Stupid Nail Polish..

Calix Triking

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
E to the A
Sexual Orientation
Straight Wanderer
Fake Wand
Calix was alone in her dorm room (well, alone except for her cat Cosabella, who wouldn't stop licking her face),attempting to find something to do in her dorm's rockin bed. Milly (Calix's dorm mate) had gone off for another french manicure along with her twin sister Becky. Calix'd declined joining them in favor for Cosabella which Becky hates most(she hates everything involving cats in them. She prefer cats as evil animals and dogs as good ones). One of the reasons why Calix declined them was also because listening to them gossip about that Durmstrang guy, and then shrieking as they think of that boy, which she knew she would follow, didn't seem all that appealing after what she's been through (which is the Troll she got in Potions last semester).

Actually, it never seemed all that appealing to Calix........although Milly had stood in front of her for a long time, begging her to reconsider, while she'd argue with her about Becky and Cosabella. She's finally convinced Milly to leave to leave only by saying she'd come later...which is a total lie. And which was why Calix was left in her dorm alone (well, with Cosabella). Cosabella was sleeping now and Calix was very bored so she decided maybe a french manicure would be nice(although the shrieking about the Durmstrang boy maybe a bit annoying). So Calix got up the bed, picked up her purse, locked her dorm and made her way to Becky's dorm.

While Calix was walking she opened her purse to check if she brought everything she needed (including a nail kit and her favorite blue nail polish) but unfortunately, she left her nail polish back at her dorm. So bored Calix went out a huge sigh and made her way back to her dorm. As she was walking, she bumped into someone which cause her to yell the word

OOCOut of Character:
This is Nicole BTW. My cousin Ea's computer was broken so she texted me to make the topic for the two of you. I would be the one replying to all the RP here until her computer gets fixed. :r
Knowing that London got all Oustanding, London smiled as she made her way to the common room. This wasn't the first time that she had perfect score, she manage to get herself perfect score each year and she was thrilled knowing that she could catch up with her expectation. A smile appeared on her face wider as she sat on the couch and sat back. She looked back to the paper of hers and saw smiled once more before placing it on the coffee table. The young girl missed her family, most of her sisters were in the wizarding academy of dramatic arts not in Beauxbaton and she had no idea why she wasn't with them, although she didn't mind being separated.

After a while thinking about her life, London took her wand out and summoned a book. She opened the first page as her blue eyes spotted a picture of a threstal, she loved the magical creature and maybe someday she would be taking care of the magical creature later on in the future. Thinking about this made her smile even wider. London was nothing like most girls in the school, she was into her studies so much more than a lot of students in the school. She flipped the pages one by one reading it from the top to the bottom.

Realizing that it was getting late, London decided to back to the room of hers. She shut the book carefully and placed it on her laps as she took a deep breath before standing up. The young girl took her things from the table and walked away from the common room. As she was walking, she suddenly bumped on someone and dropped her things. She bent down and took it and saw a younger girl "Are you alright?" London was pretty sure this wasn't her fault but then again she wasn't sure of this. "Sorry about that" She said hoping that the girl was alright.

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