Open Study Session

June Davenport

The best student and prefect, obviously ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
It was almost time for OWLS and June had spend a lot of time in the library and other places where she could study or sit with an book to prepare for her OWLS. She believed she was ready for it, born ready. But in a way it was now an very important moment and she knew she had to excell. Her father had told her already before coming to this school that this was an very important part of her studies here. So she had found her usual space in the library and had books all over the table, claiming it for herself. But still organized and now she focused on Astronomy. It wasn't her favorite class but not the worst too. June rolled her eyes when an stupid student was making an loud noice in the library, it was an quiet place and whispering or talking softly to eachother was normal. But thankfully she could close her off from all around her and focused on the book in front of her.
Fraser did not feel confident about his upcoming exams. It didn't help that he had never done that well in his exams, that he had always just managed to pass and these were important exams that he needed to do well in, and needed to pass. That and he had barely any spare time to actually focus on them. He didn't have the time to actually do the work. The prefect had come to the library and was looking for a spot to study in, one where his concentration wouldn't be taken away. Fraser spotted June and knew that was a good place for him. She would make him concentrate because he wouldn't want to take her attention away from things. "Hey June, mind if I join you?"
As she went to the next page of her Astronomy book she saw some movement in the corner of her eye, some students walking by, but she kept looking at her book. Focussing on her own. And people knew they didn't had to disturb her or they could get an devil look. She was pleased with how the year went, except from a few things. But they were just stupid. What was most important was OWLS and she needed to be perfect. When she heard her name and someone disturbing her she looked up, ready to scold to someone. But than she noticed Fraser. And in a way she was not too pleased with someone disturbing her, but she couldn't get mad at him. He had been so kind to her always, and she had offered him help with studying so perhaps this was the time. '' Hi '' June greeted him and gave an short smile, but looking at her book again. And making an note of an part about asteroids. '' Gonna study for OWLS I presume?'' She asked shortly and looked up. '' Than your welcome.'' June said giving him an sugar sweet smile.
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Fraser gave a wide smile and nodded to the presumption of what he was doing. he took a seat making sure to not encroach upon her space. Making sure that he was near but not too near. With enough space for his own books and notes. "I'm hoping that by studying with you, I'll focus better," he told her. He wasn't looking for her to help him study but her presence alone would do that for him.
Fraser was indeed gonna study for OWLS. Which was an wise thing she believed. And what else did he need to do in the library? As he commented on her June had to smile. '' I'm giving you and good example at least.'' she said. '' Which subject are you gonna study today?'' She than asked. Knowing she followed most of the classes with him, but she was one of the few who followed them all.
Fraser smiled at her as he opened his books. He had decided on History because he knew of all his subjects this was the one he'd probably do poorest in the exam for, and there wasn't even a practical element where he could improve the final grade. "History, you?" he asked her in response. Though he was sure that June would never have the same issues with remembering things as he did.
It was good to see that Fraser at least wanted to put effort in his studies. He was also an member of the quidditch team of Gryffindor, not that June cared at all for that sport. But she could remember him wanting so badly to be on that team, and she succeeded. So he had determination. And that made her see him diferently in a way, at this moment. June wasn't sure why and what. But she didn't mind his company now. She nodded at his respons. '' Astronomy. It's not my favorite, but well I need to study them all.'' The blonde said. And looked at her book for an moment, making an quick note on her notes from an important part she read. In a way she wanted to make conversation, but wasn't sure what to say.

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