Summer Holiday!

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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
I'll keep this brief,

Basically tomorrow, I get up early board a flight, and go to Canada!
:party: Yay! Woot!

Anyway, while I might be taking my laptop, the chances of me being online and such is going to be pretty slim. I may lurk around the place, but I won't be doing any posting.
It's only for ten days, and then I fly down to France. Then I will be a lot more active, and be able to make graphics and al that jazz.

So, I'll be away for about 10 days tops!

Emzies :hug:
Oh Canada! Have a safe trip Emzies!
See you when you return. And oh, I repeat: I like Stefan's sig. :wub:
:woot: You're going to Canadialand?! :frantics: Have fun!
And then France? I'm jealous. :x

I hope you have loads of fun and don't forget to take pictures and show us people who can't travel, and/or stand planes :r Hope to see you out and about in ten days. ^_^

~Tenilee. :D
Have fun in Canada...and France! :hug:
:party: Have a ton of fun!

So I arrived in France yesterday after a very good time in Canada! Almost missed the connection flight in Paris, but now I'm in the South and more importantly, More Active.

Well, it'll be a bit sketchy to begin with while I get on my feet. Finish some graphics but, say hello to activity in the coming weeks!

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