Sun Goes Down

Sexual Orientation
Closeted Bisexual
Leonidas had just spent the day at work, of course by work he actually meant trudging around in the dirt and the mud of caves with his on and off boyfriend, Cosimo. No one knew about their relationship, at least no one that would actually care. His parents would have been dead against it if they knew. Unfortunately for Cosmio, he was a male, a muggle born and really religious. Three strikes against their relationship. Of course, he hadn't meant for it to happen that way, it just had. Since his parents viewed him as single, though, they'd been throwing women down his throat since he'd graduated. Eventually, he'd decided that he needed to find a way to shut them up. That was where his current girlfriend had come into it. She was sweet and homely. Though she was a squib. Leonidas didn't much care for blood status, though his parents did. Olivette did come from a magical background though, so it all basically worked out.

Sitting at the cafe, Leonidas smiled as the waiter handed him his lunch and tipped the man (who was cute) an extra five galleons. He hoped it would make up for the day he'd no doubt had. Cave diving was dirty, grubby work, but Leonidas endured it to be with Cosimo. He hated dirt and grime, but Cosimo was always so busy, he didn't have many other options. He stared at his fingers as he ate, the remnants of his exploration still evident on his hands. "Merlin, it doesn't matter how many times I rinse, my nails can't lie."
Olivette was shaking with a mixture of illness and anger. The blonde was a suspicious shrew. Maybe she should have just stayed in her corner and not questioned it. Fear from her parents divorce was enough to edge Olive toward needing to ask the question. So maybe that's why she tracked him down in New Zealand. Maybe that's why she wanted to find him in that Cafe in the wizarding work. The squib woman approached without any hellos the man she'd been with for over a year. The man she thought would maybe propose to her. The blonde didn't even sit down. Instead she cleared her throat.

"Leo." She spoke, tone harsh and fragile all at once. "Leo are you cheating on me?" There was a silence in the cafe but Olive didn't care. If she did this in public maybe she'd be less likely to cry, or freak out.
There were times when Leonidas just wished he could leave and never come back. Curse his family and his friends for ever being so picky about bloodlines and love and marriage. Still, he also knew that despite it all, he did love his family. He did want them to be happy. He sighed as he was about to dig into his food only to suddenly hear the voice of his darling girlfriend. He looked up, the look in her eye telling him she pretty much already knew the answer to her own question. He looked around. They were being stared at. "Olive, babe, why don't you sit down?" Did she really want to go into this right now? In front of everyone? Was she determined to hurt herself with all of this? "Do you want a coffee? Some tea? Anything?" She could be civil at least, surely.
Olive's nostrils flared slightly. "Don't call me babe. Don't even start. I asked you a question now answer it." The petite teacher stood her ground. If she was nothing else she was fierce in her loyalty. To have it potentially shattered. The way Leo acted didn't tell her he hadn't cheated,'and so the blondes shaking form was suddenly more visible, her quivering lip obvious - and her tears present. She was eithe Ron the verge of crying or passing put and she was sure she preferred the latter. "Answer!" She snapped feeling the moments pause was too much time to think.
"Do you really want to do this right here? Right now?" He asked her, moving his food from in front of him and leaning his hands on the table. She was visibly upset, but Leonidas had never liked yelling. He didn't want to hurt Olive and he really liked her. He just had no want, or intention to marry her. "Olivette, just sit down. There's no point getting so worked up over this." She was a nice girl, sweet, his parents liked her after they got over the fact that she was a squib. They'd found out only a bit ago when the topic had properly come up. They'd patronised her a little first, but that was over almost immediately. They'd liked her before hand and being unable to do magic didn't change that. "Let's talk about this later, okay?"
"don't. Patronize. Me." She spoke through clenched teeth. "Either you're sleeping with someone else or not." Olive's hands were clenched so tight that if she were still wearing her fake nails they would have broken skin. She didn't move from her spot. "I will not sit down with an adulterer." She whispered, her voice trembling with a bubbling rage. "Is this why I rarely see ou? Is this why you say you're at work all the time?" She inquired. "Because you're seein another woman?"
It was obvious that Olivette was not going to let this go and so Leonidas sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "Yes, I'm cheating. Are you happy now?" To be honest, he was glad to finally have it off of his chest. He liked Olive, but he loved Cosimo. He knew his boyfriend was going to be super pissed off about all of this. "I'm not trying to patronise you, Olive. Please just sit down." She was shaking visibly and he was rather concerned that she would topple over at a moments notice. "You rarely see me because I work... it just so happens that so is my... um, boyfriend."
Olivette was livid. She thought of her father first. Cheating. Her mother. The same. They had no loyalties. If Olive were a witch, due to her loyalties hufflepuff would have been her home. Olive tried to release her clenched fist but instead swung at him, landing her knuckles smack on her now ex boyfriend's jaw.
Leonidas had expected a lot from Olivette. He knew this time would come eventually, though not this soon and he'd prepared for all the crying and the screaming he was no doubt going to get. What he had not prepared for, however, was a fist to his face. He'd seen the fist for only a moment before he suddenly felt it connect with his beautiful face. His head snapped sharply to the left and he almost thought he could feel his neck crack. If she'd hit him any harder he'd have been on the ground. That hurt. "****! Merlin's Arse Olivette!" Why did everyone have to hit people! if she was this mad about this part, he briefly thought he shouldn't tell her the rest of it. His pain got the better of him though and so he continued. "I've been with him for years! He's the one being cheated not you! If anyone should be angry it's him!"
olivette wasn't happy about hitting her lover. The man she'd fallen for. She was happy that he was getting a little taste of pain. However a taste wasn't all she was giving him after his next comment as he spoke again. "How dare you turn me into my father! How dare you!" She screamed, drawing attention left and right, as she swung another fist at him. "You know how I feel about that you know my last! You arse hole!" She yelled
It appeared that Olivette did not think his second comment was in good taste and so Leonidas was smacked in the jaw for the second time. Now tired of being assaulted, Leonidas stared at her. "Look, I'm sorry about the way this went down, but it wasn't intentional. By the time I found out more about you, we'd already started dating!" It was a ridiculous excuse and he knew that, but it was all he had. "I do like you Olivette, I just have absolutely no intentions of marrying you." This time there were audible gasps from the nosy people who were pretending they weren't listening. "Now, Stop. Hitting. Me."
Breathing labored with anger she clenched her fists at her side. "I don't care what your excuse it. Why you cheated, why you are the way you are. You're dead to me. Get everything out of my apartment by tonight." She was sobbing by this point. "And I'm keeping Prince Rex." She referenced their pit bull they'd adopted together, knowing that if he took the dog she'd be so vividly upset she'd probably move back in with her mother because it would make her feel better. "You can love whoever you want now. We're done. Tell your parents that too. And if I find out you lied to them about why, I'll tell them the truth myself." Her brown-blue eyes narrowed at him and then she turned on her heels, knowing she'd hit him again if she didn't leave.
With everything that had happened in the fifteen minutes or so they'd fought, Leonidas wasn't sure he'd really been as kind to her as he'd wanted to be. He'd tried to avoid this, desperately. But she'd figured it all out anyway and once she had he wasn't going to lie to her any more than he'd already done. He wasn't the sort to just lie whenever and much preferred the truth, but sometimes these things couldn't be avoided. He was shocked that it had happened this fast and thought she'd at least let him explain everything, but he'd gotten angry at her and then tried his damnedest to hurt her, obviously succeeding. "I'm really sorry." He said, not even bothering to hold his throbbing cheek. He'd beat her there and remove everything before she arrived. "I promise you'll never see me again." He whispered the last part, but knew she understood. This was just the way it had to be.</FONT>
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