Closed Support

Dimitri Jeffreys

Daring- Bored- Adventurous
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
10-inch flexible black walnut with Fwooper Feather Core
9/24/2028 (30)
Tri was up and going again, and he'd decided to take the time to go and see Ares play a quidditch game. He'd spent some of the little money he had on team merch, sporting a team shirt with Ares' number on it. He was sitting in the crowd, sipping on a drink he'd picked up and waiting for the game to start, swinging his legs a little. Everyone around him seemed to have come with friends or family, and he couldn't help but feel just a little left out sitting at the end of a bench by himself. It was like there was a bubble around him, there was an empty space surrounding him. Did he smell bad? He thought he'd put on cologne after he'd showered that morning. He watched the field, waiting for the game to start. He had to admit he was a little excited, he'd never been out for a game like this before.
Ever since she moved in with her best friend Freya had made some sort of transformation into someone that actually enjoyed watching quidditch. She had never been a huge fan of it at school and still didn't appreciate seeing her friend get hurt if by an odd chance he got hit, but she did have a newfound appreciation for the sport. For supporting Asaiah at the very least. So here she was again, making her way through the stands to find herself a good spot to see him play. In all honesty she had run a bit late and the stands were pretty crowded already, which made finding a spot like that just a bit more difficult. Eventually she noticed a party empty bench though, making her way further through the stand with a couple of 'sorry's and 'excuse me's untill she reached it. Freya smiled at the man on the bench as a way of greeting, looking down at her own Macaw's scarf for a second when she noticed he was wearing a shirt of the other team. Hopefully, he wouldn't be too bothered by her sitting there.
Tri glanced up when he saw movement from the corner of his eye. His face lit up and he smiled brightly at the girl, even if she was supporting the other team. "Hello!" he greeted, Russian accent still thick. The game hadn't started yet, so he decided to socialize instead. "Quidditch is exciting game, yes?" He asked, turning to look back over the field. "It is my first time watching it," he chattered, turning to smile happily at the girl again. "Are you here to support someone or just to watch game?"
Freya turned her head towards the man next to her when he greeted her. "Hi." She smiled in return, happy that he seemed to be friendly and even up for a conversation despite the fact that they were supporting different teams. "Yeah, it is." She nodded, agreeing that it was kind of exciting. She had learned to enjoy it, even if she didn't enjoy to see people get hit by bludgers. Nor Asaiah being the one to do the hitting. She knew it was part of the game though, that players knew what they signed up for when they joined and she just kept telling herself that anytime someone got hit. Freya looked a little surprised when the guy said it was his first time watching, especially since he was already repping the team he was supporting in one of their shirts. "Let's just hope it'll be a good game then." She smiled, although there was little doubt in her mind that it wouldn't. "My friend." She answered when he asked if she was supporting anyone, trying to point out Asaiah when the teams walked onto the pitch. "The guy over there, with the bat." She added, before turning back to look at him. "You?"
Dimitri smiled, watching where she was pointing and smiling. "I am here for Ares, chaser, there," he pointed to Ares on the opposite team, waving excitedly even though he knew the other man probably couldn't see him. Dimitri laughed. "He is my almost boyfriend," he chuckled. "I will win him over soon," he sighed dreamily, watching Ares. "So I support him at his job," he smiled, looking to the girl. "Dimitri," he introduced, holding out his hand.
Freya laughed when the guy next to her pointed at one of the men on the opposing team and started waving excitedly even if it he probably knew as well as she did that there was little chance he would even notice them up there in the stands. She smiled when he said the man he was waving at was his almost boyfriend. "Sound like you got a plan." She said, kind of impressed with how confident he seemed about his case. "Where does the almost come in though? Like you guys are sort of dating but not official?" Freya asked, although she wondered if he would even share that with her. They were complete and utter strangers after all. He seemed nice enough though so maybe he just might. "Freya." She smiled as she shook her hand, introducing herself in return.
Tri chuckled, relaxing back against the seat as they waited for the game to start. "I do, yes." He winked playfully. He smiled as she introduced herself and brushed his hair from his eyes. "I am still wooing him, Freya," he winked. "He is stubborn, thinks he is boring, but I know better," Tri laughed. "I'll get him yet. Do you come to these games often?" He asked, thinking it would be nice to make a friend.
Freya was kind of happy Dimitri didn't seem to mind sharing his dating story with her. She chuckled when he mentioned he was still wooing the other man, still a little envious of the confidence he seemed to have in himself concerning his dating adventure. "I don't doubt it." She smiled when he said he'd get his guy, honestly not even doubting it even if she had literally just met the guy. If the other guy likes him and he was as confident with him as he was talking about him then it seemed a reasonable thing to think. "Yeah, pretty much all of them." Freya laughed at his question. "I wasn't too fond of it at the beginning," She admitted honestly. "But I've grown to appreciate it."
Tri smiled, laughing lightly. "We should be friends, Freya," He told her, cheering as the players took off into the air. He watched them, though he continued his conversation with the woman. "How do you know your player, devushka?" He asked, smiling at her.
Freya laughed when Dimitri said they should be friends, not sure anyone had ever been so straightforward with her about something like that. Then again it wasn't like she had tons of friends. "I'll take you up on that." She smiled, definitely not opposed to making a new friend. When he asked her how she knew Asaiah it took her a secon to answer. "He's my.. best friend." She answered, "Plus we live together so you know instead of him telling me about his matches anyways I figured I'd might as well just come and support him everytime."
Tri laughed lightly. "Freya, devushka, if he is just your 'best friend' I will eat hat," he shook his head, watching Ares flying in the sky. "Tell me, how long have you liked your roommate?" He asked, turning to give her a knowing smile. He was jumping, sure, but the way she had mentioned said that made him think there was more to that story.
Freya knew she hadn't been completely confident in her own words so it didn't surprise her when Dimitri didn't believe it either. She laughed at his remark of eating a hat, shaking her head. "Quite a while." She admitted with a small nod. "I do know he likes me too though," Freya added with a small smile, recalling how relieved she had been to figure that out. Especially with how scared she was things would get awkward for them living together when he didn't.
Dimitri chuckled, watching the players. "I am glad you know. You are nice, I hope he deserves your affection," he commented idly, his look growing a little longing as he watched Ares with the Quaffle. "I can not help but wonder some of time if my affections are misplaced," he sighed, brushing his hair back. "It has been slow trying to catch his attention. It is hard to see if he is fond of me or if I am just stubborn Russian boy who pesters constantly for his time." He admitted. Between the months of walking that had slowly led to quiet dinners, Tri had to wonder if Ares would ever need him in the same way he was starting to need the stubborn Quidditch player.

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