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- 49
- OOC First Name
- Ash
Spring always reaked of happiness, Juliette sat on the edge of a Open window in the North Tower, her legs dangeling down as she watched Students dart around like tiny little ants. She crossed her arms infront of her chest, he had been in Hogwarts for ages now and didn't have one proper friend, and here were these little ants in their groups. She Snarled as she uncrossed her arms to keep her balance, 'And i thought Gryffindor was meant to be a nice house' she said to herself as she ducked as an incoming owl chose the wrong tower and swooped into the window, Juliette turned and looked at is as it plodded around before taking off out the door. She shook her head and looked down at the grounds again.
Juliette pursed her lips, and half wished she had a broom to fly around on, but this was as high as she could get and was allowed to get.
Juliette's owl swooped in and sat on her knee, hooting eagerly as if Juliette had a letter for him, his claws were sharp and she hissed slighly but continued to pet the owl. 'Bludger, you stupid bird' she said, she wasn't sure why she named the bird Bludger, but it just seemed right, he was a bit of a ditz sometime.
Bludger nipped her fingers and she cursed 'You stupid Bird, No i don't have food for you, Bugger off' she said feeling upset she just snapped at her Bird as she watched him fly off, she will need to carry some treats for it to say sorry, she didn't want to be mean. 'Stupid Bird' Juliette said as she inspected her bleeding finger.
Juliette pursed her lips, and half wished she had a broom to fly around on, but this was as high as she could get and was allowed to get.
Juliette's owl swooped in and sat on her knee, hooting eagerly as if Juliette had a letter for him, his claws were sharp and she hissed slighly but continued to pet the owl. 'Bludger, you stupid bird' she said, she wasn't sure why she named the bird Bludger, but it just seemed right, he was a bit of a ditz sometime.
Bludger nipped her fingers and she cursed 'You stupid Bird, No i don't have food for you, Bugger off' she said feeling upset she just snapped at her Bird as she watched him fly off, she will need to carry some treats for it to say sorry, she didn't want to be mean. 'Stupid Bird' Juliette said as she inspected her bleeding finger.