Swimming pools in the desert sky

Aion Zephyr

🐉 magizoologist; father; epistemological
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2027 (35)
No matter how many times Aion had imagined the Christmas break would have gone, it would never had lived up to the reality of what he'd been through. The time had come however for his wife, his wife, to go back to Hogwarts, and even though they'd both known it was coming it wasn't something either of them were particularly prepared for. Their morning had been long, and after a lie in that Aion had made the most of, he'd treated her to her favourite breakfast of cherry pancakes. Even though they'd not been together for much longer than a few weeks, Aion felt more at home that he had his entire life and when he looked at Cyan he saw a future he wasn't sure he'd ever deserve. Eventually the pair had managed to depart from the tent to make their way back to the gates of the school, and even though Aion knew he wouldn't be travelling as much or as far as he had before Cyan was to graduate, it still seemed as though they were going to be worlds apart, and waking up without her beside him was already an aspect he was going to miss.

As Aion walked hand in hand with the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, he gave hers a small squeeze, not willing to think too much about the return journey he'd soon be making by himself. It was both a blessing and a curse that he was a year older than her, but Aion knew it was important they both got through the next six months and came out the other end in a better position than if they didn't put what they had on hold. As they walked, the mans eyes continuously glanced in her direction, as though he was never going to be able to get enough of her and with the upcoming split between them he wanted to make sure he took every opportunity now while he had it. As they were walking back through to the gates he was becoming increasingly aware that they had very little time remaining, and breaking their steps he moved in front of Cyan to cup her jaw with his spare hand, his eyes already closed by the time he kissed her. He barely needed to tell her what was on his mind anymore, she already knew. He didn't want to let her go, to stop what they had, and she seemed to bring out his weaknesses that he'd spent so long pushing down, and turn them into something worth building upon. A year ago he would never have been the person he was now, but as he slid an arm round round her waist to pull her closer, he sighed against her as he tried to hold on to every part of her for as long as he could. "I love you." he breathed, barely more than a whisper as his green eyes opened, head resting against hers.
Cyan's life, while miles apart from where she thought it would have been, had never been better. From breaking down her family to rebuilding with Aion, the start of Christmas break seemed so far away, and she was thankful for the time she'd been given. Cyan often didn't think far into the future, her lack of planning and reckless behavior though led her to Aion, so how was it possible that she could complain? The morning had been spent pretending like she didn't have to leave, pretending she wasn't spending her last time with Aion for what would feel like an eternity. Cyan knew that regardless on her choice of careers, she needed to be present in school and graduate in order to make the best future for she and Aion, even if that meant she wasn't going to be able to lie next to him every night. This was going to be difficult.

Reluctantly Cyan left the tent with Aion, wanting to tug him back into the bed to lay and make shadows on the wall of their almost-home. The Puff, whom always loved to dress up for Aion, returned the squeeze on his hand. A smile on her thin lips, and ache in her chest. The closer they got to the gates, the slower she walked, trying not to wobble between her weak knees from nerves and heels so high she reached past Aion's shoulder in height. As if Aion could read her mind, the sad thoughts of separation bogging her down more than she thought they would. She stopped abruptly, nearly slamming into Aion's chest as she did. She didn't have time to speak, he never gave her time in the best way possible. Cyan placed her hands over his, returning every ounce of passion, love, and want in the kiss she gave him. Why couldn't they just go back to the tent, and forget about school, and forget about Goodbyes - Cyan didn't want to be good at goodbyes. Tears pricked at her brown orbs, but she wanted to be strong for Aion, and for herself. When the kiss separated, Cyan left her eyes closed for a moment more before she finally opened her brown orbs. Cyan wrapped her arms so tightly around him she worried she might pop him if she squeezed more. "I love you to, Aion." She whispered. "Can't we just, go back to the tent, and pretend we don't have to say goodbye?" She asked, nuzzling her cheek against his shirt. The woman didn't know what else to say in that moment, if she were honest she'd have dropped all of her future plans to be by Aion's side and help him with his dreams. "I could sneak you in with me." She muttered. "Then I wouldn't have to sleep alone." She muttered against him, a pang in her chest reminding her how hard it was going to be to sleep.
Aion chuckled against her when she said she could try to sneak him in, if only that were possible. There was a pause between them as Aion felt the clawing at his own heart, although he had promised himself he was only going to be positive for her sake. "You're never alone, Cy. Not really." There may have been distance that was about to separate them but that didn't mean they weren't still connected in some way. His hand lifted to stroke her hair before he kissed the top of her head, something that was much easier whenever she was wearing heels. He may have teased her on occasion for her choice of footwear, but he couldn't deny he enjoyed seeing her confident and content with herself. He still had yet to tell her of his plans to get a second job, and give her the offer of furthering her own career once she'd graduated. Perhaps she wouldn't turn down the offer a second time, although the idea that the time before they could wake up every day beside the other would have to be on hold for twice as long may have continued to factor into her decisions. "Besides, you have way more exciting things to be doing this semester. Save wandering out in the middle of nowhere for when you don't have things like balls to attend," he said recalling the Valentines ball last year that she'd ended up persuading him to attend, and ultimately enjoying himself a lot more than he thought possible. "I want to you have fun. To make the most of this semester while you're there. And I'll be right here ready to whisk you away the moment you're free but not a moment before," he added with a small smile. He nodded his head in the direction of castle that would soon be coming into view, his hand never releasing from hers he began to guide her. So much had happened over the last couple of weeks but Aion barely felt as though they'd had any time at all. "Are you going to tell them?" He asked, knowing that there were numerous students in the school that would no doubt question the small new mark on her ring finger. "About us I mean." He clarified, helping her round a dip in the road before she fell in it.

Cyan felt the soft rumble of Aion's chest against her when he laughed, and it made her warm from within, all the way to her tingling fingertips. Though he used comforting words to tell her she'd not be alone, Cyan couldn't help but feel that wasn't true, she felt as if the loneliness that lack of physical contact would bring was going to be hard to deal with. "Way more exciting things, I should punish you for thinking that way, Mister!" She said, pulling back and giving him a pout. "What could be more fun that rolling over in the morning and seeing you all sleepy and cute, and then making you breakfast, and distracting you from your work by sitting directly in front of you?" She asked laughing slightly. "Don't get me started on the rest of the perks!" She teased, smiling only for a moment. The smile turned to a close lipped relaxed face. "If you aren't outside of this gate when I get out of my last day Aion Zephyr, I'm going to find you and beat you with these shoes, got it?" She asked, moving her own hands to his face and drawing him in for another kiss, a deeper kiss, pressed up against Aion for a brief moment, now standing in front of him as if to say once more she wasn't ready. At the question he posed she looked to her finger which still gripped his face. "Duh!" She said before tangling her hands into his hair and kissing him once more, wanting to remember the feeling of the soft locks, the way his lips on hers felt. She wanted to take a mental photograph so she'd never forget these moments. Her heart always hammered when she was entwined with Aion, cuddling, kissing, anything - she felt a flutter in her chest that was brand new. As she broke the kisses and peppered his face with her lips instead she whispered I Love You between each little kiss on his cheeks, and nose, and chin.
Aion thought he'd been doing a good enough job convincing himself if not her, that it was worth her going back, although seeing her in front of him laughing and teasing him, reminding him of the moments he'd grown most fond of and that they were about to slip away from his reach caused him to wrap both arm around her waist and lift her slightly from the ground as she kissed him, considering how easy it would have been to have apparated them both away, to not have to worry about leaving, So many thoughts passed through the teens mind as to why Cyan didn't need to stay on, to the point where a small sound escaped him when he knew she still had to go. "Don't tempt me Mrs Zephyr or you'll never make it back." She could beat him with the shoes all she wanted and he would still turn up early to find her when the day came to take her home.

He smiled against her and allowed her lips to mark his cheeks, not caring whether she was leaving marks on him right as much as he was just enjoying her contact. Every touch from her gave him the burst of electricity that he'd so often felt from her, although now it had turned into something much stronger than that and something he could never get enough of. He gave a large sigh, his grip around her loosening, his eyes looking into her face although his own had a brief frown as he tried to push away the thoughts that broke his heart. "I have something for you." He added in an attempt to distract himself from the grief of her departure. He reached into his pocket for a moment, before sliding a small lightweight package into the palm of her hand, the pink tissue paper wrapping the golden necklace that spelt out their surnames. He'd always put thought into his first name, especially as he'd chosen it himself, but now he felt as though Zephyr was just, if not more, of an importance to him.
Cyan squeaked into their kiss in the moment he lifted her off the ground. She was so happy to be with someone willing to sweep her off her feet in the most literal of terms, and remembered suddenly that he had done so when they were married, carrying her through the threshold into their future. The girl with curly hairs and a goofy smile couldn't believe someone so perfect wanted her, all of her, flaws and perfections - though there were many more of the former. Finally a tear slipped past her eyes and she felt a pang in her chest, giving over into the bittersweet emotion of goodbye. It wasn't goodbye perse, it was see you later - in six months. She wasn't ready though dammit - she wasn't ever going to be ready. At his words she giggled and shrugged. "Would it be so bad, Aion?" She asked drawing out his name, a mischievous look in her tear-glinting eyes. It wouldn't be so bad she was sure, but would she be happy without graduating from a wizarding university, this close to time?

At Aion's next words, and his movement, the girl cocked an eyebrow and looked at his hands, holding out the tissue paper wrapped item. With shaking tendrils she took the package and unwrapped it, the cold of the metal touching her skin gently. When it was revealed she glanced between the necklace and her Husband, tracing fingers over the letters of his - no of their last name. Cyan bit her lower lip finally looking up. "Put it on me!" She urged, turning around so he could clasp it around her neck, excited to wear one more thing that showed their love for each other. She'd wear his name all over her if they made jewelry to do so. Cyan wasn't ashamed of her feelings for the Ravenclaw Alumni, and she's stand at the top of the towers and yell it to the castle.
Aion had half a mind to take her back there and then, and cursed his practical brain for reminding him that in the long run it would be better for her to continue her seventh year. He knew he didn't need to tell her, although the smile that she gave him made his heart skip a beat and kept his mind at war. He brushed away the tear at her cheek, and once she had opened the necklace there was a pause as to whether Aion had made a good choice. She seemed eager however and the man could only believe he'd done well, as she turned for his assistance. Taking the necklace in both hands, he fastened it at the base of her neck, before taking the hair that was trapped underneath it and moving across one of her shoulders. Standing behind her his arms wrapped themselves around her waist once again, not willing to let her go just yet, his lips pressing against the soft skin of her shoulder as he trapped her in a hug. "I'm all yours," he whispered, continuing to kiss up her neck and behind her ear. There was nothing he wouldn't have done for the woman in his arms and the day that they'd not have to separate couldn't come fast enough. At least time he would be closer to her and on her doorstep for when she stepped out. "You should go," he added quietly, knowing that she was going to have to pull herself away from him if she wanted to return, although his body language did little to suggest he was ready to let her go.
Cyan had never been a vulnerable person, but with her back to Aion allowing him to brush her hair over her shoulder she'd never been more exposed. The metal touched her neck gently and she felt the metal to be sure it was facing the right way, to be sure anyone who saw her would know she belonged to Aion mind, body, and soul. The young woman sighed contentedly as he trailed feather light kisses up her neack, tilting her head to the side to enjoy every second of his actions. Her own arms wrapped around the arms he held around her and she closed her eyes. "And I am yours." She parroted back, hoping their feelings were mutually strong. "Mm, I know I should. I know..." She whispered, turning in his arms to face him and wrapping her arms around him. "I love you, promise to write me." She said, tears finally coming fourth as she moved and pulled away from him, hesitantly walking backwards in the hopes maybe he'd stop her, maybe she'd just quit. She knew it wasn't rational though. She knew better, and so she continued with hesitance towards the gates.
Aion murmured something in response to her request, and while Cyan may have started to walk away from him he found himself following, not willing for her to leave as he was still just in reaching distance of her. It would be so easy for him to just take them both away but could he really be happy with himself if he was the reason she never completed her NEWTs? It was her choice and as much as the former Ravenclaw wanted to cling on tightly to his wife, his jaw clenched as she began to leave him, he had to let her make her own decision. He gave her a small worried smile as his hands finally released from her, "Please don't cry," he pleaded, knowing how hard it was for her but his footsteps continued to move in her direction as he wanted nothing more than to make her happy. "You'll nail those exams I know it. You're so amazing." he added, finally forcing himself to stop walking before he ended up going through the gate himself. He smiled towards the love of his life, his eyes capturing every last moment while she was in front of him, knowing that that night would be one of his most lonely to date.
Cyan took her steps slowly, her heart beating in the same pattern. Cyan thought for a moment of her mother's diary. How her mother had given up her happiness, and while she hadn't regretted Cyan, she'd regretted not following her heart. So Cyan dig deep in the moment her lover's lips moved to speak to her. What was she doing. She turned to face the school, and then Aion once again. She'd brought everything with her hadn't she? She'd packed all her bags and not left a memory behind. Cyan faces the school for a few moments, and turned suddenly. She wasn't going to do this, she had no future in magic at the school. No future besides following Aion. "I can't." She whispered, arms suddenly around him. "Aion take me home." She pleaded, hoping he'd take her decision seriously. She was not going to give up a second of her time with him, to pretend to go to classes and be left to wonder where Aion was and if he was safe. Her father would have hunted her down if he'd known she was going to be a drop out, but she didn't care. Her heart told her this was where she needed to be - and she would listen to it.
Aion's eyebrows lowered for a moment as she hesitated, watching as she looked between him and the direction she needed to go. "Hey," he said suddenly, his voice in a comforting tone as before he realised what was happening she'd stepped back towards him. "Hey. What are doing?" he asked, holding her close immediately in her response, doing his best to keep the concern out of his voice. "What do you mean?" Aion took a small step back, hands still around her shoulders as he looked into her face for signs of what was going on her mind. He knew her own plans weren't necessarily in the fields taught at the school, but if she were to turn away now there would be no going back on her decision. NEWTs or not, Aion wanted her to be happy and seeing her pleading beside him he pulled her into a tug hug and he thought about what she was asking. He trusted her to know what she wanted, to know whether staying on would be something she would need, and he knew whichever route she took he would support her. "Are you sure?" he whispered into her hair. Their lives had been turned back to front multiple times over the last month, but the pair had become skilled at adjusting to new situations.
Cywn didn't want him to talk her out of it. Not now not ever. She always wanted to be by his side, and she wanted him to want her there. Perhaps he'd been looking forward to a break from her - maybe he needed time away. The girl hoped that wasn't the case though. She hoped he felt the same flutter in his chest and ache when they were apart. Cyan knew he'd have to be away from her sometimes, but six months was longer than she wanted to ever be away from the love of her life. "I'm positive." She murmured against him, wrapping herself in him closer. She wasn't ready to part. "I don't know what our futures hold, but there is nothing that school is going to give me other than heart ache of being away from you. My future is with you, not with this school." She said with a small laugh. "Besides, I don't want you to miss me so much you have to break in, or go cuddle with a wild animal." She teased. "So Aion, take me home, let's spend the rest of the day in bed and eat junk. Please?"
Aion was running a hand through his hair in frustration as she spoke, unsure of the best thing to do. He wanted to take them home, but what if Cyan came to regret his decision, and the fact he'd done so little to convince her otherwise? They didn't have long to decide what to do, but he chuckled at her words, the adrenaline running through his veins at the sudden change of heart. At the end of the day there wasn't too much left for her to learn at Hogwarts, and it wouldn't be long until they were learning new things on the road anyway. "Alright." he said simply, barely audible as he gave in to what they both wanted rather than what others may have considered the best option. One of his hands found her cheek, his green eyes searching hers for any sign of regret, "Alright. We can do this." he said honestly believing that they were in this together, they may as well go to the full distance. "Cyan I love you so much," he said as his heart poured against her, finally giving in to kiss her passionately. They weren't the most traditional of couples, anyone could see that, but it was and always had been what worked for them, and if Aion had to fill in the gaps of her education then he would, in the same way she'd filled in the gaps of his heart. He held her tighter as the realisation sank in that she really wasn't going anywhere, and the man only broke their kiss to focus on the place they called home.

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