Tales Of A Librarian

Adrian Slick

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Adrian Slick, the new librarian at HNZ, explored the library section. There were some young wizards exploring around, looking for books. There were a lot more books then a regular library, even though that was weird because this didn't have regular books. He'd have to get used to this new library, since now he was getting paid. He used to work for a book store in the center of his town, but for some reason this was better.
Lovisa was very frustrated right now. For about twenty minutes the twelve year old has been trying to reach that Herbology book on the top of that shelf. Well aware that magic was forbidden outside classrooms she had not even shed a serious thought on pulling her wand out and just accio' it down to her, which is probably what her twin would do, Lena is after all, a Slytherin. But Lovisa wasn't, and to think about what Lena would do here is a moot point for herself.
She glanced around to both sides of the shelve-corridor but there was no one here. Frustrated, she could only stand there and stare forlornly at that elusive Herbology book in the fool's hope that someone came across her and her situation.
Adrian suddenly saw a girl reaching for a book on the top shelf. He was the librarian, so he had to help. He walked over to the girl to help her. "Which book do you want?", Adrian asked. Adrian, as tall as he was, could reach any book in the whole library, he noticed.
Jaedan was sitting on a desk with at least 3 books open and 7 closed. She was in deep thought. She was also very tired. She let her head rest on the book and fell asleep.
James was now at Hogwarts in the library, where his older brother worked. He saw one girl with her head in a book. Wait, she was sleeping, James noticed. He suddenly saw his older brother helping another girl. "Hey bro, what a surprise!", he said, joking around with Adrian.
"Hello James, what house did you get in?", Adrian said. Adrian had gotten in Hufflepuff, and James was sure to also.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry about the short post. :r
"I just got in Gryffindor., he said, forgetting that his brother had gotten in a totally different house. James was glad that he had gotten in Gryffindor because that was the house that the legendary Harry Potter had been in.
Jaedan hadn't got any sleep for about 12 days, with her constant nosiy roommates and constant cat jumping on her head was irritating and the library was the quietest place in Hogwarts. She let out a loud groan.
The girl that James had seen sleeping groaned. Maybe she didn't want to be bugged or something, he thought. "You trying to sleep?", he asked. After he said it he started to think how dumb it sounded, it was also kind of obvious. They did have dorms to sleep in, though.
Jaedan sat up. "Yes. My stupid roommates are in there constantly talking and gossiping and yacking. I've had NO sleep since the beginning of term!!"
"I'm sorry to hear that. You can go to sleep if you want, I'll stop talking, James said, hoping that she could get some sleep. He was quiet for the longest time.
"It's ok. I'm done. I'm Jaedan Feanor." Jaedan held out her hand to this boy. Seem's polite enough. Jaedan thought. Note to self: Come to library more often
Anna walked into the library and noticed two kids talking. As she approached she heard the girl say her name was Jaedan Feanor. Deciding to sneak up behind to boy to freak him out, she dashed from bookshelf to bookshelf till she was right behind the boy and yelled, "HI! I'M ANNA!"
"Hey there. I'm James Slick.", James said to Jaedan, as nice as she was. Somebody suddenly jumped out behind him and scared him to death. "AHH!", he screamed. "I don't know who you are, but don't do that again, please!" he said to 'ANNA'.
"Already got girlfriends, I see, James", Adrian said. Seems James had ACTUALLY just gotten a friend. Maybe two, counting the girl that had jumped out behind him and obviously scared him.
Jaedan smirked at Mr Slick's girlfriend comment. "Believe me, I'm only looking for friends! Are you two brothers?"
Anna laughed when the boy screamed. It was good to be scared occasionally in her mind. "Hi Jaedan, James. I'm Anna if you didn't hear the first time. And sorry for scaring you James, but I couldn't let the opportunity pass. What House are you guys in? And are you a librarian?" Anna said to all three of the people there. One of them appeared to work at Hogwarts, and she hope he wasn't mad at her for being so loud in the library.
"Yes, this is my brother, Adrian Slick the famous Ravenclaw, who just got a job here at Hogwarts. A lot of the time we don't get along., James said, hoping that the girls would notice he said 'famous'. His brother was famous, anyways, for doing something that James always forgot. "I'm in Gryffindor, what about you?"
"Hey, guess I have a get about these things.... Really famous?! Thats so cool!" Jaedan
Smiled at James. "Im a Proud Hufflepuff." Jaedan smiled at James and at Adrian and at Anna.
Famous, huh? Said Anna. "Why is he famous?" She asked. Anna smiled when she heard that James was in Gryffindor too. "I'm in Gryffindor also!" She said with a bit too much enthusiasm.
"I'm famous because I helped save the school about 3 times. I've destroyed a few giants, nothing much really., Adrian said. He wasn't noticed that much, but after his little brother spilling the news to all the first years, he would be known once again.
"Hmm." Jaedan thought about Mr Slick. "You'd really suit my Aubt Skylar. Skylar Avalon? Heard of her? She was in Hufflepuff. She's 19-20. Might be a professor here actually!!"
Nuck went walking into the library. "Oi! Jaedan! Why the heck are you here? Come with me, I need my punching bag." Nick grabbed her hair and pulled her.
Anna looked at Adrian and said, "I don't believe it." Anna had a hard time believing that one kid save the school three times. Maybe once was possible, but three times? Uh uh. Suddenly a boy came in and grabbed Jaedan's hair, calling her a punching bag. "What the heck are YOU doing?" She yelled. She ran over to Jaedan and grabbed the boy, throwing him down on the ground. This was one of the times that she appreciated not being super skinny. "Even if you are kidding you don't pull someone's hair like that, especially a girls!"
Nick smirked. "Jaedan happens to be my twin." And with that Nick started pilling her again.

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