Sunrise, sunset.

Jake Simpson

Well-Known Member
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
What a wonderful sunset for Jake, the now third year Slytherin embraced the evening sun as it lit up his already bright smile, he had no idea why he was so happy on this day, it could have been the sunny atmosphere of the cliffs, or it could have very well been just the weather smiling back at him as he stood on the edge of the cliff, staring down at the bottom of the sheer drop. Jake had never been afraid of heights, his fear was social interaction, he was afraid of strangers bullying him because of what had happened when he was younger, this brought him to be afraid of anybody in general, even people he knew. He had made the decision to face his fear many times before, but he hadn't had the courage to go through with it just yet. So why was he standing on the edge of a cliff, ready to conquer a fear that had nothing to do with heights? It didn't make sense to him at all, but it managed to amuse the Slytherin, to the point where he pleasantly smirked out into the endless horizon.

Because of his past, Jake wasn't the kind of person to trust somebody straight away, but he was close to trusting a few people, the problem was he didn't know them well enough, and vice versa. In fact, most of the friends he had made hardly knew anything about his home life, he didn't see them outside of school at all, but he wanted those friends to know him better. Alas, he didn't want to burden them either. Jake cared about his friends and wanted them to stay happy, even if it meant that he had to avoid them. The Slytherin took a small step away from the boundary of the cliff and casually sat down on the grass, still facing the horizon with a smirk, pleased with the fact that he hadn't been called a name yet today, something he was proud of. Maybe Jake was finally starting to look normal. The sun was starting to set and the bright blue sky was turning into a bright shade of orange, a beautiful sight for Jake to gaze at to end his peaceful day.
Cosette wanted to sketch something, anything that would fascinate her eyes. The Garden and the lake were common places she'd been hanging out from time to time, there were no changes at all. On the other hand it's been a while since she'd been strolling around the cliff. It was wonderful day to sketch outside the castle, as the weather complimented her mood she went straight ahead to the cliffs. Bringing her sketchbook, a couple of pencils, eraser along with her. It wasn't that hot nor was it was cold that she decided to dress up comfortably for today. Her Burburry scarf wrapped around her neck. Cosette passed by different students, some were glancing at her as if they saw an alien in front of them alive. Ignoring their looks she continued walking until she reached her destination. She decided to sit under a tree, positioning herself as all her things were fixed beside her. Even though Cosette wasn't that inspired she taught of something unusual to draw. A horse and a cute little dog together, she wanted to a pet ever since she was little, too bad her parents objected. She then got a small amount of her auburn her and twirled it, until it curl behind her ear.

Starting with the straight lines followed by the curve lines and shading, Cosette begun to draw her imagination of a horse and a puppy to be exact. Just when she was about to continue finish her sketch he saw a boy, he looked very familiar indeed. Obviously the boy wasn't scared of heights as he was at the edge of the cliff sitting. She was wanted to approach her but wasn't sure if it was great idea to do. Instead she remained still on the ground waiting for the boy to move. Not that Cosette is afraid of heights, she just wasn't used to being placed at the edge of a deep hole. Finally, she got the courage to approach the boy and ask him if he was just fine. "Hey." she said to him with a firm voice. As the boy was still concentrating on his though Cosette turned her head to see if there were any students who followed her.
Watching the sunset was eerily peaceful for the third year, which made for a preferred change to the Slytherin's usual environment. He was used to being scared of the people around him, and being paranoid of any social interaction. Finding where his courage lied was the only thing he could do to obtain any form of confidence, pretending like he was sure of himself had become all too much for the thirteen year old, putting a stop to all lying he had been doing to his friends would never be an easy feat, but if he started sooner, he would finish sooner. Jake's deep thinking was interrupted by a familiar voice; the third year took his gaze away from the horizon to see Cosette, a girl he had met once before. "Oh, hey." Jake replied, he wasn't sure quite how to act, this being nothing different to his usual anxieties. From their first meeting, Jake drew the conclusion Cosette was kind, much the opposite of his housemates. As the small remnants of a smile appeared on Jake's lips, he noticed Cosette was carrying a notebook. "May I take a look?" queried the Slytherin. He had remembered that Cosette liked to sketch, she had mentioned it to him in their previous meeting. Naturally, he was curious as to what her drawings were like, most of all what she drew. Jake had grown accustom to drawing cartoon characters, his favourites being super heroes.
Cosette just noticed that the sun was setting, she was amazed and decided to adore it's beauty for a while before seeing the boys reaction. Once contented she glance back at the boy to see who it was,"Jake?" she mumbled. Her past thoughts entered her head immediately and she was left just staring at the boy. The last time the two met was just a bit of a tragic story for her, shaking her head she decided to restart their friendship. But before she could even say a word, Jake instantly noticed her sketchbook along with her. She dropped her eyes on the ground before even answering his question. "I'm not sure if you would like it." Cosette told him slightly nervous. Though everyone adored her sketch she still felt a bit scared to show it to others. It was mostly full of nature, people and unusual things. Pencil and charcoal were the only main things she uses, as she sees the world black and white at time.

The third year shrugged at Cosette, he didn't care how bad she thought her drawings were, and he knew they couldn't be anything like what he drew. Her drawings would be a whole lot better than his, that's for sure. "I don't mind, but if you don't want to show me that's fine." Said the thirteen year old, smiling warmly at the Hufflepuff. He had always avoided showing another his cartoons, to the point that nobody else had seen them, it was Jake's natural reaction to understand where Cosette was coming from. "So, how have you been?" Asked the third year as he gestured for Cosette to sit next to him and enjoy the view from the cliffs. Changing the subject to avoid the awkward silence that could possibly commence, Jake felt was an acceptable decision to make. Talking to Cosette seemed different now, this was most likely due to the calm day Jake had experienced, either that or just the plain and simple fact that he was now becoming adjusted to being in Cosette's presence, which he had gone through with every friend he had made.
Cosette wasn't sure if she should show her drawing to Jake, it was awkward having other people to look at it. She didn't know how to respond that Cosette decided to simply nod, as she bowed down her head a bit shy. No one was ever allowed to take a look at her pictures until she felt it was the right person with the right time. Her drawings were her sanctuary, her privacy, this one the only thing that keeps her at peace. As she wasn't much of a sporty person at all, though she loved to jog every morning. Mostly along the lakefront during mornings. "Uhm, I'm well. Thank You. How about you?" she answered as she slowly tilted her head upward. Now, she was looking at Jake's way, she could sense that he was also feeling awkward just her. Cosette tried to smile to lift up their conversation.
The Slytherin had started to feel more comfortable around Cosette, although it was gradual. Jake was the kind of person to withdraw himself from a situation that wasn't going to turn out right, which he didn't plan to do in this circumstance. The third year ran a hand through his jet black hair, before letting out a sigh. He was content, there was no doubt that Jake was calm, but there was something more he felt, he just couldn't place it. It could have been a feeling of boredom, as the thirteen year old was dissatisfied with everything around him. "I've just been, normal I guess." Jake replied, he needed a change, whether it was moving away or just a simple haircut. No matter the change, Jake was sure it would change how he acted socially. Faking confidence was one thing, but actually having a smidgeon of real confidence was something rarely found. "Are you alright?" Jake asked, as he noticed Cosette seemed a tad askew, the polite and caring thing to do was ask, which is what the Slytherin did.
Cosette wasn't sure where this conversation will be going, at this point she needed to separate the awkwardness. It was just their second meeting after all, "Normal? Normal isn't good" she teased him sounding a bit sarcastically. For her normal was just really over rated, Cosette smiled hoping Jake didn't took it in the wrong wrong. It was her opinion after all, she then noticed Jake loves to fix his hair from time to time. Is this the sign that he was nervous? "1..2.. 3.." and she continued on counting upon reaching for the number ten. "I am now." she cheered as her face and eyes began to glow more. "Now, How about we talk about something else? Mind if we sit over here?" Cosette asked. She pointed out a tree near them, Cosette was hoping for a fun day ahead her.
The Slytherin shrugged at Cosette's suggestion, maybe it would be better to move to the nearby tree, that way he would be out of the sun, well, a little out of the sun at least. "Okay, let's go." Said the third year as he stood up and made his way over to the tree, he made sure to sit in the shade, to eliminate the possibility of getting sunburnt, which was still not very high at that time of day, but Jake didn't want to take the risk. "Um, I don't know what to talk about now." Said the thirteen year old before he ran a rand through his hair yet again, a habit of his that only showed itself when he didn't know what to do in a situation, and in this case, he didn't know what to say to Cosette. It was fair enough because they had only crossed paths once before and they hardly knew anything about each other, but Jake wanted to get to know Cosette more, he just didn't know quite how to initiate it.

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