Tabitha 'Tabby Cat' Theirin

Tabitha Theirin

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OOC First Name
Curved 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Blackthorn Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Full Name:
- Tabitha's full name is Tabitha Margret Theirin. Her friends call her Tabby, or Tabby Cat. She got the second nickname after she managed to climb the tallest tree at the school yard, and then they had to call the fire department to get her down.

Date of Birth:
- March 7th, 2024

Current Age:
- Eleven years old.

Basic Appearance:
- Tabitha has wavy short brown hair, but shes been thinking of growing it out for years now. She has dark brown eyes, and bushy eye brows for a little girl. Tabitha is short for her age, but she doesn't mind because it allows for better hiding spots when playing hide and seek.

- Tabitha is a nice girl. She believes everyone deserves respect, and kindness until they prove otherwise. She can also be a smart mouth when the mood takes her, and has gotten in trouble many times for talking back to various authority figures. This is most notable in the mornings before breakfast, or whenever shes hungry. Tabitha is extremely loyal to her friends. Even going so far as to do things she feels is wrong for them. Because of this some would call Tabitha very naive. Tabitha is the kind of person who is always exploring, and looking for fun. If there's nothing to do she'll find something. This comes from her family not having much money for toys or electronics.

- Tabitha's closest family is her mom, Olivier. The two have a very good bond, and generally get along very well. Tabitha's father died when she was just a baby. He had not yet told her that he was a wizard at the time of his death, and so Tabitha, and her mother believe Tabitha to her a muggle born. Tabitha's other family is her mom's mom and dad. They don't exactly like that their daughter ran off, and got knocked up by some stranger, but they love their granddaughter so they keep in contact. Tabitha goes to visit them once or twice a year, and they always send her birthday, and Christmas presents. They do not yet know Tabitha is a witch, and think she is currently attending a private school she won a scholarship to.

- Tabitha's apartment building doesn't allow pets, but she always wanted one. When she went shopping for school she saw her chance. She wanted an owl very badly, but her mom managed to talk to down to a rat, as it would be much easier to hide during school breaks.

Area of Residence:
- Kings Cross, Sydney, Australia

Blood Status:
- Tabitha is a half-blood, but her father died before he told his wife about being a wizard so she assumes she is a muggle born.

- Tabitha is pure Australian.

Special Abilities:
- Tabitha, as well as any other little girl, has a talent for getting herself, and everything around her dirty. She is also very good at climbing trees, but not climbing down. She is working on it though.

Interests or Hobbies:
- Tabitha likes to read, play her friends video games, run around outside all day, watch tv, and cook. Her grandmother has tried to get Tabitha more interested in more creative persuits like drawing, and painting, but Tabitha simply doesn't have the patience for it. She does do these activities with her grandparents though because they are too old to play games with her.

Additional Skills:
- Tabitha is very good at problem solving, and so math comes easily to her.

- Climbing, cooking, reading 'big' books, hiding in hide and seek.

- Staying clean, can be short tempered, likes to mouth off, can't focus on one thing for too long.

Describe your character in three words:
- Excitable, kind, and adventurous.

Favourite place to be:
- At her muggle school's playground with her friends. They've had lots of fun, and made many memories there over the years.

- Tabitha always seems to have someone to talk to. She is not shy, and tends to get along with a lot of people. However she does have three best friends back home. Teagan, Abigail, and Janet. Abigail and Tabitha are the closest out of the 3. Where one is the other isn't far behind.

Hogwarts House:
- Tabitha was sorted into Gryffindor during her first year at Hogwarts. She didn't know what that meant at first, but once she learned she was very proud to be sorted into the house of the brave, and noble.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Tabitha wants to learn everything she absolutely can about magic. She used to dream about being able to do magic as a little girl. Her mother has read her Matilda so many times they've worn through a copy.

Best school subjects:

Worst school subjects:

Extracurricular Activities:


Current Job:

Plans for your future:
- Little girls don't make many plans for the future.

Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:

Your Boggart:
- Tabitha's worst fear is losing her mom, and having no one left.

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:

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