Sunday Afternoons

Maddiie Holland

Al. Hufflepuff | Werewolf
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
For the past few years, Maddiie had kept a secret nobody knew about. It wasn't much of a secret but she never told anyone about it, for no particular reason. The journal she had purchase way back when she first started Hogwarts was actually a book she was writing. It was sort of base on a girl who had the same sickness as Maddiie, but a muggel girl who was struggling with it. She made it this way because she always wanted to know what if the said curse she had was actually a sickness. It was complicated if you read the passage of chapters, but than again she wasn't finish editing completely, or finish with the book itself. Her deadline would of been the end of her 7th year of Hogwarts but it didn't seem that would be the case, so hard to write a book she sighs.

Since the weekdays were her busiest time of days, she hardly wrote in her book. The only time she really had was Sundays, which worked out in a way, and since everyone went out on the weekends. The great hall was emptied, except for a few students who were having their lunch unlike Maddiie who had a half eaten sandwich at her side, with a cup of fruit punch at the left of her plate. And right smacked in front of her was her book, Maddiie writing scurried away.

She was up to her eight chapter, the main character of her book, as she stated again was a muggel. She had no clue their was such a thing as a wizaring world, didn't even know that world exist, a girl at mere age of 14 who was struggling with this mysterious sickness. Her mother, a single mother of three had kept her daughter locked away, whenever the sickness occurred. It was brutal for the girl struggling with this unknown famine, never knowing if there ever was a cure for this. This had kept her away from making friends, but she had found comfort in a girl, but this girl was not from the human world. Well she look like a human, it was getting harder to explain. Maddiie sat holding side of her face, see it didn't much make sense, which why she was sitting in the great hall. Were she felt comfortable writing her book but she was stuck. Sighs, I hate this part she thought to herself.

How could she finish a story when she too was struggling with this curse of a sickness, and didn't know if there was a cure for it. The last person who was helping her with this, was a nurse, actually yes was is the correct word for it. He had passed away, and Maddiie still wasn't sure what had happen. She wasn't sure if she should just continue to think outside of the book, and cure the girl sickness. Or just kill her slowly at the end, greatful that she met this girl in her short life. Even though her mother had told her several times their no such thing as a world on the other side of the mirror. Maddiie sighed again, "I wish he was here." she say biting the end of her fingers looking around, for a mere second only to look back down. "At least he would understand" she say referring to Patrick O'Brien.
Dom entered the Great Hall, hoping to meet somebody new today. He was in a very talkative mood and didn't want to end up talking to himself. There wasn't many people around. He scanned the hall for who he would like to talk to. There were a few Slytherins which he was not game to just go up and say "hi" to. There was a Hufflepuff girl sitting there writing, she seemed the most approachable of the students there. He sat down across from her. "Hi," he said. He was really proud how he could be so outgoing nowadays, a few years ago Dom was the shyest person around, he would never be able to just go up and start talking to someone he had never seen before.
Maddiie hadn't notice the boy approaching as she continue to write her stories. She was stuck in part of her book, when the girl was asked to visit the other side of the mirror by her imagine friend. At first Maddiie wasn't going with a fiction feel to it, but an the end she realise fiction just expand the visionary mind when it comes to writing a book. You can do whatever you want with the character, make them turn into a blunt green monster if you want its one of the reason why Maddiie enjoyed writing fiction short stories. But this one was no short story, and it was as close as comparing to her life as possible. A voice had starddle her bit, looking up to see a boy sitting across from her. "Oh hi sorry didn't see you there" she smile closing her journal up quickly.
Dom apologized for startling her, he never meant to creep up on her. The girl closed what she was writing. "What's that?" Dom asked. Quickly afterwards he realised he was being a bit nosy. There he goes again, acting before thinking. "Never-mind," He added, "anyway, I'm Dom." He introduced. He grabbed a sandwich and took a bite, just realising that he was quite hungry.
"Its nothing really just an old journal" she says tossing into her bag, as if it really didn't meant much to her. "Oye nice to meet you I'm Maddiie" she would say extending out a hand to briefly shakes his. "Are you of those Scotland transfer?" she ask watching devour the sandwich in just a couple bite. That reminded her how thirsty she was at the moment, grabbing for her fruit punch she take a sip of quencing the content down her throat. Setting the cup she suppose a conversation was bound to happen, she had to remind herself later on she at least to edit the last chapter she wrote.
"Yeah," Dom said, "though I'm originally form Australia." Maddiie, that name rung a bell. It was probably Alex, yeah this was the girl Alex had told him that he liked. Dom thought it was cool hoe people kept journals, he had tried it himself on a number of different occasions but had always given up after one or two entries. "You are in Hufflepuff, right?" Dom thought he had seen her around in some Hufflepuff robes, but that might have been someone else.
"Oh neat I'm from London" she says looking at Dom as she notice he had the same sort of accent Alex had. Alex and herself have been doing well, its been a couple weeks and she wouldn't change nothing about it. In those weeks she was cherishing every moment she was with him. But today he had ran off to hang out with friends while Maddiie decided to have alone time with herself. Well its not like she had many friends to begin with, the ones she did had were either busy with their assignments or in love with another mental case. "Yes I'm in hufflepuff, what house were you again" she couldn't help but chuckle at her silly thoughts looking at Dom.
"I love London," Dom said. He had visited there at his time in Scotland, though he wasn't a fan of big, cold cities there was something about London that he really liked. "I'm in... Ravenclaw," He said, quickly glancing at the banners, he always forgot the name he could just remember the bird. Dominic poured himself some orange juice and nearly drank it all in one go, he was very thirsty after that sandwich.
Maddiie could tell Dom was thirsty by the way he gulped down that orange juice. "You must have an appetite..." she says looking at Dom, than around the great hall. There weren't that many students, Sundays was usually like this which was why she was here in the first place. Taking out her wand she would fill her cup to the brim with fizzy fruit punch. It was her favorite drink, and she was happy she had learn a spell to be able to refill her cup. "So do you normally hang out in school on a Sunday or was you just bored." she took a guess, as her honey iris linger down towards the table seeing a few people noticing them chat.
"Yeah... Missed dinner last night," he said, he wondered whether he should tell her about the camping trip him and Alex had done. He figured that she wouldn't tell seeing as she was Alex's girlfriend. "Alex and I snuck down to the forest last night and camped out in a little cave," Dom told her. "Actually I came down here to talk to someone, nobody I knew was around so I decided to talk to the least scary looking person here," Dom joked. Dom watched Maddiie fill up the cup with her wand, he made a mental note to ask the charms teacher to teach him how to do that one day.
"Oh you did?" she ask rather looking puzzle wondering which Alex he was talking about. "I'm guessing its mine Alex" she says fiddling with the end of his wand. Of course it had to be why else would he tell her that. It didn't mean she wasn't friends with the other Alex, actually they were good friends, but he was such a prankster, Maddiie still had that memory of what happen couple years back. Well really their fifth of sixth year she wasn't sure, but it was sure funny that day. "So what did you guys actually do?" she ask curiously.
"Yeah, Alexander Fields," Dom said, confirming what she had guessed, he wasn't aware that there was another Alex. Dominic remembered back to last night, it was pretty fun, though Alex got a little tipsy from the rum he was drinking, Dom prefered his coke. "Well there is a very nice waterhole in there that is great for swimming, apart form that we just ate, chatted, and slept," Dom answered, "it's actually a really nice place, remind me to show you one time." Dom knew that he would forget himself.
"Oh I never knew their was a cave in the forbidden forest" Maddiie replied as she took out a note pad from her tote bag, taking notes with a muggel pen. At the moment she was coming up with idea for the book, its interesting when your conversating with someone. Maddiie was but strange, that way but she did get ideas while she was talking to someone, and everyone knows if you have something in mind write it down quickly before the idea slip away. "I think that be fun, to go one day" she says smiling wondering if the water was refreshing as it seems to be. "It reminds me, well I never told anyone about the lake" she says looking around than back at Dom in a low whispers. "The only ones to know about the under water cave sort of are only Ginny, Crystal, and myself. There this water crystal like and the moon shines down upon it, its been ages since I last visited, we never told anyone so I appreciate you didn't tell anyone" Maddiie says looking at Dom. "Its a long swim down but its there."
"Don't worry, nobody will hear a thing," Dom assured Maddiie. The underwater cave seemed very nice, though he would need to get a hold of some gillyweed. "Likewise, about the cave," Dom said, "Alex and I wouldn't like it to end up like the big school hangout spot." Dominic watched as she wrote down ideas for some sort of book. "You're writing a book?" Dom asked, he wrote books sometimes but always forgot to wrote down his good ideas and he would end up forgetting them not long after.
"Oh no I wouldn't tell anyone about you guys hang out" Maddiie said looking up. "Than everyone would just want to hang out there sort of reminds me of the seventh floor requirement room." Maddiie said remembering only once or twice entering there. She sort of was missing it now, and wondred if the room was open again. "Yeah sort of writing something." Maddiie said biting at the edge of her soft pout. Her teeth clinging at the corner of her lips, as she looked at Dom, than starting writing more ideas down. "May I ask you a personal question?" she says looking up once again wondering if he didn't mind her asking.
Dominic was taken aback by her question. "Shouldn't you ask someone you didn't just meet?" Dom asked, wondering, "but sure... Ask away." Dom breifly wondered what the room of requirment was but decided to let it pass. He looked around to make sure that no one was lsitening to them, it would be horrible if someone heard about the caves. It would have been even more horrible if they were eavesdropping and trying to find out about everything.
"Well its not that personal" Maddiie rolled her eyes a bit. "It just people get offended by asking this...What blood status are you?" she ask nawing still at the corner of her lips. When Maddiie was younger age remembered back than you could ask anybody this question, but now that she was maturing she rather ask in a polite way than just blurting out that way. She notice Dom, was looking around wondering if anyone was listening. She swear this boy was reading her every thoughts. Maddiie purpose of asking, she wanted to conduct a interview right there and than, but she wasn't sure if he agree to it. The only muggel feel Maddiie ever experience was when she was with her abuelo in Puerto Rico. Her mom was muggleborn but once she married her father she lived the magic way and less muggel way when raising her family.
Dominic hesitated, wondering if Maddiie was one of those people who are into the whole 'blood purity' thing, though she wasn't a slytherin so chances were she wasn't. "I'm a muggle-born," Dom answered. He wondered why people would get offended, you are who you are and you can't change that. "You?" Dom asked, guessing she was probably a half blood as most people are these days.
"Half Blood" Maddiie answered quickly without hesitation. Maddiie would lean forwards her elbows touching the table as she looked directly at Dom. "So tell me..there nobody in else in your family that posses magical powers?" she ask investigation a bit. She wanted to know what's it like to actually come from a muggel family, she sort of regret never asking her mom these question. But it was to late, she regreted a lot of things in her past but if nothing ever happen how was. Maddiie suppose to learn from her mistakes in the future.
"Nope, nobody at all," Dom said, that was the whole point of muggle born. He could tell that Maddiie wanted to know what it was like to be raised in a muggle family so he began to explain. "I was always called weird and strange by other kids," Dom explained, "When we were in England mum really began to think I had powers, she did a little lurking and we managed to find out that I wasn' the only one. I was accepted into Hogwarts UK and eventually transfered here." Dom smiled. "Even now I know I am magic, I still get called weird alot," Dom added laughing, he didn't tak weird offensively, he took it almost as a compliment.
Maddiie couldn't help but let out a laugh. "God damn you Dom its like your reading my mind." she says taking a few more notes down. "So you was called weird and all that sorts from muggels? How did it really made you feel?" Maddiie asked wondering of the next question.
Dom laughed a bit and then began to think about the answer to his next question. "Yeah, I was called weirdo all the time, most kids avoided me," Dom confirmed. He started to think back to how he really felt. "Well, I guess it didn't bother me that much," Dom said, "But it was still pretty bad having no friends, being excluded all the time."
"I swear to you, you’re like Alex long lost brother" Maddiie says taking down notes. As she was doing so, Sundance her snow white owl was soaring through the open windows of the great hall. Maddiie hadn’t expected to receive any mail today, seeing it was Sunday. But than again its owl delivery not mail. Maddiie would look up as Sundance circle around a bit only to plop a letter and small package right in front of her. The snow white owl, would than land next to her, as Maddiie would summon a treat by her side feeding it to Sundance as she reach for her letter, and the small package besides it.

Ripping open the letter, Maddiie would ready briefly it was from her father.
Dear Maddiie,

Hope everything well with you? Here an early gift from me and Lila. She picked it out for you and knew you would like this. I miss you as always, and hope this break you will be coming over for the holiday? Jon and Jacob have been asking for you as well, it’s seem they been missing you too since you really don’t mail anyone. It’s understandable of course we know it’s your last year, and exams could be hected. By the way have you thought about what you will be doing after Hogwarts? Perhaps getting into the same field your mother had once worked, she would have love to see you follow her footsteps. Anyways missing you always, write to me soon!



Maddiie read the letter a couple of time, so it was true they were back together again. She had mixed feeling about this; felt her stomach would fizzle a bit making her squeamish. It wasn’t that she had accepted, Maddiie was glad that her father was happy again, it was just going to take a while to get use to. Reaching for the small package, Maddiie would open it up to see a beautiful egg pendant, laying flat against the surface of the velvet box.

"Is'nt that lovely" she smiled showing to Dom, she really was taken by surprise from the gift, it looked like it was made of gold, and the egg was suppose to be a pearl. Maddiie really loved the gift, it really was beautiful. Taking it off from the velvet box, she look at Dom "Do you mind putting this on for me?" she ask handing to him as she turn herself around waiting for him to put it on.
Lexi won't stop until she get another fight with Fields even though the guy wants her dead, she doesn't care. Wearing her usual clothes for the day she walked in at the great hall, finding her target sitted at the Hufflepuff table with a guy she doesn't know. Lexi shrugged her shoulder and went for her plan, a day of being Maddiie Hollawarth is going to be fantastic. Lexi walked straight at Maddiie and the guy, "Hey people. If you excuse me, I'll just get a breakfast." She told the two with fake smiles on her lips. She took an apple and some brownies, Lexi accidentally (or not) splashed a juice on Maddiie's clothes. "I'm sorry, I'm just a bit clumsy." Still smiling, she said.
Dominic watched as Maddiie received an owl and took out a very nice necklace that was with the letter. It was very nice. "Umm.. Sure," Dom said, putting on the necklace, he had experience with that because his sister had loads of necklaces. He barely noticed the girl getting some breakfast. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the juice spill all over Maddiie. Dom began to laugh as he handed Maddiie a napkin to help clean up the juice. He looked at the girl, wondering if she had done it on purpose. "Don't worry Maddiie," Dom assured, "It's just juice, it will come off in the wash. If not magic would remove it."

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