Tabitha Viridian

Tabitha Viridian

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OOC First Name
The Basics

Character's Name: Tabitha 'Velenus' Viridian
Character's Birthdate: 24th June, 2013
Hometown: London, England
Blood Status:Mixed blood
Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Hair: Jet black, stick straight
Eyes: Dark chocolate brown
Height: 5'
Style: Messy
Other Distinguishing Features: Large glasses. Also, she is severely underweight.

A Little Deeper

Personality: Tabitha is an angry, lonely child because as a child, she wasn't allowed to play with any muggles but she didn't like her mother's snooty friends' kids. She's not good at making friends and has trouble trusting anyone since she's only ever had one friend. Her brother. She's slightly rebellious and only cares about herself, being a lone wolf. She never gets good grades in school for her parents. She only does it for herself. She thinks everyone is as flawed as she believes she is.

History: Tabitha grew up in an area which had many magical people but also had muggle schools and offices. As a child, Tabitha would want to go and play with the kids in the nearby muggle school but her mother would reprimand her for wanting to raint her blood status. For this reason as well as the fact that they were snooty, Tabitha didn't like her parents' rich friends.
Tabitha didn't enjoy her life much because of her family.
From the time she could talk, she was a disappointment to her parents because she wanted to play with muggle children in their parks and go to their schools. Her two older brothers however, were perfect. They are both now out of school and doing well for themselves. Traditional as her parents were, they wanted Tabitha to grow up, get married, start a family. Because she was a girl. She was always secretly proud of herself whenever her mother expressed that she was disappointed in Tabitha.
Now, at Hogwarts, she has a little bit of the air of ignorance that she was brought up with but she much rougher around the edges. Being part of a magical family, she was always exposed to magic. Her father was a potioneer and Tabitha would pore over all his books, fascinated. Her favorite subject is potions and she wants to do well more for her father than herself. She wants to show him that she can be as smart as her brothers and even her fathers.

Family: Tabitha's mother is Tanaya Viridian. She made Tabitha's life horrid. She didn't work, she was a housewife.

Tabitha's father is Valko Viridian. He was very involved with his work as a potioneer. However, he also loved his two sons very much. He loved Tabitha as much but even he believed she would grow up to be married.

Her two brothers Gareth and Tristan.
Gareth, the older, was a mama's boy. As ignorant as his mother.
Tristan looked up to his brother but was also protective of his sister. He was her first friend.

Tabitha is 10. She is of mixed blood, meaning that they had been pure bloods for many years until Tabitha's great, great, great grandfather married a mixed blood of pure blood/half blood parentage. He was the first unconventional Viridian who became an author instead of something in the ministry. They would have removed him from their family tree but he was more famous than the other's individually so there was no point.

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