Taking a walk

Jacob Cooper

Well-Known Member
Jacob was up early that day even though it was an off day.He didn't want to go back to sleep so he decided to take a walk in the grounds.It was spring and even though Jacob had grown accustomed to the cold in the dungeons common room he would enjoy fresh air for a change.He got dressed and went up to the Entrance hall and walked out onto the lawns.

The sky was clear blue and the sun had just risen above the edge of the trees of the Black forest.It was a breezy day and surely every one would want to enjoy it out doors.He walked towards the black lake which looked beautiful reflecting the castle.It had always been beautiful.He walked up to a boulder and decided to sit down for sometime before taking another long walk.
Teddy was wondering the school. He had woken up pretty early that morning due to him hitting the floor quite hard. At home he had quite a large bed and, because he had grown used to it, he was now falling out of the comparitivley small one he had now.

Eventually Teddy made his way to the lake, he loved it here, so nice and silent. That may have been because of the time though. Ted was glad he had decided against a jacket as it was a nice warm day, normal for October in New Zealand.

As Teddy walked he saw a boy, around his age if not slightly older, sitting on a boulder. "Nice morning ain't it?" He made some friendly chat.
Jacob turned his neck to look at the owner of the voice.It was a boy who looked like he could be a first year.He had a friendly face and manner."Yes it is."he told him cheerily.Usually he didn't like any climate other than spring but due to the habit of staying in the dungeon common room he had developed a taste for cold temperatures.

"Wan't to join me?I was just going for a walk."he asked the boy who looked like he could be a good company.
Teddy thought about it, he was out on a walk anyway, he had nothing else to do, none of his friends would be up yet and it wouldn't hurt to know one more person in the school. "Sure." He smiled at the boy. "I'm Teddy."
Jacob smiled as the boy agreed to join him.He stood up from the boulder and walked towards the boy."Nice to meet you.I'm Jake"he said introducing himself.He decided to lead the way towards the west side of the grounds and started walking,"So are you a first year?"he asked him.
Teddy nodded as he followd the older boy. "Yeah, Nice to meet you too. Are you second or third?" He attempted to make conversation while watching where he was going so he wouldn't trip. That would be so embarresing.
((Sorry for the late reply))

"I'm a second year."he replied to Teddy as he walked on the edge of the black lake."So how are you finding studies so far?Everything going smoothly?"he asked the boy.
Teddy nodded, still watching where his feet were placed. "It's alright, somethings are a bit tricky but it's mostly smooth." It seemed that every time Teddy met someone new they asked how his studies were going. It was strange. "My dad got a shock when he found out I was in Hufflepuff, he was sure I'd be a Gryffin like he was." Teddy didn't particuarly care what house Jake was in, he just felt like sharing that snippet of info.
Jacob gave a little laugh.He had only chosen Slytherin to please his parents but he wasn't fit in any other houses.He was brave,but not enough to make it into the Gryffindor house.He was definitely not a genius to be in Ravenclaw and he had never been on the test of justice and loyalty so he didn't know if Hufflepuff was the right place to be.

"Yeah,I went in Slytherin to please my parents but I fit in.It's not like all the slytherins are mean.Only some give us a bad name."he said with a grin.
Teddy nodded. "It seems to me that you have a tiny amount of nasty boys and quite a few b!tchy girls that give Slytherin a bad name." Though he hadn't actually met many Slytherins, his friends were always talking about how nasty those girls were to them but only on boy had been mentioned. He knew there were nice ones because the same friend had said she had a friend in Slytherin.
Jacob was glad that the boy understood."So tell me Teddy where do you come from?"he asked him in attempt of knowing more about him.Jacob knew that most of the students here came from England but there were many exceptions and Jacob himself was one of them.
TEddy grinned. "Originally Ireland but I live here now. You??" Teddy had found that alot of the people he knew lived either near him now or near where he used to live. It seemed they were popular locations.

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