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Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
OOC First Name
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Interested in Somebody
Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (25)
Poppy had been pleasantly surprised by the change in scenery when she entered the great hall. She didn't have a date to the ball this year, the same as every other year, even though she had tried to put herself out their with that speed dating nonsense. But it was becoming clear to her that she just couldn't rush things and when she really thought about it she didn't mind being on her own. She made her way quickly to the snack table and grabbed a cup of feijoa juice and started walking around the hall taking in all the new decorations. She paused to look at the flowers and found herself humming and swaying along to the music. She looked over her shoulder and scanned the dance floor. It was too early in the night for many people to be dancing yet but she bit her lip and wondered if she would find someone to just dance with, not that she was above dancing by herself it it came to it.
Shale was gradually starting to feel less and less out of place back in New Zealand, but stepping into the Great Hall for the Yule Ball she immediately felt like she was in an entirely different world to her own once again. She had started getting used to summer Christmases when she had lived here before, but actually seeing such a summery celebration in the Great Hall after getting used to Scottish Christmases, it was... jarring, to say the least. She edged her way over towards the tables, though on her way she spotted a familiar face, relieved for the distraction. She gave Poppy a hesitant smile as she approached the girl, noticing the gorgeous layers of her dress. "Hi Poppy... you look really nice... uh, are you enjoying the ball?"
Poppy turned around quickly and could feel the layers of her dress take flight ever so slightly. "Hi!" she said brightly and probably a little too enthusiastically when she saw Shale. Of all the people she had talked to at the speed dating event Shale had been the only one she felt disappointed about when their time was up. She knew next to nothing about the other girl but she seemed...nice. Or at least she seemed like she wouldn't think Poppy was an absolute weirdo for the things she liked. "Thanks, you look great too." she said and felt her cheeks grow a little warm. "I am. It's so nice to see it decorated like this." Poppy said quickly, her words almost bunching together. "But you're not that used to summer Christmas are you?" she asked with a smile, remembering that she was from England.
Shale smiled when Poppy complimented her, relieved that the company didn't seem to be bothering the younger girl. She shook her head when Poppy asked about summer Christmas. "Nah, it's proper weird. Doesn't feel like Christmas at all, really. But I bet it's nice for you lot." She shrugged slightly, looking around the hall before glancing back at Poppy. "You got any plans for the night?" She asked, hoping she sounded more casual than she felt. It would be nice to have someone to spend the evening with, and Poppy was definitely good company.
Poppy smiled as Shale spoke. "I don't know. I kind of liked the winter theme or maybe I had just gotten used to it." she said with a shrug and a small chuckle. "But it's nice to have a change of scenery once in a while." When Shale asked her what her plans were, Poppy wasn't sure how to answer. She thought it was kind of obvious that she didn't really have any plans. "You're looking at it." she said and gestured broadly around the hall before tucking a few stray strands of her hair behind her ears. "But my goal is to find someone to dance with me." she admitted sheepishly a moment later.
Shale nodded at Poppy's response, figuring it made sense to get used to something like that over time. "Yeah, the change is pretty cool." She commented, though to her it still felt jarringly unchristmassy. She listened when Poppy talked about her plans, surprising herself with how pleased she was to hear the Ravenclaw had come alone, especially when she mentioned finding someone to dance with. "Well, uh, I'm not the best dancer, but..." She shrugged, the offer clear in her tone. She didn't much enjoy dancing, but Shale couldn't help thinking that dancing with Poppy sounded... really nice.
Poppy found herself staring at the ceiling, swaying back and forth, enjoying the way her dress floated around her. But her attention snapped back to Shale when she mentioned she wasn't a good dancer. She looked at the other girl hopefully. "Well, I'm not very good either." she said quickly. It was true she wasn't technically a good dancer but she generally made up for it with enthusiasm. "I did take some dance lessons a couple years ago. I can probably teach you a little bit. But it might be a little...misremembered." she added excitedly, nearly bouncing, but tried to back track just a little so Shale didn't get the wrong idea. The dance lessons from Professor Castillo and Nurse Josephine were good but it had been a while since she had but them to good use.
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