Tales Of A Librarian

"HEY! Who cares if she is your twin? I have every mean to report to you a professer. LET HER GO", James said, not letting this jerk hurt his newest friend. Slytherin, his mind said to him. He'd heard that the kids in that house were usually mean to others.
"Why? You ain't her boyfriend?" Nick slapped Jaedan before carrying on pulling her.
"Who freaking cares? You don't treat people that way!", James said the the Slytherin. This kid needed to learn a lesson. His brother was allowed to give detention, he thought. "Adrian! We have a situation over here!", he said.
Jaedan started to cry when Nick slapped her and thrust her down on the desk, hitting her head badly, bleeding. She watched as Nick went to tackle James but Jaedan ran up to him and put herself in front Of James.
OOCOut of Character:
Coz Nick Is my character I've god modded him, alrite?
Anna yelled at the boy, "Don't you dare touch her or James again or I swear to God I will make sure you can't walk for the next week." Anna didn't know James and Jaedan very well, but she already felt extremely protective over them. She meant every word of the threat and ran to Jaedan's side. "Jaedan, as soon as the a**hole is gone you are going to the infirmary." She said in a calm tone.
Paul walked into the library, looking for books he could read. 'No normal library', he murmured to himself. 'It's a wizard library'. There seemed to be a fight going on near the left side of the library. Another Slytherin (he had seen this one before) was hurting a girl. There was also a boy and a girl trying to break them up. He ignored them and went to get a book.
James noticed another boy walk by. He seemed to just ignore James and everyone else. The boy walked on to look for books. This kid just ignored all of them!

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