Closed Stupid Stick

Sunday Weeks

~Girly~ Boss~ Dramatic~ Sunny~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 12 Inch Swishy Acacia Wand with Acromantula Web Core
13 (8/29/2050)
Sunday was struggling to get through her classes, and that just wouldn't be acceptable. She had to take care of this, she had to get on top of this stupid, stubborn wand. She'd gone to the trophy room, figuring there was less traffic there, and had set up a few little stuffed animals on an empty shelf so she could practice her magic. Nothing crazy- just Repello. If she could just get the hang of using her wand, she could make her wand work for the harder spells.

As it was, however, Sunday was a mess- sweaty, panting, her hair falling out of her perfect bun and making it messy, her pullover hanging off her shoulder. Two of the four were pushed back marginally and one had hit the floor. Sunday cursed loudly, throwing the wand to the ground (a little piece of her hoping it would snap) and watching the wood just roll away from her in a lazy arc, almost as if it was mocking her. She groaned, dragging her hands over her tousled hair as she hung her head.
Cyrus was a little lost in thought as he wandered through the third-floor corridor, his mind drifting from one thing to another. He wasn't exactly sure where he was headed, just that he needed someplace quiet and peaceful. As he passed the trophy room, he paused and realized it was a fairly quiet spot. He pushed the door open and stepped inside, planning to just wander around and look at some of the older trophies for a little while, enjoying the silence.

But as soon as he entered, he spotted someone else there, a girl from his year. He blinked, surprised to see Sunday, who always seemed so put-together in class, looking disheveled and frustrated. Stuffed animals were scattered around, and her wand was lying on the floor. Cyrus hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should say something or quietly leave. After a beat, he cleared his throat. "Are you alright?" He asked quietly.
Sunday almost jumped out of her skin, spinning to face the intruder. "What? Of course I am!" She snapped, pulling her clothes back into place and quickly redoing her hair. "Why wouldn't I be?" She schooled her voice, doing her best to look put together. "Why are you even in here, Cyrus?" Sunday tried to redirect his attention, making sure her hair and clothes were in place, trying to wipe subtly at the sweat on her brow.
Cyrus watched as Sunday fixed her appearance, then glanced away like it might be rude to stare. He shrugged, glancing back at her when she asked him why she wouldn't be alright. He hesitated before vaguely gesturing to the mess. Then he bent down to pick up her wand. "You just seemed... upset? Frustrated?" He asked, stepping closer and holding out her wand carefully. Her question took him off guard. "Just came here for some quiet." He admitted. "It's usually a good spot for that."
Sunday was doing her best to try and hide her wounded pride, glancing at the offending stick like it might bite her, before taking it from him gingerly. "I... suppose it is usually a good place for quiet," She agreed, though she knew she'd not come back again. She put her wand into its holder, crossing her arms. "Don't tell anyone," She offered after a heartbeat of awkward silence. "Please," She let her mask fall just a bit, looking to him with something akin to fear in her eyes.
Cyrus nodded when Sunday agreed it was a good place for quiet, he wondered if she ever sought it out because of that. He hesitated when she asked him not to tell anyone, glancing around a little. He looked back at her. "Honestly, I'm not even sure what I would be telling, even if I did." He admitted. "I won't, though." He glanced at the plushies and back at her. "You were... practicing magic?" He asked after a beat, wondering if he got it right.
Sunday sighed, debating not telling him, but after a moment she thought it'd be even worse to be defensive about it. "Yes, I was working on my spells," She agreed, moving to lean against the wall, folding her arms. "I take my schooling seriously." She offered like it was the most logical thing in the world.
Cyrus nodded as Sunday confirmed she had been working on her spells, his gaze moving over the mess again before he grimaced a little. "So... it wasn't going well?" He guessed. He nodded when she said she took her studies seriously, he knew that about her. But this struggle to get spells to work didn't fit with the image he had of Sunday.
Sunday was bristling, shifting uncomfortably. "Obviously," She scoffed. "Not like you were meant to see that," She grumbled, before sighing. "Magic is... difficult with my wand. It takes a bit more effort to get the spells to function properly." She explained, daring to glance at him to see how he was taking it all.
Cyrus grimace slightly as he saw how uncomfortable Sunday was, it hadn't been his intention to put her on the spot. He gave an apologetic shrug when Sunday said he wasn't meant to see that, it wasn't like he had walked in on her on purpose. When she explained about her wand, her frowned in sympathy. "But that's not fair- so you have to work twice as hard as anyone else for the same result? Do you think your wand is broken?" He asked, glancing at it curiously.
Sunday sighed, brushing her hair back and looking away. "I don't think so- I think it just needs a strong wielder to handle it." She didn't want to admit that she wasn't sure she was strong enough. She wasn't willing to give up just yet. "We're only twelve, after all." She grimaced around the words. She hated sounding weak, appearing weak.
Cyrus frowned a little at Sunday's words. He didn't know enouh about wands to decide if she was telling the truth or just being hard on herself. He shrugged slightly. "We are, but isn't it hard to get better at magic if your wand won't let you practice?" He asked her hesitantly.
Sunday couldn't help it- she rolled her eyes. "What do you think?" She snapped a little bit, scowling in agitation. "There isn't exactly a line of students running around trying to find quiet places to force their wands into submission." She moved to gather up her things, just needing something to do with her hands.

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