Sweet Tooth

Ostensia Metzger

Well-Known Member
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Ostensia Romanes was more than thankful to have the day off. During the last year, Ostensia had acquired ownership to Madam Puddifoot's. It wasn't quite like the flower shop she had envision when she was younger, but in all honestly she actually preferred this more. Ostensia was still able to deal with flowers because she was constantly throwing some all over the store, but she was also able to cook and invent new recipe's. Ostensia had never realized how much fun cooking and baking could be. Especially when Ostensia needed to take her mind off things. It had been just about a year since Damian had ended things with Ostensia, and she wasn't as upset about it anymore. A part of her knew that she would probably always love him, even if it had become clear that things between the two of them were over with. But Ostensia had moved on from the person she was bad then. Ostensia had finally taken her own steps to becoming her own person. Ostensia had a job, hell she had her own shop for crying out loud. Ostensia also had Prodan. He was an unusual boyfriend, but Ostensia adored him. It wasn't the same feeling that she had felt for Damian, but Prodan was good to her, and Ostensia was so thankful that she had met him. Chances were though, he wasn't the one she was going to spend the rest of her life with. It didn't bother her though. Ostensia was working on depending on herself more than she did others, it was still a work in progress, but at least she was giving it an attempt. If things worked out in Ostensia's favor she should even have a place of her own to live in soon. That was actually what had brought her out into town today. Ostensia was in search of a place to call home. Whether that be an apartment, or a house, she just wanted a place of her own. Ostensia had been saving up for a couple of months so she had enough funds, it was just that she hadn't found the place yet.

"I probably shouldn't be so picky. That's why I haven't found anywhere yet." Ostensia thought to herself as she stepped into the familiar area of Tākarokaro Park. With her she had a box of uneaten donuts that she had purchased. Ostensia cursed herself for buying an entire box since she'd never be able to eat all dozen donuts by herself, but at least she'd have to share if someone came along that looked hungry enough. Ostensia located an empty bench that overlooked the playground and smiled. Hopefully it didn't seem weird, but Ostensia liked the idea of being able to watch the kids. All of them looked so happy and carefree. "It really makes me wish I could be a mom. I think I'd be a pretty awesome mom if I had the chance." Ostensia glanced down at her box of donuts and almost laughed. Well she wouldn't be perfect, but was any mom ever perfect? Ostensia carefully lifted one of the jelly filled donuts and brought it to her lips to take a small bite. Immediately, sugary goodness filled her mouth. It was kind of sad that Prodan wasn't here to enjoy this with her, but he was off tutoring some girl. He tutored her a lot actually. It was really sweet to know how willing he was to help another student though. He wasn't much for sweets or children anyways, he probably be a bum. Ostensia still liked him though. Ostensia finished the donut in her hand and wiped off the excess sugar on her pants. For a day off, sitting in the park with some sweets wasn't too bad. The blonde just wished that her house hunting would come to an end soon, or that she had some company to help her finish all of the sweets she had stupidly bought.
Faxen Lowart had spent all morning walking the streets of Brightstone Village, a place that held so many different memories for her. She had first met Lawrence Andrew Cavell here, and she had spent many a day in the village with her school sweetheart, Dymetris Kozlov. Faxen sighed out loud at the thought of those two particular people. She often wished she could go back to those days when her life had been so much simpler. Her biggest worry had been what Rumor Has It would say about her. It all seemed so trivial and insignificant now. There really were worse things in life. She had been so foolish not to see it. It had been almost two years since things had ended with Dymetris. It was hard for her to wrap her head around that. She hadn't fallen apart when she had seen him just a few weeks ago. Faxen still loved him, of course. A part of her always would. He was her first. However, Faxen had recovered and moved on. She had Enzo now, or at least she sort of had him. She knew he cared about her, and she cared about him even though they were not officially together. Somehow, things always felt right when they were together. The brunette wasn't sure what was going to come of their romance, but there would be no turning back now. She wasn't afraid of love anymore. She wasn't afraid to let him into her heart. He had always had a place there as her best friend. That place was just a little bit different now.

Faxen had been looking for a birthday present for one of her friends, but she was having a difficult time finding the right gift. However, she had managed to find several things for her closet as well as her apartment, so the whole morning had not been a waste of her time. It was a cool day, but Faxen was quite comfortable in her sweater dress and tights. She was wandering through Takarokaro Park, a place her mother had often brought them as kids, when she saw a familiar face. Ostensia Romanes. Faxen had not been friends with the girl in school, but they had known each other. Ostensia had been the Head Girl, and Faxen had been a prefect. The former Gryffindor really hadn't had many friends in school that were girls. She had spent most of her time her last two years with Dymetris. It had left her extremely lonely when they broke up. The slender brunette smiled and headed in her direction. "Hey Ostensia." she greeted the other girl. "It's been a long time. How have you been?" she asked in a friendly voice.
Ostensia was in the midst of gobbling down a powdered donut when she heard someone call her name. The blonde glanced to her right and let her eyes fall on a semi-familiar form that she hadn't seen in quite some time. "Crap! No one I know was supposed to see me here!" Stuffing her face full of donuts, how lady-like. Ostensia dropped the donut back into the box and wiped the powdered sugar onto her worn jeans. The person greeting Ostensia was none other than Faxen Lowart. Ostensia and Faxen weren't particularly close in school, in fact Ostensia had only talked to her on a few occasions due to her being a Prefect and in the same year as she was. For the most part they both had their boyfriends and their own lives to attend to. "Oh, hello Faxen!" Ostensia greeted warmly. She would have tried shaking hands with her or something, but she doubted that Faxen would enjoy feeling sticky powdered sugar on Ostensia's hands. It was really awkward seeing someone she sort of knew, but she wasn't about to be rude towards her. It wasn't in Ostensia's nature. Faxen had asked how Ostensia was, and that was enough to make the blonde pause before she said anything else. Did Ostensia really feel like telling a former classmate that she barely knew about all of her problems and meek accomplishments?

Not one bit. "I've been better. I'm supposed to be hunting for a new place, but as you can see....that's not going so well." Ostensia gestured to the box of donuts she had been devouring. Unless Faxen pressed on why she wasn't doing so well, Ostensia was going to avoid mentioning that she and Damian broke up. But if she did ask, it wasn't like she could lie. It just felt weird admitting that she and Damian were no longer a couple, especially since a lot of people thought they were going to make it far. "How about you? Donut?" Ostensia questioned as she held the box up. Might as well share so she had a shot at not gaining a pound or two from all the donuts she had consumed. It wasn't going to help Prodan stay interested in her if she gained a lot of weight from all the sweets she ate. Ostensia wasn't fat or anything, but she knew she could stand to lose some weight, and the sweets weren't going to help. Perhaps Faxen had been fairing better than she had since Graduation.
Faxen nodded her head at Ostensia's answer, understanding the feeling. She herself was doing so much better than she had been a year ago. Her life wasn't perfect, but she was feeling much happier with it these days. Faxen could see something in the other girl's eyes that told her not to pry as to why she had been better. It wasn't as if they had ever been close; she did not wish to invade Ostensia's privacy. "I understand. I'm trying to decided if I should stay in my apartment or move. My lease ends in May." she said. The brunette smiled as she was offered a donut. She shrugged her shoulders. "Why not? Who could turn down a donut?" she said with a grin on her face. "Sweets are my weakness." she said, jokingly. The petite young woman had lost too much weight after her break up with Dymetris. Grief had stolen her appetite as it always did. She could stand to gain a few pounds. Faxen picked up a donut and sat down on the bench next to Ostensia.

Faxen thought for a moment before answering Ostensia's question. "I'm doing better these days. I run Quality Quidditch Supplies in the Harbour, and I'm playing small shows on nights and weekends." she told her former classmate. Her answer implied that she had not been doing well at one point. Faxen wasn't sure if the former head girl had heard that Faxen and Dymetris broke up in the months following graduation. "Do you keep in contact with many people from our class?" she asked, curious. Most of Faxen's friends these days were not her fellow year mates. She spent most of her time with Sara, Jeremy, and Enzo. Enzo was the only one she had been friends with previously.

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