Closed Surprise for Daintree.

Jenna Jusantrea -Maxwell

🐺Dragonologists , Sweden dragon reservation🐉
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Austin )
Sexual Orientation
Austin ❤️
Pear Wand 11 5/8" Mermaid Scale
21(10June, 2038.)
Jenna was so excited about the gift for Daintree. She take her hands the tickets and blanket of Hogwarts. Jenna hoped that he would be liked the blanket and there somtimes was cold days and if he get somtimes lonely and he can take the blanket and get warm and there was tickets to quiddditch mach and play would be quiddditch and play Kaikōura Kea. Jenna hoped that Daintree liked the blanket and tickets.

@Daintree Vaskevold
Daintree didn’t usually celebrate his birthday, without his birthday or the ability to hold parties he had long since sort of given up on his birthday really being a thing, but Jenna on the other hand had wanted to do something. Wanted to meet him somewhere so that he could celebrate it. He found her eventually and smiled, ”Hey Jenna,” he greeted as he approached and then pressed a quick kiss on her cheek.
"Daintree, Happy birthday and i hope you like my present! There is nice and warm blanket. When you winter days get lonely and you can take blanket and think of me " Jenna kised Daintree and she hoped that him liked the tickets to and there was tickets.
Daintree smiled warmly at the greeting, ”Thanks Jenna,” he took the blanket and held it in his hands, he would certainly think of her and he might not use it a whole lot but it would always make him think of her. He leaned into the kiss and smiled at her. ”This is perfect,” he told her, since to him it very much was just perfect. Perfectly good present. He didn’t need anything more, though he got the impression there would maybe be a little more.
"i'm glad you liked my Daintree but there is Quiddditch game tickets to. " She kissed Daintree to the lips and she gave him out from the present box and gave Daintrer. "I know how much you love flying" She blushed.

@Daintree Vaskevold
Daintree looked at the quidditch tickets and smiled, with his muggle family he’d never actually seen a professional quidditch game, he had had no reason to really, but now he did with the tickets to go along with it. ”This is a lot Jenna,” he told her, ”I appreciate it, I do, I can’t wait to go, but this is a lot,” he was used to giving lots of big gifts not so much receiving them. But it was nice, nice of her to have done this for him.
"I'm glad you like it! Shall we go the breakfast? I'm a little hungry" Jenna blushed and she missed a lot toust, egs and bacon. She wanted eat and day will be better now.

@Daintree Vaskevold
Daintree nodded, ”Sure, okay,” he said. He held out his hand to her, intending to walk hand in hand with her to the great hall. This was sure to be a good birthday.
Jenna take Daintree hand and started walk together to grate hall. She was happie and relifed that Daintree liked her present and that was important to her.

@Daintree Vaskevold

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