Surfs Up!

Mackenzie Mitchell

Hufflepuff Grad | Retired Surfer | Eeylop's staff
OOC First Name
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Mackenzie could still remember the feeling of elation she felt when she graduated from Hogwarts New Zealand. Mostly because it meant she was able to turn her back on the world she had been forced into at the tender age of eleven. A few years later and Mackenzie was finally piecing her life together back in Gold Coast, she was able to salvage herself a career as a professional surfer, though she was a shadow of what she could have been had she not spent seven years in a ridiculous magical boarding school. Three years down the line and Mackenzie had full extracted herself from the magical world and she had never been happier.

It was a warm summer day, perfect surfing conditions. Mackenzie had been out on the waves most of the morning and had now retreated to the beach front bar. She was nursing what was her second cocktail having given up on her training for the day. The beach was quiet, as it usually was in the middle of a week day. It was one of the perks of being a professional surfer, she would often get the beach almost to herself, at least the parts of the beaches she used for her training.
Oh Merlin how sick was Audrey having to study almost the whole day now. Her parents had high expectation for her and Audrey was willing to commit to the standard that they had set. But enough with all the studying. Audrey made her way to the beach in down under, she wasn't sure what she was doing in Australia. Perhaps she needed to stay away from the family for a little bit. The fifteen years old took her beach towel and spread it on the sand. She took a sunscreen and smeared it all over her body before eyeing a beautiful girl not too far from her. She was like a beautiful mermaid, surfing, owning the sea. Once she looked back to the shore, Audrey gave her a smile and a girly wave hoping that the girl would come and approach her. Audrey's parents were no where near her hence she could do whatever she wanted even if she knew that they were against it.
Mackenzie never felt more comfortable than when her feet were on board and she could feel the spray of the ocean on her face. She was glad she was back to having that feeling everyday and was no longer suffocated by Hogwarts. Decided it was time to return to shore for the day Mackenzie made her way back to the beach and placed her board in the sand. She ran her fingers through her hair to undo any knots and flipped it back. Looking around the beach she spotted a young girl who had smiled and waved at her. The former Huffepuff waved back, blushing slightly, suddenly self conscious about what she was wearing. Mackenzie made her way over to the girl not really sure if she was doing the right thing. "Hi," she said shyly. "Were you watching me?"
The sly, flirty smile on Audrey's face grew larger as she saw the girl walking to approach her. Her eyes continued to follow her as she checked her from top to bottom. Merlin was she beautiful. "Hey" her dreamy voice came out. "You mean the beauty of the sea? I certainly was" she patted on the towel, gesturing the girl to sit right next to her. "I'm Audrey, Audrey Crawley" she certainly was flirting with her. If her parents were there, they would grab her by the hand and made her leave instantly. Good thing they weren't there to humiliate the fifteen years old.
The sound of the girls voice made her tingle, though she put it down to being a little cold since getting out of the water. Mackenzie smirked when the girl said she had been watching the sea, she knew it wasn't the case. She happily joined her on the towel when she patted it. Not wasting time, Mackenzie took a seat on the towel right next to her so they were touching. "I'm Mackenzie, Mackenzie Mitchell, nice to meet you Audrey," Mackenzie took the girls hand once she had offered it and kissed the back of it.
The girl came and sat right next to Mackenzie, Audrey had butterfly in her stomach when their skin touched. It had been a long time since she got to hang out with anyone beside her fellow ambitious nerds. The brunette was not expecting for the girl to kiss her hand, this is great. She took a sun screen and placed it Mackenzie's outward thigh "do you mind helping me in applying the sun screen? I can't seem to reach my back" she smiled sweetly with a glimpse of slyness.
Mackenzie didn't expect to feel the way she did when she and Audrey's skin touched. She certainly didn't expect what the girl asked of her. Despite her initial bravado Mackenzie blushed when she was asked if she could help apply sunscreen to Audrey's back. "Sure, I'd be happy to," She said taking the bottle and moving to sit behind the girl, she poured some of the cream into her hand and began to rub it into the girls back.
Once Mackenzie finished Audrey smiled at her and gave the girl a quick kiss on the cheek "Thank you" she said and closed the lid of the sun screen. She took her sunglasses away and put it on her head so that her eyes can finally meet with Mackenzie's without anything between them, or in this case it was the dark glass. "Tell me about yourself" not that Audrey was interested in any of the details but she wanted to know who she was talking to and see if she could relate to the girl.
Mackenzie was a little disappointed when she finished applying the sunscreen, not that she would admit to it. She was glad when Audrey removed her glasses and she could see the girls eyes, she had beautiful eyes. When Audrey asked about her, Mackenzie thought about what she could tell her so she didn't sound boring. "I'm actually a professional surfer, so I'm out here most days practicing, I don't see my parents all that much, I'm single, to be honest I don't do much other than surf, its kind of my life," She blushed after talking about herself. "Tell me about you,"
"Oh la laa, a professional surfer you say? Audrey bit her lower lip. "I have a huge passion in food science and will pursue it later in life" she should know what it was if she wasn't one of those snobbish pureblood? Audrey leaned toward Mackenzie "I am too... Single" she started to nibble on her ears and sat back just to tease her. Her sly smile appeared once again as she fixed her hair, locking her eyes at Mackenzie's. Her judgment summarized that Mackenzie wouldn't mind being with girls but she could always slap Audrey's face because of her first move. After all not everyone was interested in such thing.
Mackenzie blushed when Audrey seemed impressed by what she did for a living. She felt a jolt when the girl placed her hand on her leg. She couldn't believe Audrey was talking about her career plans as if it was normal to do so while stroking her thigh. A decision was made in Mackenzie's mind when Audrey said she was also single, though she seemed to make the same one as she nibbled on her ear, Mackenzie closed her eyes and giggled as she did. When the girl sat back Mackenzie leaned forward and planted her lips on Audrey's.
Audrey placed her hand gently on the older girl's cheek as she placed the other one on her back, moving her hands down to her hips. Mackenzie was something else, the kiss was definitely different than any other men or women who were full of lust.She pulled away and rested her forehead on Mackenzie's.
Mackenzie couldn't believe the passion Audrey was showing as she broke away from her lips and began kissing her jaw and neck. The gentle bites she got gave a feeling she had never had before, and she loved it. She didn't know where Audrey had come from but she wouldn't let her go anytime soon. Mackenzie placed her hands in Audrey's hair while she kissed her neck and before she knew it she had kissed her again, more aggressive than before and almost as quickly she pulled away and rested her forehead on hers. Mackenzie was breathless, her face deep red. She held her hands up to stroke Audrey's cheeks and smile at her. "You are amazing," She said her breath heavy.
Audrey leaned forward as her lips crashed to Mackenzie's once more before kissing her forehead and sat up. "You sure are one special girl, Mackenzie" she winked at her. "What's next?" Audrey was dying for Mackenzie to bring her back to her place so that they could do more things together. The beach was too public and she didn't want any of her cousins to catch her making out with a woman, she knew how outraged her parents would be if they found out about what she did.
Mackenzie was beaming. She hadn't expected this when she came out to surf that morning. Every kiss from Audrey set her skin on fire in the best possible way. She blushed when Audrey called her special and was too out of breath to respond. Surfing had tired her out, makibg out with Audrey had pushed her over the edge. "I'm done surfing for the day, I have a house on the front, you should come back with me," Mackenzie smiled at her before placing her hands on her cheeks and kissing her aggressively then quickly getting to her feet and holding out her hand for Audrey. "Coming?"

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