Summer Rain


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OOC First Name
Nerrisa had been feeling very depressed down at the bottom of the lake, everything got boring after a while. Really all she wanted to do was go to the surface, she could feel the vibrations and knew it had to be raining. Nerissa had never been to the surface while it was raining and she really wanted to experiance it. So making sure that she wouldn't be missed or seen she made her way up to the shore nearest the school. She knew with it raining it was assumable that the students would be inside, and even if they did come out what were the odds they would come to the lake. Breaking the surface she was plesantly surprised by the warm water hitting her. moving closer to the edge she set herself up in a sitting position with her tail still in the water. It was amazing to be covered in water from the rain with so much of her out of the water. She wondered if this was the closest to a human she would ever get, coming to the surface during a summer rain. Nerrisa had always longed for more, she had tried living in the ocean, but even there she had to be careful to not be seen by muggles. At least here she could show herself without it being to big of a deal.
OOCOut of Character:
Do you mind if I join :)
Please excuse my not so spiffy roleplaying. I'm slowly working on it.

Light really needed some time by herself after a hard day of class. Outside it was raining; Light has always loved the sound and smell of rain. Light packed up her school supplies and threw her bad on her bed. Light grabbed her manga book and nearly ran down to the lakefront to find a tree to read under. When Light reached the lakefront she saw a girl sitting right next to the lake. Light felt as though she should be friendly. "Hello. How are you?"
OOCOut of Character:
Of course that's why I love open RP's anyone can join =)

Nerissa was quite startled when she heard a voice behind her, but being the mermaid she was she smiled as she turned around. "Hello, I'm quite splashing. This rain is wonderful." Nerissa wondered what this student was doing out in the rain but didn't really mind the company. She liked talking to the humans so long as they were nice. It was just the others that didn't really like it when she socialized with the humans. "May I ask what your doing out of the castle in this weather?" Nerissa said cocking her head to the side. "I'm Nerissa by the way." She said smiling.
Once Light spoke she realized the girl had no clue she was there, but the girl smiled and answered Lights question warmly. "I love the rain also, it always show up when I want it most." While speaking Light moved closer to the shore, what she saw really surprised her, a fin. Light tried not to act really surprised when the girl introduced herself as Nerissa. "Very nice to meet you Nerissa, my name is Light." Light contemplated whether to ask if Nerissa was a mermaid or not, she decided it was best to get it over with, "Uhmm, Nerissa? Are you a mermaid?" Light blushed red. She asked the question but it didn't sound as nice as she had it in her head.
Nerissa watched as the girl came closer, she didn't look very old, maybe a first her. Mermaids aged differently than humans but Nerissa had learned all about humans so it was easy for her to remember these things. The girl introduced herself as Light and Nerissa smiled, "Light, that's a very pretty name." It was just after that that Light asked if she was a mermaid. She laughed and turned on her stomach lifting her golden fin out of the water. She gripped the edge of the shore to stay steady and grinned, "What do you think?" She smiled, "You're a first year aren't you? But I'm sure you've heard the rumors about the merpeople in the lake." She looked at the girl and noticed her face was slightly red, Nerissa had never seen anything like it before but didn't want to ask the girl what it was.
Rain lightly tapped her smooth skin as she lay upon a collection of rocks just off shore of the lake, Rain loved the rain, Sun made her feel warm and rain made her feel more like the humans, she longed to go to school and be in the grass but she was stuck in the water... she loved the water but it wasn't... Land.

The Mermaid saw a student coming to the lake and she raised her eyebrow, she liked Students but sometimes they confused her, why was she out in the rain... it made to difference to Rain herself, she was always in the water but the students were always dry.
Rain watched closely as she saw another mermaid come to the surface, she crinkeled her nose, she didn't like other Mermaids that much, always trying to show off one another, whos hair is better, who has drowned people more, who scares the students. she Huffed and stayed Hidden among the rocks, her long golden Tail not standing out as it normally would, there wasn't much sun to make it shine so she was hidden rather well.
Rain rolled onto her stomach and peaked around the large rock which was hiding her location and listened into the conversation, she heard that the student girl was called Light and the mermaid was Nerissa, she cringed her nose some more.
The Young mermaid didn't like not meeting Humans, she tried to meet as many as she could so she could find one which would let her into the Castle or find a way to get her up there.
Rain rolled onto her back and sat up wrigeleing herself closer to the water's edge she dropped in and made her way to shore her long blonde hair swaying around her underwater, she stayed in the water hidden by the water itself before she pulled herself up onto the beach near the other Mermaid.
'Merpeople, grindylows, that stupid shark and that stupid squid.' she butted in as she pulled herself further up the beach, she wasn't beaching herself, but she wanted to lie in the puddle of water on the sand, she liked wet sand on her skin, it was a different feeling.'My Name's Rain'

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