never hurt anyone. Startled, perhaps, but not caused any lasting hurt. If anything, it was a valuable lesson about Transfiguration, and about trust, and really he should have been thanking her. "Well, yeah, don'tcha know what a canary cream is? you do!" She calmed her breathing, wiping her eyes a bit as her giggles calmed down. Honestly, if he was going to get all sulky about it he shouldn't be at boarding school as he clearly wasn't ready to handle it, Audrey thought judgmentally. "Welcome to Hogwarts! Better sharpen your wits, boy-o."
Teddy extended a hand to Amodeus, "Here, let me help you up." he offered, thinking that getting back on his feet might alleviate the disorienting effects of the canary transformation. Then Teddy turned his attention to Audrey, a mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes and a playful tone lacing his words. "1-0 to you, Audrey but we will even the score." Teddy had some serious planning to do.
-godmods approved-

Amodeus slowly took Teddy's hand, and pulled himself up. He wrapped around Teddy's arm, hiding halfway behind him, peeking out at Audrey. "We will?" He asked Teddy, before blinking. "We will," He echoed, nodding his head and leaning a little more into Teddy. He still didn't really know what was going on, but he felt better with Teddy around. Deus always felt better with his bestest friend ever close by.

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