Tally Amis

Tally Amis

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Full Name:
Tally Jade Amis

Date of Birth:
March 20th, 2016

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Light brown hair. Her eyes are brown most of the time, but when she wakes up or is asleep, they are a vivid green. She is average height and has a slender build.

Typically, Tally is quiet and reserved, preferring to stay in the shadows and hide from teachers calling on her or people talking to her. That is, until you get her around her friends. Then she is very loud and happy. She is intelligent on an educational level, but when it comes to socializing she knows absolutely nothing. She is stubborn and very opinionated, and always trying to get people to see the world her way. Tally also has a soft spot in her heart for injured people. She tries to be humble at all times, but slips up every once in a while. After all, she is only human. She is slightly violent if you provoke her enough, but does try to maintain it. Not that she doesn't lose control sometimes (wink wink).

Her mother's name is Alice Amis (Maiden Name: Waters). Tally's father's name is Clifford Amis. She is an only child. Her mother is a bipolar mess, with many different personalities. Her mother does not work. Her father is the only secure thing in her life, working as a computer programmer.

None currently.

Blood Status:

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
Tally loves to read and write, finding them the only way to let out her feelings.

Additional Skills:
Tally is very intuitive to other peoples feelings, and an expert at shadowing her own.

Hiding, reading people, and finding a logic solution to a problem. Most of the time

She has a problem with fighting and aggression. You hurt her and she gets very emotional. She bottles up all of her feelings.

Describe your character in three words:
Intuitive. Quiet. Reluctant.

Favourite place to be:
In a tree.

Adrian Slick, Danielle Warbeck, and Lilia Muragin.

Hogwarts House:
She hopes to get Ravenclaw, but would be happy in any house.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Tally wants to be a prefect, but not Head Girl. She also wants to please everyone by getting straight O's in her O.W.L.'s.

Best school subjects:
(Muggle Schools) English, French, Geography

Worst school subjects:
(Muggle Schools) P.E., Computer Technology

Extracurricular Activities:
Soccer, Lacrosse

Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:
She thinks of the first time she ever saw a turtle, and how she swears it looked straight at her and smiled.

Your Boggart:
A knife.

Your Animagus:
An owl.

Mirror of Erised:
Tally would see herself running a book shop, surrounded by what she loves.

A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,
I don't know what to do... Shane has changed so much, he's not the guy I used to know. He started ranting about how he knew me better than anyone else and how I would help him achieve his goal. I'm scared of what he will do next. I need to find a way to get out this crap. I have to go..Shane is calling again.

Hello. I was just curious about some things. So, here goes.

How did Tally feel about her mother's personality? Did it have a major effect on Tally's own personality?
Why does she 'shadow' and bottle up her own feelings?
Why does she want to be a prefect?
Why is her Boggart a knife?

There. :)

1. Growing up with a mother that you could rarely have a coherent relationship with was hard for her. Tally thought it was normal to have a mother like that, but couldn't understand why her mother couldn't come to her games, or any school activities. She realized her mother wasn't normal when she met a few of her friends parents. Tally can't deal with her own emotions due to the way she was raised, and doesn't understand her own emotions.
2. Mostly answered above, but due to the last part of not being able to understand her emotions, she hides them away. This only causes more confusion for her, but she hasn't learned that.
3. Tally likes to feel in control in a situation, but knows that the responsibilities can be a little much, so only prefect.
4. There is actually two stories of traumatizing cases with knives for Tally. When Tally was 6, her mother seemed coherent, so Tally was spending some time with her. Her mother left to go make dinner, and came back with a knife. She asked Tally what she wanted for dinner, and when Tally didn't respond immediately (she was reading) her mom attacked her. Luckily her father came home before Tally was seriously injured, but she hates knives now. Then Tally moved to be closer to a mental facility, so she made a new best friend named Shane, but he had problems of his own at home. One day he was ranting about one thing or anither, Tally not really paying attention, when he pulled out a knife. Out of instinct, Tally ran. Shane chased her to her home, but Tally hasn't seen him since.

Hope this helps slightly :D

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