Closed Sulking

Valerius Bianchi

Spoiled- Entitled- Valerius- Too Good For You
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curved 17 Inch Unyielding Birch Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
4/15/2044 (17)
Valerius knew he should probably go find Aine- he'd seen her boggart. But he'd also had to face his own. While he had expected it, that hadn't made it any easier for him to handle. In class, sure, but it had still troubled him. He'd decided to go down to the lake, and was now laying out on the grass, arms behind his head as he watched the clouds roll by slowly. He felt down, but of course he did. He had so much pressure on him, so many expectations. He had to do well in school, he couldn't afford anything else. He shut his eyes, hoping that maybe if he could just forget the world, his troubles might just go away.
Dahlia had brought a jump rope to school. If she didn't have team sport to do, at least she could keep up with exercise. It was a bit boring, doing all this alone. Even if it was a good excuse to recite poems while jumping, entertain herself. Or junp and jog at the same time, which she was doing until she quickly stopped, seeing a familiar figure lying oj the ground, the rope very gently smacking against the body. "Ooh, sorry...Valerius? Are you alright?"

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