Summer Sun Still In The Sky Even Though It's August

Mandalyn Love

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Mandalyn Love felt so relaxed, laying under the sunny rays.Though companionship would be nice for the sociable slytherin, she couldn't help but take in a sigh of tranquility. Her black Cardigan was spread beneath her and she felt warm, her muscles relaxing slowly. Ever since Apparation lessons had started the poor slytherin had been run ragged, practicing until the professor needed to leave so that she would do well. Her ambitious attitude was probably what landed her in the green uniform she wore to her aparation classes. Her workaholic attitude was suited for Ravenclaw though, or at least that's what she believed. She had studied a little on the history since first starting her schooling at Hogwarts, and she found that she believed the sorting hat was right. Though some Slytherins were snotty, rude, and blood biased, there were redeeming qualities to them. They were loyal, much like Gryffindors. They were cunning and ambitious. Mandalyn couldn't picture a better house for herself, though she couldn't help but wonder if her mom would have approved. Since studying the houses, Andi began to wonder what house her mother might have been in. Her father always said that her mother used to be very smart, and that she used to be kind. Maybe she'd been a Hufflepuff.

Mandalyn had resolved she would just have to ask when she discovered her. Glancing to the side, Mandalyn saw a somewhat familiar face. Even though it was sideways from where Mandalyn was laying, she could tell it was the same woman she had served at Aeon's store. Andi sat up, and decided that since she wasn't exactly enjoying laying in the sun alone, she might as well communicate. Standing and grabbing her cardigan, she made her way across the grassy area to the younger girl. "Hey, don't I know you from the Menagerie?" She asked, a smile on her face. Mandalyn was fearless when it came to talking to people, especially those like her - those at this school. It helped that she knew the girl and she had some common topics, such as their house and animals. Glancing down, Andi's eyes rested on a fuzzball that was unmistakably a half-kneazle. The site immediately lulled Mandalyn to believe this girl must be trustworthy, as kneazles were finicky beasts. In fact, she was sure the reason Aeon had hired her was because the store's kneazle had warmed up to her.
It had been quite a while since Esme had last come down to the Lakefront for leisure. Not since the previous semester had she stood by it's clear waters to soak up the warm sun, if she recalled correctly. Her last visit was meant to be a peaceful, solitary tanning, but had resulted in an incompetent foreign redhead stepping on her and injuring her leg. Scarlet. The girl's name was always thought or said with a tone of disgust, unless Esme was around Jakobe, in which case she feigned sickly-sweet friendliness. She couldn't understand how that boy could befriend such dimwitted people as her, especially considering his blood status. It didn't matter, she'd seen less and less of him and that social group recently anyway. Perhaps, she thought, she should spend more time with like-minded people. She wished Emmett were around, rather than attending school on the other side of the world. If anyone understood her, it was her brother. But he, Lythande and Calcifer all attended Durmstrang. It was unfair. Why did she have to be the odd one out?

Approaching the water's edge with Dusk, her faithful half-kneazle following at her heels, the young witch rested against a comfortable patch of grass and stretched out her legs. The feline took the opportunity to leap for her lap and curl up into a ball of dark fur, purring contentedly. Esme didn't mind, she wasn't planning on getting up any time soon. Fiddling with the small bag at her hip, the Slytherin withdrew a leather book, it's pages full of coloured tabs, as well as a deck of blank tarot cards she'd purchased over the holidays at the Inner Eye. Since she'd taken up Divination as an elective, the girl had really gotten into the subject. It was a little far-fetched at first, but after a few classes she'd found she was drawn to it and decided to go on a bit of a Divination-related spending spree. The tarot cards selection was extremely varied and it had been too hard to choose one, so she opted with the make-your-own kind. The girl wasn't much of an artist, she soon found out, but she tried regardless. All she needed was the right inspiration, and hoped that a quiet afternoon under the sun, watching the water roll by would provide that.

It wasn't long before, just as last time, Esme's lakeside peace and quiet was interrupted by another girl. This one wasn't clumsily stumbling all over her, however. A fact she was very much grateful for. She turned her attention to the voice at her side, glancing up toward the older student casting a shadow over her. The young witch quickly realised she knew this girl. Though they'd never actually had a conversation, she recognised her as the assistant at her cousin's store in Obsidian Harbor, who had served her during a few of her visits for more pet food or accessories. At the very least, she was a welcome sight. There were plenty of people in the school who would have bothered her more. "Yes, I've been by a few times. You're Professor Summers' assistant, right?" she asked politely, despite being already well aware of the answer.
There was a very minuscule gap of time between Mandalyn's question and the reply from the petite brunette she spoke to. Not being answered with animosity, Mandalyn gave a small smile and nodded. "Yeah, I thought I'd remembered you. You often buy food for this little guy - or at least I'm assuming it's for him." Andi glanced around for a moment, her eyes doing a survey of the area to make sure they might not be interrupted any further. She enjoyed peaceful conversations some days, away from the groups that she typically hung out with along side Dexter. It would be a nice change of pace to sit with a younger housemate and converse. "Do you mind if I take a seat." Andi already assumed that the girl wasn't going to mind, but wasn't about to be rude and take a seat anyways. After all, she did just barge over to speak with her, interrupting her quiet time.

After being given an okay, Mandalyn brushed her extra-large cardigan beneath her to prevent grass stains on her shorts, and then plopped roughly to the ground. "I''m Mandalyn by the way. I don't remember if we've been properly introduced." Before, when introducing herself to people, Andi shook hands. Her father had always taught her it was polite. Now though, the American woman did no such thing. She had begun only shaking hands when the opposite party extended theirs first. After the few strange looks she had garnished she almost figured no one her age shook hands anymore. To be completely honest, she was fine with that. It saved the awkwardness of both parties extending the same hand, or going for hugs instead of handshakes. The sun still beating on her skin, the platinum blonde wondered for a moment if she would be burnt. She pulled her Cardigan more onto her shoulder, in hopes to protect herself during their conversation.
Esme nodded in confirmation as the older girl guessed as to who the food was for. "Yes. Well, he and his twin sister at least. She's my brother's pet however. I had a puffskein too, but...he scavenges his own food now." The witch said, not having seen the ball of fur in quite some time. She'd gotten bored of him and now he ventured across the school eating scraps and spiders. Though she didn't doubt he'd become the tasty morning snack of a cat by now. Oh well. She didn't much care for the responsibility over it. She was happy that Dusk was more of an independent creature and could take care of himself. For all she knew, he could have devoured the fuzzball.

Again, the witch nodded her head in response to the girl's question, this time regarding if she could sit with her. "That's fine, I could use the company. Might help keep unwanted strangers from trying to approach me on my own." She said as she patted the soft grass by her side, a gesture for the girl to sit down. She realised she still didn't even know this girl's name, but before she could speak, she introduced herself. "Pleasure to meet you, Mandalyn. I'm Esme, Esme Lancaster. Your boss, Summers, is my elder cousin, though we don't share a surname." She explained her relationship with the wizard, figuring she might as well given he was the only person they both knew mutually. "Speaking of which, do you enjoy working at the Menagerie? I'm not overly enthusiastic about animals myself but it seems like an alright job." The witch asked, more to see if she had any complaints or would gossip enough to give her enough information to get her fired in the off-chance that she didn't end up liking the woman. But, she seemed tolerable thus far.
Mandalyn smiled as she listened to the brunette before her speak. She nodded about the puffskein, and while she knew they were capable of feeding themselves through scavenging, she couldn't help but feel bad for it. Mandalyn's heart of gold towards animals made her believe that every pet needed a loving home. Thinking of the fact that so many creature were homeless or were killed carelessly made a sort of ill feeling settle in the pit of her gut. Andi didn't want to concentrate on that too much though, as she was finally making a decent amount of conversation with someone other that Rosie or Dex. After all, those two never stopped talking her ear off.

"I understand what you mean. Some of the students around here can be a bit brash. As well meaning as it is, I get bored of it too." Mandalyn spoke in a way that was not kind, but not rude either. She had had her fair share of annoyances, but she held no grudges. "Esme is such a nice name, has a good ring to it." Andi complimented. She always loved to learn about people's names, considering they were individual. Sure someone could have the same name as you, but they would never be you. That name was yours and yours alone. "I love working at the Menagerie! i love the animals, and your cousin is really a wonderful boss. He doesn't pay often, but I don't need money if I'm doing something I love." She answered with an air of confidence. "What about you, do you have a job in Obsidian at all?"

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