Summer Lovin'

Ocarina Rosatta-Chevotet

New Member
July 2062

Ocarina didn't mind a day at the beach but this was much more Kirby's scene. Her mom had encouraged that she go out and maybe even try and get a tan, but Rina felt uncomfortable with that idea. She couldn't just parade herself around in a tiny bikini, it was basically underwear. Besides it wasn't like she had much to show off as waifish as she was. So instead Rina sat under the umbrella that She had set up for her and her sister. There was an empty beach towel next to her where her sister would occasionally come back to jaw at her, and then leave again to socialize. Everyone was always so drawn to her. She was like some kind of sun - the universe revolved around Kirby. Though Rina didn't exactly mind. She wouldn't know what to do with the attention. Even her parents weren't as attentive to her as Kirby. But that was just because she was independent.

She had thought for a moment that maybe she'd get up but as she was shutting her book (A Study into the Possibility of Reversing the Actual and Metaphysical Effects of Natural Death, with Particular Regard to the Reintegration of Essence and Matter) when next to her thumped a frisbee, red in color. She looked at it, grey orbs following the line of trajectory to a boy who looked about her age jogging up to her. Shirtless. Of course he was, this was the beach. "Merlin, this is a curse, where's Kirby?" She muttered to herself before grabbing the frisbee and standing. She held it out wordlessly to him, her pale skin a contrast to the color of the frisbee. Was she meant to say something? She should right? Yeah, that was the right thing to do.


Okay maybe not that though.
Elio liked the beach for two reasons, both very important. One: sand was amazing, and he enjoyed the way it felt to walk across it, or the way that it felt when he ran across it. The second thing he liked about the beach was the fact that it meant he was on vacation. Obviously back in New Zealand there were beaches, but it just wasn't the same as being in Europe. Sand was just different here.

He passed the frisbee back to his mate, a boy from a family he and his mother had been staying with every time they'd come to France for the last couple of years, though to be fair they often stayed between Spain or France depending on what his mother needed to do at the time. Francois, and his brother Emmanuel were about Elio's age and they liked to take him to the beaches whenever they were able. Elio didn't like leaving his mother to her own devices as she tended to buy things he then had to take back with them on the plane, but, he supposed, in the end she enjoyed herself after all the work she did - so he couldn't really begrudge her spending the money she worked so hard for. They had come a very long way since those days back in the early part of his life when she'd been working behind a counter. He couldn't remember for the life of him which shop it was, but he'd spent a lot of time hidden under the counter, or behind a door somewhere. Not that she'd hidden him, but he'd been awfully shy as a child.

The frisbee landed on a towel and Elio raced over to get it, grin wide on his face. The girl it landed next to didn't seem like she was dressed for the beach, but maybe that was her comfort zone? She held the frisbee out to him and he took it gently. "Why are you sorry?" Perhaps it was the only word she knew in English? He hoped not, it would be difficult to have a conversation with her if she couldn't understand him and he couldn't understand her. He spoke some French but probably not enough for it to even matter to most French people. "I hope this didn't disturb you, thank you," he said, holding it up so that she knew he was talking about the frisbee. She seemed to be reading a book, if the one next to her was any indication, and it looked like a complicated one too. Elio liked his books well enough, but he wasn't sure a title like that was the kind of book people usually relaxed too. Was she researching something then? "Do you want to play with us?"

@Ocarina Rosatta-Chevotet
The boy with the intense blue eyes looked at her and she wished she could sink into the sand right then and there. After all, she was sand colored in her outfit - maybe she could use it as camouflage. He asked her why she was sorry and Ocarina offered a small, crooked smile. "I don't really know." She said honestly. She did though. She often apologized for things that weren't her fault because she felt it made her a little easier to be around. Kirby never needed to apologize like that - she was always easy to be around.

He told her he hoped it didn't bother her and she shook her head. "Non, it's okay." The French girl urged, shifting the way she was standing, weight going from one foot to the other. He asked if she wanted to play and she could feel her ears burning. She had to concentrate on something else for a moment to make sure she didn't actually blush. She looked around for a second - she couldn't spot her sister. "Uh, no I have two left hands." She joked. She was quite unathletic. The fact that she was so petite and waifish was because her mother was. Her father wasn't a large man either.

She thought that perhaps he would just want to walk away. And she should probably let him. "You're not from here?" She said, the statement meant to be a question. She wasn't sure why she decided to talk to him. Maybe it was because of those pretty eyes - guys with pretty eyes were always too busy talking to Kirby.
Elio was actually used to that weird habit some girls had about apologising to everyone, he'd seen his mum do it enough times to know it often came from a lack of confidence, but he wasn't about to start asking this girl personal questions or trying to hype her up when she didn't even know him from a bar of soap. His mother had told him once that he was too conscientious about things, and whilst he agreed, he also knew that sometimes it was necessary, even if she didn't agree - he didn't ask her. "That's okay, I accept whatever the apology was for anyway," he said, hoping it would lift her up a little. He wasn't sure it would really do anything, but it was a nice sort of thing to do, right?

He shook his head when she asked if he wasn't from around here. "No, I'm from New Zealand," he said, though he had no idea what it was called in French and so only hoped she knew the word New Zealand in English. It probably wasn't too different since people had to be able to understand right? It was similar in Spanish after all, Nueva Zelanda. "My mum and I come sometimes for holidays, I was born in Spain so she comes every year or so around this time and I like to come with her, since school doesn't start up again until September, I have a lot of time to kill - but I'm homeschooled so I have even more time to kill," he added, though he wasn't entirely sure why he was randomly opening up to a bit of a strange girl on the beach. Honestly, that wasn't even the weirdest part, the weirdest part for him was that he'd stopped to talk to her at all, since he was generally so focused on whatever game they were playing it would have been entirely possible for this entire exchange to occur without him having looked her in the face even once throughout the entire thing.

"You, however, sound like you are from around here, local?" She had to be, she sounded like she was at least from somewhere nearby, though he couldn't say he was expertly familiar with French accents. She could have been from Paris and he's not sure he would have recognised the subtle differences unless they were pointed out to him.

@Ocarina Rosatta-Chevotet

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