Closed Taking A Break

Miles Flynn

mediator · eldest
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
10/2051 (11)
Miles often liked coming to the park when things at home got a little too... much. It was hard, constantly trying to have to flit between his parents, almost feeling like their personal owl to deliver messages when they weren't in the mood to actually talk to each other themselves. And then there were his younger siblings, with his parents oft fighting over everything, that left it all up to Miles to look out for them. With being pulled in so many different directions and constantly trying to put on a brave face, it was just nice to get away from it all for a little while. He huffed as he finally sat down on the swing set, using his heels to rock back and forth a little as he gripped onto the chains, looking around to see who else might be around.
Mania had been dragged yet on another 'house hunt' to Brightstone Village. She had spent her time between her last visit and now trying to reason with her parents they didn't need to live closer to the school, she'd come home for holidays, but of course there was the fact that Gaia too would attend later. She had convinced her parents to let her hang out at the park again though, as she had put it, it was an excellent opportunity for her to meet kids around her age that could possibly be attending the school as well in the up coming years. As Mania made her way to the park she noticed the swings she had occupied last time to be already partly taken, lucky for everyone she wasn't one to shy away from new people.

Marching her way over to the swings she took the free one and sat down. "Hi, I'm Mania you can either call me Nia or Man, completely up to you, though Man is mostly used by my sisters when they want to annoy me so choose wisely." She said to the boy that seemed to be minding his own business, but it would be rude to just sit there on the swings and not greet the other person, right?
He almost started when a girl suddenly sat down next to him, quickly introducing herself as Mania. Miles hadn't been expecting someone to just sit down like that, so it took him a moment to try to compose himself, offering an almost shy smile to the stranger. "I guess I'll call you Nia, then." He wasn't going to choose a name that the other girl didn't like, that would just be mean of him. "I'm Miles. Just Miles, I guess. I don't really have any other names."
Mania smiled at his smart choice, it was sort of her way of testing the waters with new people. Nodding at the boy Mania started swinging slowly. "Miles, that's a nice name. Are you from here?" She presented him with another question. She was curious really to see if he was from there or like her just dragged out here by parents or someone else.
He was quick to shake his head when she commented that he had a nice name. "It's not anything special." He didn't have any particular fondness for his name, it was not as though he had been named after anyone or anything. "Yeah, I come to this park all the time." Then, he paused for a moment, glancing over at the girl on the swing set, almost scrutinizing her with his gaze. "Are you from here? I don't think I've seen you around before." Not that he was the expert on every single person who visited the park, but he did recognize the regulars, at least.
Shaking her head, Mania suppressed a sigh at his denial of her compliment. He could suit himself then, but in her books it was a nice name. She then nodded at his explanation of being a local and visiting the park often, that made sense. The park was nice, at least in her opinion. "Nope. I am from well a bit of everywhere I suppose." She started before pondering how to explain herself. "Originally my family is from Greece and that is what I do consider home, but my parents like to see the world so we have been just moving from one place to the next ever since well, before I was born even Hera, my older sister aka first born, has never lived in place for too long until going off to school of course." She didn't mind it, it was a privilege to have seen the world beyond what she considered home, but sometimes it was tiring too. To never feel like you had a place of your own. "I am starting school here next fall, though, in Hogwarts so we have been visiting in their words 'to familiarize me with my surroundings'." The girl added to explain why she was there, if she wasn't living there.
Miles had never had the opportunity to ever leave New Zealand before, so it was surprising to hear an account of someone who had never spent too long in one place. He was fascinated, leaning forward slightly on the swing to peer over at the girl as she explained. "What's it like?" He asked almost as soon as she was finished talking. "Greece, I mean," came the quick added on bit at the end when he realized he didn't actually make it clear what he was talking about. "I've never been out of the country, so I bet it's amazing to be able to go to all those different places and see everything. But, if your family is always moving about, does that mean you're only going to be at Hogwarts for a little bit? Would you transfer someone else if you family decides to move again?"
Mania was a little surprised at the question, not fully understanding what he meant before he followed it up with the mention of her home. A warm smile etched onto her face she took a second to ponder her words. "It's beautiful, warm, amazing food and people. There's so many beautiful historical things and everywhere you look you are met with indescribable beauty, whether it's in the form of nature, architecture or people." She explained to the best of her ability, it was difficult to put into words what she felt about the place, but she had tried. Frowning at the boys next question she thought on it for a bit. "I don't think so, I won't let them make me transfer. As much as I love seeing the world and appreciate it, I want for once to feel at home. Have a place to call my own, not leave friends behind and be forced to make new ones. I want to belong and stay longer than a year or two." Mania would not let her parents take her out of the school, it was the one thing she wanted to go through in one place and Hogwarts seemed a good fit.

"Besides I am trying to convince them to stay the way they are, not move closer. As much as I love my family it is a lot, always has been."
She purposely left out the part that with her always acting on her emotions and without thinking she was the problem child of the family, she didn't want to necessarily feel like her parents would always be there to watch her. "I could show you some photos some time, from everywhere I have been to I mean." She offered with a smile.
Miles sat still as he listened to everything the girl had to say about her home country, pretty enamored with how she was describing it. He would love to visit another country sometime and actually get out of New Zealand. Of course, he loved his home and didn't want to move away to a country he had never been to before speaking a language he didn't understand. But just to visit, that was another thing completely. Of course, with the way his family currently was he very much doubted they would be taking any amazing vacations anytime soon. If he wanted to visit another country, he was probably going to have to wait until he was older and could afford to go himself. Or, he was going to have to be invited to come with someone else. "It sounds amazing," he mumbled, suddenly feeling quite jealous about the whole thing. "I'd love to see some pictures, though." Maybe he could try and imagine himself there if he could actually see photos of what it looked like. "But, I suppose it does suck having to move all the time. I couldn't imagine living anywhere different. I've always lived in the same house since I was little."
Mania could see his point of view too she supposed and he was right it was amazing. It had its sides she supposed, nodding she brought her eyes to examine his face and smiled. "Well then next time I'll uh bring my phone or just show you the pictures once we get to school next year. I will be taking bunch of pictures with me to there anyways." She said as she shrugged her shoulders. "Is there anything cool to do around here? I mean I do like swinging I guess but is there like anything that you are told not to do that I should know about, so I can avoid such things obviously." There was a mischievous glint in her eyes but in her defense if she had to spend a lot more time here she might as well see what fun was around. Swinging in a park was fun but rather mundane and it would be good to know what she could do, if she ever found herself bored enough.

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