Study Breaks

Hayley Dalton

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle
The book was practically wedged onto Hayley Dalton's nose as she read deeply into the words written across the pages. She had been at Hogwarts for only two nights, thus far, but already had found her way to the library and had taken out several books to read. She felt that she ought to catch up on a few things, here and there. Her parents had raised her in the wizarding world, but the extent of her academic knowledge of this world was not exactly record-breaking.

She turned the page, reading further and blocking out the sound of the softly crackling fire. It wasn't exactly cold, but the fire seemed to keep the common room at precisely the right temperature. Other students sat about the common room, chatting away into the night, but as time ticked on, they gradually migrated to their beds to rest up for the busy days ahead. Hayley, however, did not budge, but continued to read, only briefly glancing from her book to check who was still present: A group of noisy older boys were gathered by the fire, a short distance from them, in the shadows, was a younger boy, though Hayley could not really make out his face. The only other girls in the room, stood up at that moment, staring over at Hayley before bidding the room 'goodnight', and heading off to bed. Hayley waited for the elder boys to leave, also, before she too stood. But her aim was not for the comfort of her bed, but for the entrance of the common room. She had forgotten the other boy, before wandering from the common room and silently walking the corridor.
Rory had spent the evening sat on the floor of the common room with his face behind a large, leather book, peering over momentarily when he heard laughter or a stirring from the other students. Hard as he tried to study and prepare for lessons starting, his mind kept drifting off to his Dad. Did he miss Rory as much as he was missing him? Was he spending his days staring at the wall like he had when Rory's Mum had left him? Much as he was enjoying Hogwarts, he couldn't help but worry. A little sigh left the troubled young boy and he returned once again to scanning the text without really taking anything in.
The fire blazed on as more and more students disappeared from the common room to go to bed. Rory peeped over his book to check the time, his eyes widening. He hadn't realized it was quite so late, though he wasn't tired in the slightest. Rory was about to hide behind his huge book again when something caught his eye. A young girl he had spotted a few times before as he read was still sitting in the common room. He edged back slowly into the shadows, which was difficult with such a heavy book on his lap, and was proved unnecessary when the girl got up and without warning left the room in the wrong direction. He waited a minute or two, his ears ringing with silence, before deciding she must have gone that way on purpose. He stood up, placing the book on a table as quietly as he could manage, and without even thinking of the danger of getting caught, he steathily followed the girl out.
Hayley picked her way along the corridor, her ears pricking up at the slightest sound, listening out for anyone coming to find her. She didn't want to get expelled her first week in this new school. Her parents would kill her. But she was a curious young Ravenclaw, and eager to learn more about the castle. She made her way down one of the stone staircases, then another and another. She was heading to the dungeons, having heard about the house elves living there. The Dalton family house elf had grown to be a good friend of hers, and she missed him. Perhaps meeting other elves here would make her a little less homesick.

However, it was once Hayley had stepped off the final step before the kitchen, deep within the heart of the school, that she had decided to let the boy tailing her know that she was aware of his presence. She halted suddenly, turning on her heel and shooting him a polite smile, though through the darkness she could scarcely make him out. "It's rude to snoop," she said with a joking grin, knowing full well that she was as much in the wrong as he. "You could do with a lesson or two in following people," she shook her head, amused, "and in not scuffing your feet quite so much." She placed her hand upon the kitchen door, ready to push, tilting her head at an angle as though questioning whether or not the boy was about to make a mad dash to some figure of authority and report her. "Hungry?"
Rory followed the curious young girl for a long way down the corridor before she abrubtly turned around, startling him. His eyes drifted to his feet. His Dad would be ashamed that he'd been following her, but although he hated lying, it wasn't like he had to find out.. Unless he got into trouble. He let the girl confront him, feeling guiltier by the second, and was about to turn around when she asked a peculiar question which brought a genuine smile to his face. His eyes met hers cautiously in case she was plotting something to try and poison him or something, but he saw no real danger. At that moment, his stomach let out a low, long rumble. He'd been so caught up in worrying about his Dad, he hadn't been able to eat at the feast that evening. Rory nodded vigorously, his eyes lighting up and his grin broadaning.
As Rory took a few steps towards the girl and the kitchen door, he felt he needed to apologize. "I'm very sorry... I didn't mean to snoop or anything, I just..." He trailed off, with no excuse as to why he'd followed her. The boy raised his eyebrows and lifted his shoulders a little in the hope that she'd let him off. He hadn't noticed that the girl had only been messing around, since he had never had a friend to joke with before. Suddenly, he said in an hushed voice, "Are we allowed to come down here in the night?" Rory already knew the answer to his question, but perhaps if the girl thought otherwise, he wouldn't feel quite so bad about sneaking off when he wasn't supposed to.
Hayley gave small, girly giggle at the gurgle of his stomach. It seemed to be answering for him. Hayley batted the words away with her hand, shaking her head again and smiling. "It's fine, really." She responded, pushing lightly at the door before hearing the boy speak again. "Are we allowed?" Hayley repeated, a shine in her eyes that shrieked the answer, the same one that made her force open the door at that exact moment, "Nope." The door gave a rumbling groan as it budged open. She stepped inside, beckoning the boy to follow her. Inside the room, all was quiet. "What's your name?" Hayley asked, having only just realised that she did not know it. There had been so many students sorted into Ravenclaw house that she had been granted little chance of noting down names. "I'm Hayley. Hayley Dalton." She offered up her hand in greeting.
Rory giggled at the sound of Hayley's laugh, though he didn't let on it was because of this he was smiling. He groaned a little inwardly when she replied with a simple 'Nope', but at least he felt better no he knew she didn't mind that he'd followed her. He took her hand lightly. "Rory, Dewan," he replied, not really paying attention to what she thought of his name because she had opened the door to the kitchen and he was trying his best to peer in. "Is there anybody-" he tried to ask if there was anyone in there, but she had already stepped inside, looking extremely comfortable despite the fact they could get caught any second. A little more cautiously than she, he stepped into the huge kitchen. "Wow," he whispered, "There must be enough food here to feed a family for years," he exaggerated, grinning. "But wait," Rory said suddenly to Hayley. "What if there's someone here?"
"I'm almost certain there is," she grinned suddenly at the small sight that befell her eyes. "Hello," she said cheerfully, appearing to address the floorspace behind one table, "I hope you don't mind us being here. We just thought we'd pop in for a snack, didn't we, Rory?" She gave him a nod, turning back to whoever it was to which she currently spoke. She began looking around for the pumpkin juice, a little thirsty. Her confidence may not have been brilliant when it came to evading danger, but she was great in a social situation like this, and she had a lot of faith in herself. If there was one thing that set Hayley aside from Landon, it was her lack of shyness.
Pipi was gathering turnips and off the floor and placing them back into a split sack. She had already set out a small feast of sweet and sticky puddings for the late-night wanderers. In her time at Hogwarts as a working elf, Pipi had learnt to expect the evening arrivals of students, and she welcomed them with open arms. "Ooh, not at all!" Pipi clapped her hands together in delight, "Pipi loves students! Pipi lives to feed hungry ones!" With that, Pipi began sorting out a few fresh slices of toast, setting out a few extra plates, and a nice big flash of hot chocolate.
Rory was hanging a little behind Hayley. He'd never broken any rules before and was still a little anxious they'd get caught. When Hayley started talking to the floor, Rory frowned, standing on tip toes to see over the table. He gasped, spotting what must have been an elf. "Oh, uh, hello. Thank you," he mumbled, his stomach growling even more at the sight of the toast and hot chocolate. He sipped some before taking a bite of his toast, and his face flooded with pink. Rory felt remarkably better having eaten, although still a little weary. He smiled anxiously and turned to Hayley, inhaling deeply. "I'm sorry if I've been a bit weird. I just can't stop thinking about..." Rory sighed and shook his head sadly, "It doesn't matter." He looked at Pipi with a forced smile. "Thanks again for the food, it was great. We won't get into trouble, will we?"

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