Open Stuck in the corridor

Teddy Pirrip

Walking the line, most of the time 🧸 5th year
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Rather embarrassingly for a fourth year, Teddy had forgotten the password to get inside the Gryffindor common room. Actually, now that he thought about it, he wasn't convinced that anyone had told him it’d been changed. He hadn’t exactly been hanging around much lately, what with all the exam study, classes, and going outdoors whenever he could, he hadn't spent time in the common room outside of curfew.

After rattling off a few wrong guesses of what it might have changed it to, he gave up. Instead, he lingered near the portrait, planning to play it cool and wait to tailgate behind the next Gryffindor to show up.
Elio had finished his rather impromptu study session with Mikael and after losing an embarrassing number of rounds of Wand, Rune, Potion to him, he'd decided that enough was enough for the day and they'd agreed to meet back up later for dinner. He'd attempted to walk Elio back to the common room, but had been distracted successfully by Hinata and so Elio had walked back to the common room alone. When he saw Teddy hanging around outside, he raised an eyebrow curiously. Not used to seeing him hanging around outside, usually he would be either on the Quidditch pitch, or Elio would see him in the Brotherhood rooms, or occasionally inside the common room. "Hey Mr. President, taking in the sights?" He asked as he came to a stop next to him.
Teddy did not have to wait long for a Gryffindor to come along, it was a busy corridor after all. He nodded a greeting to Elio, "Evening Brother," he replied playfully and smiling at his comment. Elio was cool and would probably let Teddy in, but also Teddy didn't want to look lame in front of an older student by admitting that he didn't know the password. "Ha good one. I was just waiting for a friend so you go right ahead." He said, gesturing an arm to let him go first and standing close enough to hear the password in the process.
Elio laughed. "I hope your friend doesn't leave you out here waiting long, but if you're waiting for a Gryffindor, why wouldn't you have waited in the Common room?" Honestly he was a little bit suspicious, even Elio tended to wait in the common room for Mikael, and Mikael was a Slytherin, so it was hard to imagine why Teddy would wait outside the common room. Unless he just liked the scenery outside more, but all there was out here was portraits, maybe his friend is a portrait? Could the portraits just visit whoever they wanted? No, Elio was pretty sure there was something else going on, but he didn't want to be rude about it any assume. "I just came back from studying, since apparently you won't help me with my studies like you promised." He teased.
Teddy smirked, picking up on Elio's suspicion. He could tell he wasn’t convinced that Teddy was being entirely forthcoming, but that didn’t mean he was about to change his answer either. “Well, this is where we agreed to meet,” he said, shrugging a little defensively, though still grinning. When Elio teased Teddy, he clutched his chest in shock. “I never broke a promise!” he gasped playfuly. “The offer still stands!” then added, “Just not right this second, because I’m waiting for my friend, and later… well, I’ll be busy later too, and the rest of my week is pretty chockablock, so is next week actually. But definitely sometime I’ll help you study.” Teddy grinned, smoothing down his hair as he spoke, “Anyway how’s the house point count coming along? I seem to recall you challenging my record breaking total. Think you’re close yet?" He asked, swiftly moving the subject away from himself.
"Ah, good, good, then perhaps they'll be along shortly," he said, as he turned to head into the common room, because stopping again as Teddy run to let him know he hadn't broken a promise, it was just delayed. He summoned his schedule quickly, and pulled out his quill, "What about next year, how's that looking for you, huh?" He knew of course that it was a joke, but he was curious how long Teddy was going to keep it up for. He was beginning to wonder if Teddy was trying to be flaky and pretend he wasn't or if he wasn't a flake pretending to be a flake. Either way it was silly. "I was hoping I'd have had a better result at the duel, it would have boosted my numbers, as it stands, I doubt I'll be winning, though I like to think I'll at least come close."
Teddy laughed at Elio’s persistence. He kind of admired it, though he’d never admit that out loud, nor would he ever admit to being a flake either! “Very organised, uh but I'll need to sort my Quidditch timetable first” he brushed off setting a date. “Oh, too bad! I won in my year group,” Teddy told him proudly before playfully adding, "I can help you with dueling too if you like. Just add it to your list for next year."
"Oh of course, yes, well, I'll wait for your update on when we can get to that, so I will make sure to come and find you next year," he said, grinning when Teddy went on to mention he'd won in his year group. "Yeah, I saw your duel, nicely done, I was up against Anisha, so I wasn't all that surprised that she beat me, she's been duelling for longer than I have," he added, she was a a very good dueller, and he admired her ability to bounce back when he'd put her on the back foot. He could learn a lot from her, and he'd made a note to make sure he paid attention to her next year, learn how she worked so he could potentially beat her next year. "I definitely need some more training, but I think I have duelling covered actually," he laughed slightly, thinking about Mikael trying to sting him into submission when they'd sort of duelled the other day. His boyfriend was apparently a menace with a stinging hex.

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