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Cairo Keller

Muggle Studies 3-4 | Addictive personality type
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Though a witch, Cairo had lived a decidedly muggle life for most of her adulthood. Only her recent divorce from her muggle husband had brought her back into the fold of magic and landed her dream job as one of the Muggle Studies professors at Hogwarts. Talking about muggles all day excited her and she was prepared for her first batch of students. However, this return to magic also inevitably meant dusting off her wand, long neglected in the drawer. While muggles say you never forget how to ride a bike, she quickly learnt it was not the same with magic. Even simple spells tripped her tongue, and though she could get by without magic, she was unable to cast the tracking charm she needed for the upcoming field trip. So, with damp palms and feeling nervous, Cairo, a seasoned woman now unsure of herself, tapped politely on the Charms professor's door. She braced herself to be laughed at for her first year worthy skills but hopeful she could be helped.

@Professor Mallory Corrins
Mallory was really suffering from baby fever. She didn't want to rush Atkin, but she wanted babies, and she had no idea how to go about it without sounding pushy. So, she was trying to just prepare instead, and had an office full of baby things. Clothes, blankets, books, she was going over all of them and cooing happily to herself, imagining a little baby. Of course, most of it was boys items, as her sister had a little boy she could give them to, but still, she could admire them all before passing them along, couldn't she? She was humming happily as she folded more clothes, before she heard the knock on her door. She stopped, and with a flick of her wrist the door opened. "Oh, Hello Professor!" She greeted cheerily. "Come in, come in. How can I help you?" She asked with a bright smile, setting the clothes aside and turning to the woman.
Cairo returned the Charms Professor's smile whilst trying not to look too surprised that the door opened itself. She was still getting used to magic being ordinary here. "Please, just Cairo is fine," she expressed, feeling a bit awkward being addressed as Professor by a proper Professor. Her gaze swept across the array of baby items, a slight discomfort settling in as someone who hadn't experienced motherhood herself. "Oh, those are adorable," she commented, trying to find common ground despite feeling out of place. "It's not urgent, I can come back later if you are busy?" Cairo reassured quickly although really hoping to avoid any need for a return visit.
Mallory smiled brightly, clearing space in one of the chairs by her desk. "Please then, Cairo, it's Mallory." She offered in turn, shaking her head quickly at the womans words. "Oh no, please come in. I'm just putting together a basket for my sister, she just had the most adorable little boy," She gushed, sweeping everything onto the couch by the door. "I'll put on some tea, would you like some?" She asked, her tea set jumping to make a few cups.
The Charms Professor introduced herself as Mallory and her warm demeanour helped Cairo relax, prompting her to accept the offered seat. "Oh congratulations!" a smile lighting up her face. "Are you aunt, aunty or something else entirely?" As Mallory extended the offer for tea, Cairo nodded, "Tea would be lovely. One sugar. Thank you." The Charms Professor seemed comfortable in her office, not like Cairo who didn't know what to do with herself in her's. She expected she would take some time to settle in. "How long have you worked here?" She asked, hoping to understand a little more about the woman. "And any tips for the newbie?"
Mallory giggled, settling into her own chair. "Oh, I'll be a tetushka!" She explained. "Basically just the Russian term for 'auntie'," The tea came over and she picked up her own. "Oh, goodness... A few years now, at least," She chuckled. "More than I'd care to admit." She sipped on her drink. "But you beat me to it- I was going to come down later with a welcome basket for you," She chuckled. "I suggest you don't take the cranky students to heart, and come by often to get a cup of tea and visit," She gave the woman a friendly smile.

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