Open Study and Chats

Professor Noel Waldgrave

DADA 1-4 | Loyal | Friendly Professor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13 Inch Alder Wand 13 3/4" With Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Noel had pretty serious plans for this year, and the more to come. He was living the best start of the year so far, with becoming Chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. But also he was in a good flow for his studying. He had one goal and in front of him mostly and that motivated him to do good. And that ment that he would be a bit more busier than usual and had to say no to Sully or some other friends more. But he could combine the things for sure. The brown haired boy went to the library and searched for a table but he wasn't the only one it seemed. So he choose the one with less people than the others and noticed a girl who he had seen before. She was in his classes and a friend of Sully as well he knew. But he didn't remembered her name. Noel put his book on the table and smiled shortly to the girl. '' Hey. Do you mind me studying here?'' Noel than asked friendly and figured if the girl said no he would sit elsewhere but on the other hand it was not her table. But he didn't want to make a big deal out of it. He just figured she would say yes. '' Your in Gryffindor right? I've seen you in classes. I'm Noel, also a friend of Sully.'' He than said and introduced. Not that he was stalking her or something but Sully had mentioned her before.
Aisa preferred studying in the library to studying in the Gryffindor common room. More often than not, the common room was noisy and crowded, and Gryffindors were especially good at being loud. She was reading her Ancient Runes book at a table in the library, a small frown on her face as she tried to focus on the text. She still wasn't entirely sure about this new subject, but wanted to at least try her best before she decided if she wanted to keep it. The girl looked up when someone approached, she spotted Noel, a boy from her year. "I am." She said when he asked if she was in Gryffindor. "And you can sit here. It's a free country." She gestured to one of the seats. Aisa wasn't sure if she liked that the boy clearly recognized her being Sully's friend, but then again, she couldn't really deny it was true. He had grown on her, like an especially stubborn fungus. "I'm Aisa." She said, as it seemed he didn't know her name. She was pretty quiet in classes, so she couldn't blame him for that. Aisa moved some of her books and parchment to the side so he had a bit more room. "Go ahead." She said.
Noel was waiting for an reaction from the girl. He was curious how she would react. He had seen her in classes and knew she was a friend of Sully. But he smiled as she reacted and in a way he could respond himself as well. '' Thanks. It is indeed. But not everyone reacts the same.'' He than said with a small smile. '' So glad you are not like that.'' He than smiled. It could be she was waiting for someone else to study with her as well. He went sitting at one of the seats across her. She introduced herself as Aisa and Noel nodded and smiled to her. '' Nice to meet you Aisa. Are you busy with homework today?'' He than asked the girl curious. Noel opened his book for Defence Against The Dark Arts and looked up the part about Vampires. He would read some for the classes. But looked to the girl than too. He could easily combine things.
Aisa shrugged when Noel said not everyone reacted that way. She herself wasn't usually the most welcoming to new people, as she tended to want to be by herself. She had no problem with him sitting here, but hoped that he didn't think they were going to be best friends now. "You can do what you want." She repeated quietly, turning the page of her book. "I'm studying, yes." She said, gesturing to her book. "Ancient Runes." She added, though she figured that was pretty obvious, unless the boy was incredibly unfamiliar with what runes looked like, which she supposed was possible.

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