Students for Sale

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Liberty Kaelen

history tutor; grandmother; class of 2028
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
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Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
8/2010 (52)
That's sounds harsh doesnt it... and technically they're free... but anyway. I have a selection of student accounts that i made a while ago and never got round to using them properly. Each way made with a different personality, although i never got round to showing it. If you would like any of these characters please PM me and we can discuss it.

Alexis Koroto-Chen - Third Year Hufflepuff. Very sweet. Bubbly girl with a good sense of humour. She listens to people, and although her main personality is that she's loyal and calm, she can also be courage when she needs to be.

Ali Shaw - Third year Slytherin. Ali is a goth who keeps mainly to herself. She doesn't like lots of people around her and she's not that good at her school work. Maybe someone could develop more into this and give her something exciting.

Andrew Spinnet - Durmstrang. Can be as old or young as you like. Durmstrang boy. Innocent and charming. Was once a victim of Larissa veela charm, but she just passed him off. Not really any developemnt with personality here.

Aurelie Rueskoshuvich - Beauxbatons. Again can be how old you want. She's very small for her age, and people refer to her as a pixie. She has quite a large family history (which ive yet to make up) so that would maybe be something you'd want to think about.

Belle Harrison - Third year Gryffindor. Twins with Jake Harrison. She believes she should have been put into Ravenclaw. She likes to read and write and one day hopes to be part of a quidditch team

Cassandra Brown - Hufflepuff (can't remember what year). She has quite old fashioned belives and wears classic dresses and blonde ringles. Personality yet to be found..

Daniella Smythe - Sixth Year Slytherin. She was going to be the leader of the Riot girls, but that never went into action. Maybe whoever has her could discuss in more detail with Hamza about this plot if he's still up for it.

Harriet Griffin - Gryffindor. Can't remember year. Personality very similar to Belle's, although she's a little more outgoing.

Indigo Mood - Ravenclaw fourth year. Charmer, and likes to win the ladies. Could be good for a plot of romance. He quite achedmic too.

Jake Harrison - Gryffindor. Personality same as his sister Belle's but he's a guy not a girl..

Sage Hannigan - Durmstrang. Any age you want. No personality yet.

Stella Wixton - unsorted. Likes bright colours and the 80's.

No students have set families ether..
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