Sun sun, go away.

Angela Marion

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Angela had been bored more then normal lately. She had a bad habit of putting off on buying her school supplies, and she had only purchased a few things that she needed. Today she wore a pair of white jeans, and a top that didn't necessarily fit. The sun was bright in the blue sky, and even the Autumn wind didn't help. Angela couldn't stand the heat what-so-ever. it bugged her to the point that she would yell at the sun and call it stupid. Today she felt like doing so, which is why she went into public, so she wouldn't yell at the sky.

Her feet hurt from walking barefoot, but luckily, here white jeans remained rolled up on her legs, not getting nearly as dirty as her feet. There didn't seem to be a bench anywhere near where she was, so before she knew it, she found herself sitting on the ground. Sure her jeans would get dirty, but what did it matter? Seh wondered if anyone would approach, or if she would just sit there forever...
The red haired boy walked along the streets of what the New Zealanders called Brightstone. Now that he had been in this area for almost a year Sage surely could be considered a New Zealander, but he refused to be called that even if it was the proper term which this eleven year old boy wasn't even sure if it was. Did it really matter? Not in the least. All this Irish boy was focused on was buying a few school supplies early on that way when it was cutting it last minute he wouldnt' have to deal with the rush of people forcing their way into the shops in a mad dash. River had waited last year and now Sage was luckily learning from her mistakes and not having to make his own.

His bright red sneakers walked along the ground hitting the paved streets. Today he wore a simple 'Sage' outfit of light blue jeans that were a year old. The point of buying all new clothes just for school, a school in which he would have to wear a uniform was pointless in this Gryffindor's mind. A black tee was on his upper half loosly fitting though not so loose that it looked sloppy. NO Sage Dallas rarely looked sloppy at times branching on overdressed or even hippish but never sloppy. His style changed from one style to the next so often that a sloppy day could be thrown in and probably no one would turn an eye.

However Sage's eye was caught on a girl sitting on the ground as he pushed himself out of the drifting thoughts going around in his mind. Without saying a word at first he went over and sat beside the girl crossing his legs pretzal style and giving him a small smile. He remained silent for moments, minutes even as he glanced at her then looked away, glanced again only to once more look away.

Finally he did however speak. "You know there is a bench right there, but I agree with you I much prefer the ground" He said now looking at the girl wondering what her reaction would be. Sage got many reactions from many different people. If it wasn't from his looks and appearances it was usually from his actions.
Angela hadn't thought much about what she was going to say to anyone in school, but she was glad she had gotten sorted into Ravenclaw along with her cousin and her friend Kala. She smiled as she heard footsteps approaching her, knowing that someone was coming. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a quick flash of red strands, which must have been hair. The person made a comment after sitting by her for a while. She was glad that his voice made it easy to tel his gender, because his hair was longer then Angela's. She smiled at him and looked around.

"Oh wow, there really is a bench." She laughed slightly, having been too blind to see it. She smiled at the boy and nodded. "Yes, i do rather like the ground, it is nice and cool, compared to a metal bench." Angela grinned widely, and she looked at her long nails, she began picking at them as she introduced herself. "I'm Angela."

She sighed and let her hair swarm around her face like normal, awaiting to hear who this red-headed boy was, and maybe even what he was doing there.
Sage let out a small laugh as the girl sitting on the ground beside himself noticed the bench that she was sooner oblivious too. Did people around here pay attention to their surroundings or were they all the type that looked passed everything not stopping to smell the roses? Really this Irish boy knew it wasn't fair to be judgemental grouping everyone in New Zealand as the same type of people for it wasn't true. Everyone was different. If any family was raised to see that it was the Dallas family. Nodding his head slightly as the girl spoke, he pushed a few strands of his hair behind his ear. On most days he would have his hair down but sometimes he wished he could pull it up like he did back home. Yet something about older people in New Zealand and long guys with pulled back hair didn't seem to fit. With his hair pulled back or braided the looks from the older generations were endless.

"Nice to meet you Angela" Sage said again finding the name an uncommon name to his ears. Didn't anyone have simple names? Yet turthfully this young gryffindor liked the name. He usually was fond of most names no matter if they were uncommon or not. It was just how he was. "I'm Sage" He said not seeing a last name introduction to be needed in this situation. After all the two of them were sitting on the road for god's sake. It wasn't exactly a formal meeting. Though a meeting that Sage seemed to enjoy more. "So may I ask why you happen to be sitting on the floor or maybe you just felt like it?" He asked curiously a smile still shown on his features.
She listened to the boys laugh. It was different from Klaus's or Darian's, yet somehow it was a familiar sound. She had heard a laugh much like it come from her father; which was weird. She smiled at the thought, but decided to not tell this boy that he reminded her of her father. She waited for him to introduce himself, and was suprised when her did. She watched him tuck his hair behind his ear, and also refrained from commenting on it.

"It's nice to meet you also... Sage," she said, having to get used to the name. It was one she had never heard before, not even from her aunt, whom had been all over the place. He then asked why she was siting on the ground, and she actually had to think. She couldn't even remember why she was there anymore, something that happened to Sage quite often. "Well, i told Skyle i was going on a walk, and then sat down. So i guess i must have been tired." She said with a big nod and an even bigger grin. "What about you, why are you out all by your lonesome. Aren't your parents worried that creeps like me might kidnap you." She said, trying to keep a serious voice.
The boy listened to the girl speak saying his own name as if it was foreign. Maybe around here names like Sage, River, Morning, Secret, and Rose were uncommon and odd to the tongue. The names of his family however were like old news to him, simply second nature. Even after being in New Zealand as long as he had been, Sage hadn't been socializing so this whole talking to people around his age was something to get used to. Not because Sage wasn't normally social. No this boy was nothing but. Yet when he moved to a new place, he wanted to make sure he was staying before he branched out. Now being sorted into the house of Gryffindor there was no doubt in his mind that he would be here for the next seven years making a new option of meeting new people availiable.

Skyle Sage thought hearing the name of a girl he had once met. Could it be the same girl or was it a completely different one. It would be hard to know without asking. Yet at this time asking did not seem like the right thing to do at this time. Timing was just about everything after all. At least that was one of the facts Sage had learned in his short lifetime. Another being have as much fun as you like as long as you are willing to deal with the consquences or tricky enough not to get caught. Now that was a very important one indeed. Basically what this gryffindor boy lived by.

"Becoming tired seems like a good reason" He said shrugging his broad shoulders lightly again letting out a small yet this time a bit more hearty laugh with the girl's comment and question. "Though I imagine there are as you say creeps around here my parents are not worried. I guess they think their only son can take care of himself in a public area. I think I am able to live up to that" Sage spoke his eyes looking around for a moment at the passing people as he once more focused on Angela. "You would think your parents would be worried about you being all alone. Most parents are concerned and not easy going" He commented
Se smiled as he seemed to notice that she had trouble with his name. It was nothing new, there were some tongue twisting names around this area. "Yes being tired is a sane reason to stop." She nodded repeating what he had said, though using a different word. She smiled in a different direction when he let out a more hearty laugh, making her once again, think of her father.

He made a comment about his parents thinking he could handle himself and she shrugged. "Lucky you. My aunt has barely let me out of the house lately." She smiled at him and then looked down. After being attacked on Bleak street she has a lost a lot of sleep, and Sarah has been twice as protective. Her smiled faded with his next comment.

"My mom's back in Japan and... my dad.. he's not with us anymore." She said, struggling for words to describe it. She hated talking about her dad in the past tense. She then needed a distraction and said. "So, do you live around here?"
My aunt has barely let me out of the house lately The girl had said as Sage knew right away he might have said the wrong thing. Usually once an aunt or other relative was mentioned the parents were not happily together or even there anymore. Sage had and still is lucky that his parents are happily married in a loving relationship. Yet he knew many others did not have this luck. Even a few of his friends back home had their parents in an agreement called a divorce, where they were not together anyone. One of his girl friends had a mother that left living the father and sister to take care of her. There were plenty of cases, but Sage rarely remembered that when he was in a conversation with an entirely different person.

The young boy noticed her smile fade, yet he assumed it was due to the fact she was attacked down in Bleak Street. "And what were you doing down in Bleak Street. Talk about creepers there." Sage spoke slightly impressed that the girl went into Bleak Street. Surely it wasnt' the worst Sage had ever done but it had been an amusing adventure when he had. After messing with River telling her about her own lack of courage last year, the two of them went adventuring in Bleak Street. Good Times Good times. Really River was just as brave as Sage. Both now in the Gryffindor house. Yet River was easily provoked with made some good amusing times for this young eleven year old.

Then the news came. Her mother was not in New Zealand and her fater was not with her anyone. Dead? Sage presumed but didn't want to get into it. Instead he let her change the topic. "I do now. Moved to New Zealand about a year a go when my sister got accepted to Hogwarts New Zealand. Though we still have our house over in Ireland. Visit it some times" He explained thinking back to his small yet comfortable home back in Ireland compared to the nice sized house he had up here. Sage hated to say it but he liked the house back in Ireland more. Even if he did have to share a bathroom with three girls back home and now he had his own bathroom. "I take it you live around here now as well?" Sage fished hoping he wasn't pouncing on bad territory.
She looked at the ground, a bit embarrassed when he asked what she had been doing down in Bleak Street. "I, um, I was lost." She said. She hated that she was so directionally challenged that she couldn't even make it through obsidian without getting into trouble. She looked back up at Sage and waited for him to laugh or something of the sort, just like anyone else would. She had always gotten lost, which was one reason her father used to be so protective of her.

She listened to him talk about why he moved, and she smiled. He made a comment about his sister going to the same school that she would be going to. Maybe he was going too! He then spoke of living in Ireland. "That's so cool. Though i should have figured you were Irish." She laughed a bit, hoping it wasn't too stereo-typical to say. He then said he took it she lived here, and she nodded. "Now i do, i moved from Japan a few months ago, i got accepted to Hogwarts New Zealand." She grinned, figuring that if he had gotten accepted, he would tell her.

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