Such a Start

Juliette DiSnow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Spring always reaked of happiness, Juliette sat on the edge of a Open window in the North Tower, her legs dangeling down as she watched Students dart around like tiny little ants. She crossed her arms infront of her chest, he had been in Hogwarts for ages now and didn't have one proper friend, and here were these little ants in their groups. She Snarled as she uncrossed her arms to keep her balance, 'And i thought Gryffindor was meant to be a nice house' she said to herself as she ducked as an incoming owl chose the wrong tower and swooped into the window, Juliette turned and looked at is as it plodded around before taking off out the door. She shook her head and looked down at the grounds again.
Juliette pursed her lips, and half wished she had a broom to fly around on, but this was as high as she could get and was allowed to get.
Juliette's owl swooped in and sat on her knee, hooting eagerly as if Juliette had a letter for him, his claws were sharp and she hissed slighly but continued to pet the owl. 'Bludger, you stupid bird' she said, she wasn't sure why she named the bird Bludger, but it just seemed right, he was a bit of a ditz sometime.

Bludger nipped her fingers and she cursed 'You stupid Bird, No i don't have food for you, Bugger off' she said feeling upset she just snapped at her Bird as she watched him fly off, she will need to carry some treats for it to say sorry, she didn't want to be mean. 'Stupid Bird' Juliette said as she inspected her bleeding finger.
Missy had not made many friends while at Hogwarts. She had hung out with Epiphany a few times, but so was still trying to see what the girl was like. She had also caught her twin skipping classes by sleeping in different corridors. She could not believe she was related to such a loser. He wanted to prove himself worthy, but he could not even attend his classes. She found it very annoying. If he got caught by anyone other than her Slytherin would start losing points. They were already losing to Hufflepuffs for crying out loud! Her and Epiphany were coming up with a plan to make the other houses lose point though. Missy did not have to worry about anything but keeping her twin in check. Missy started to walked up the stairs that lead up to the North Tower. The Slytherin needed to clear her mind. She did not want to think anymore of the things that annoyed her.

When she entered the tower she saw a girl sitting with her legs out of the window. Naturally, Missy just wanted to push the girl out of the window for preventing light from entering the room. She had not reached that level of insanity yet. She walked up closed, and she crossed her arms over her chest. "Would you like a push my dear?" she asked sarcastically.
Juliette heard a voice behind her asking if she would like a push and she smirked 'Please, as long as it would get me away from those cheery people, be my guest' she said with a strong cold tone to her voice. Juliette swung her legs around and saw the girl who talked to her, she was close behind her which kind of freaked her out because she hardly heard her approach 'Can i help you?' she asked the girl giving her some attention before it was turned back to her throbbing finger. Juliette tugged at her school skirt and wrapped it around her finger to soak up the blood. 'Bloody Bird' she grumbeled before she looked up at the girl infront of her again, she hadn't seen her around school before, then again the place was huge and she didn't really care.
Juliette flicked her hair out of her face with her other hand and huffed.
Missy rolled her eyes. Did this girl think she was the only one allowed up here? The girl was not exactly in a position to have an attitude. She was lucky Missy did not want to become a murderer so early in her life. "Yes, actually, you can help me by moving and letting some sun into the room." she told the girl in a cold voice. If she went outside she would be a sunburn too quickly. Her brothers wouldn't get enough of it for weeks. Her heart almost stopped when she saw blood on the girl's finger. Missy never liked being around blood. It was kind of a fear for her. She gulped as she watched the girl wrap her finger in her skirt. When the girl said something about a bird Missy quickly put the pieces together. "You let yourself get attacked by a bird? Engañar[sup]1[/sup]." she spat at the girl.
Juliette smirked when the girl asked her to move to let some sun in the room, the girl thought that she had control over her, as if. Juliette could see the girl seemed upset by the blood from her finger, the girl called her some name in a different language and Juliette smirked to herself 'Yeah i did, wanna see?' she said as she pulled her finger out from being wrapped up in her skirt and held it infront of the girls face wondering if she would faint or spew, Juliette used her thumb to pull back a bit of skin and let some more blood pour out before pulling her finger away.
Juliette crossed her legs getting herself more comfortable sitting on the ledge 'What do you want' she said wondering if the girl was going to take long, she came up here to get away from people but they seemed to follow her around, every place she found someone would come and join her, she just wanted a broom to get onto the room and then she might be able to get away, but knowing her luck people would find a way up there.

Juliette watched the girl curiously, trying to figure out her house.
Missy kept her cool. Even though her heart was pounding she looked calm and collected on the outside. She would have to tell Epiphany about this girl later, so they could make her life at Hogwarts hell. She searched through her messenger bag and pulled out a small vial of dittany. Her father had managed to get her some before she came to school. It was supposed to only be used for emergencies, but this girl was making her annoying her. She had come up to the tower to get away from annoying people, but is seemed like she managed to run into one at every corner. She unstopped the vial holding the stopper in between her teeth. "Hold out your finger again." she ordered the girl. She was not going to stay in the tower for much longer if this girl kept freaking her out with blood. She took the stopper from between her teethe and held it in her hands. Missy rolled her eyes when the girl started asking her questions. "No quiero nada de ti. I want nothing from you. I just wanted to get away from annoying people. I see that I have failed." she glared at the girl.
Juliette looked at the girl as she unstoppered a vial with her teeth, part of her was screaming not to use her teeth but she wasn't going to let it show, Juliette held out her hand even though her instincts told her not to, but after all if the girl did something nasty to her she could probably get her expelled. Juliette cringed her nose when the girl continued to talk in a different language, Juliette knew broken Italian but not enough to curse at someone. Juliette looked at the girl 'Well that was my plan as well but we can't always get what we want' she said guessing the girl was Slytherin by the way that she acted, although anyone could have thought that Juliette was Slytherin aswell.
Juliette looked at the girl and was tempted to get of the window ledge but decided to keep her ground.
Her bird flew in through the arch way an looked as if it was going to perch itself on the girls head before it swooped up into the rafters she shook her head 'Stupid Bird, you're not a Bludger your name is bludger' she shook her head and the Bird hooted as if he was rubbing it in. She cringed her nose and poked out her tounge at the bird 'Go Away Bludger, i dont have any post for you or snacks' she snapped before looking back at the girl to see how she reacted to the bird almost landing on her head.
Missy carefully let a drop of dittany fall on the girl's bloody finger. She watched as the girl's finger healed, and Missy smiled proudly. She then quickly placed the stopper back in it's rightful place. She then put it back in her bag. "I guess not." she agreed with the girl. Missy always got what she wanted. It was an unsaid rule in her home. The only person that defied this rule was Rafael, her twin brother, but she learned not to be bothered with such a useless person. A bird entered the vicinity, and Missy stepped back a shot the horrible creature a glare. She hated animals. Whenever she saw an animal she got the urge to kill it, clean it, and then stuff it. The first year could be very cruel when she wanted to, and she felt no remorse for the damage she caused to animals or people. She rolled her eyes. "I hate animals." she told the girl and crossed her arms over her chest. There was a family owl that the Todd children had brought with them, but they had not even bothered to name it. Her whole family had a strange dislike for animals.

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