
Chavdar Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
Poisonwood 14 3/4" Core of Basilisk Fang and Ebony 14" Core of Chimera Scale
Chavdar felt a wave of relief when he arrived to his house, thankfully by Rosaline. He couldn't remember much between them, but knew that something was there. And whatever it was, it felt nice. He walked into the living room, to which it was still trashed by the fight that brought him the slight amnesia to begin with. It was like a tornado had come through and ripped everything to bits. Chavdar stepped over the fragments of debris, and frowned slightly. Whatever happened wasn't good at all. Chavdar glanced at Rosaline, and frowned slightly, "Can you tell me what happened to the living room?"

Chavdar stared down at it, and found some dried blood. He had no idea that it was his own. He shivered slightly, and felt that something horrible had happened. And it had to do with him. After all, it was in his house, right? There was no explanation for it. Perhaps the family tree would help, but all it would do would tell what happened. Not give Chavdar the full pleasure of having the memories that seemed to be out of reach for the time being.
With a loud crack Rosaline and Chavdar apparated into the destroyed living room of their home. She winced at the memory of the fight and the words that were said to her, and about Vaschel. How could anyone say such a thing? No matter how rude and ignorant her family members were they would never say such a thing about him. As Chavdar asked what had happened she sighed and placed her hands on her pregnant belly carefully. "Asparuh found out about our babies, you attacked him after he mentioned..." Rosaline said, before trailing off with a shudder, not able to actually finish what she was saying.

Rosaline took out her wand and flourished it, cleaning up some of the debris and the blood with a spell. She looked over at Chavdar and said, "I didn't have time to do anything but take you away from here." A painful look formed on her face, she absolutely hated seeing Chavdar in pain, and it wasn't the first time and now that the truce was over, it wouldn't be the last.
Chavdar turned to face Rosaline. Asparuh did this? Chavdar felt the back of his head, and glanced down at her stomach. So, they were his. But, wasn't Rosaline a widow? Did Chavdar love her, before he woke up from the coma? Chavdar had to know. "I attacked him... Whatever he said must have been bad for me to do that then." He watched the living clean itself up and smiled gently. Chavdar let out a sigh, and murmured, "I'm guessing that I was the loser from the fight, huh." Suddenly, he remembered a two second memory. When he launched at Asparuh, and his father caught him by the throat. Looking into his eyes... and then nothing. Chavdar shuddered, "Oh... I just remembered... He caught me. By the throat. And then nothing."

Chavdar bit his lip slightly. He concluded, "Well, I guess I hit my head pretty hard from the fight. Because I don't remember much of it. I barely remember when the last time we even fought. Heck, I only remember the summer I adopted Hadan." He paused. He was trying to wrap things up in his mind. He walked over to the couch, and summoned his family tree. At least he could do that wandless. It was difficult, but at least it came. He took a seat, and motioned for Rosaline to join him, as if it was natural. He tapped his name, and read over the events. Chavdar smiled gently, and stared at Rosaline, "We really are having children together. And apparently, you live with me too. And I have a shop, and there was a truce?" He faded off. He couldn't believe what he was reading. And Chavdar was the one to break it?
Rosaline nodded as Chavdar said that what Asparuh had said had been bad. "Long story short it involved the death of someone," she responded, deciding that it would be best that she didn't explain that it was about Vaschel. If he didn't remember what she had told him about Vaschel she didn't want to bring it up. She sighed gently as Chavdar said that he remembered being caught by his throat and shuddered at the vibrant memory of the fight.

Rosaline walked over to the couch as Chavdar called her over and sat down beside him comfortably. Absentmindedly she placed her hand on his shoulder as he read the family tree. As he said the facts about the pair of them and himself, she nodded. "Don't worry, if you hadn't attacked Asparuh, I'm almost certain I would have," she said with a small, trying grin.
Chavdar wondered who that person was, and why that situation would have bothered Rosaline and him in such a manner. Someday, he would figure it out. Chavdar put the family tree back on the table, and covered his face with his hands. All this, it was getting to his head. And not only that, his breathing wasn't exactly normal, and his head throbbed with pain. Chavdar murmured, "Rosaline, I don't want you attacking my dad. Not with...twins." He gazed over at her, and forced a weak smile, trying to hide the subtle pain he felt.

Gah, lame!
Rosaline nodded and kissed Chavdar's temple softly. "You shouldn't be attacking him either," she retorted before sighing. "Water?" she asked, wishing there was something more she could do to help him. She rubbed her blue eyes softly and stiffled a yawn before placing both hands on her stomach. She felt odd and out of place being so nice and affectionate to the people growing inside of her, she didn't think that she had ever loved someone as much as she cared for her unborn children, and wondered if Chavdar, if he had his memory, was the same with them.

Chavdar shrugged lightly and laughed softly, "I wouldn't have done it if I cared so much I suppose." He smiled gently, and politely declined, "No thank you. You would think that I would be getting you stuff. Because of..." He glanced down at her stomach, staring at it adoringly. Even without memories, he found himself loving his unborn children. However, his body naturally tensed up, and he glanced at Rosaline. His eyes swarmed with worry. "What if Asparuh comes back and sees me without my memory? What will happen then?" He wondered what the fight was all about anyway. It had to have been something big, or else it wouldn't have happened to begin with.

Now for Arnost's arrival!
Arnost had been traveling from place to place, looking for a few answers. His twin brother had been jumping around too, because Arnost seemed to always find himself lagging behind. He paced his home in Russia, before rolling his soulless black eyes. "I'll just go to his house in New Zealand." However, because he did not know where it was, he walked over to his fireplace, and hated to travel by floo. It would only be a one time thing anyway, he assumed. He took a handful of the green powder and said in a clear, powerful voice, "Zhefarovich Household!" And within an instant, he found himself in a study. Arnost had a weird expression upon his face.

This wasn't the right house. He found the stairs, and walked up them. Using his wand, he lifted whatever charms off the door, and walked into what appeared to be a weight room. He continued walking, until he came across the living room. Arnost muttered, "Well, I got the wrong house..." However, he faded off, when he spotted a couple, and rolled his eyes once more. However, was did shock him was a family crest above the living room fireplace. Well, this is the Zhefarovich Household, but who the hell were they? Arnost had lost any form of contact with Asparuh's children, except for Kalif, and it was natural that he did not recognize Chavdar from such an angle. The aura that radiated off him was almost exactly like Asparuh's. And sure enough, there he stood in the doorway, looking exactly like his twin, but with a subtle smirk on his features.
Rosaline smiled gently at Chavdar and said, "Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't do simple things." As he looked down at her stomach her question seemed to be answered so she gently picked up his hand in her own and placed it on her bump, wondering if he could feel the kicking she could. Just as she was about to respond to Chavdar's question about Asparuh, the corner of her blue eyes caught a figure of a man. She turned her head towards him, and saw what she believed to be Asparuh. "Asparuh, what are you doing here?" she asked him coldly, before glancing over at Chav, for a second she let fear seep into her blue eyes, fear that he would come to hurt Chavdar again, to the point of death. She couldn't imagine being without him now, and what would happen to Hadan?
Chavdar felt the kicking, and it felt absolutely odd to him, but it also made him feel proud. His and her pureblood children. Truth be told, he did not care for the whole purity thing, but it just happened to happen between the two of them, he supposed. It wouldn't be long before they were born into this world. And Chavdar felt like he would be bringing them happiness, with Rosaline at his side. "Yeah, I know but..." He faded off, when he heard the next inquiry, but it wasn't directed at him. Asparuh? Here? Chavdar turned his head to the doorway, and his eyes narrowed. The subtle smirk, it was throwing Chavdar off a bit, however, the man, he had the same soulless eyes as Asparuh from his memory. Within an instant, Chavdar stood up from the couch, and pointed his wand at him, "I don't know what we fought about last time, but you won, so why are you here?" Chavdar winced slightly from the light pain in his chest.
Arnost raised an eyebrow, before allowing a laugh escape his lips. It was low and eerie, and would send chills up a normal person's spine if they did not know him. Arnost said simply to the man, "Put that wand away, it will do you no good anyhow." The man though, looked like a Zhefarovich, and had the eyes. And the woman had to be his wife or lover. Whichever be the case. Arnost turned his head to stare at the woman, "Asparuh? Why, don't insult me like that. I actually know how to have fun, whereas he doesn't." Arnost folded his arms across his chest, and entered the room further. He stared once more at the man, "You mean to tell me, as my nephew, you fight off my brother? Tsk tsk. Proves he has a few issues to deal with, huh." Arnost laughed darkly again. However, he did not introduce himself, figuring that the man would do so himself.
Rosaline saw Chavdar stand up and she opened her mouth in protest, but was interrupted by the man's laughter that was as disturbing as the day was long. As the man that looked like Asparuh spoke to her she eyed him curiously, trying her hardest to try and remember what she had read in their family tree. "Arnost?" she asked, remembering vaguely that Asparuh had a twin that started with an A, she was almost certian Arnost was what it was. Even though this wasn't Asparuh, she wasn't comfortable in this man's presance, not in Chavdar's and her own current states. "Why might you be here?" she asked in a more hospitable tone, but still quite distant towards him, in case he was planning on doing something.
Chavdar's eyebrows raised when he heard the man laugh. Asparuh very rarely laughed so randomly. Unless someone was in pain, only then would Asparuh really express such a joyous expression, even if it was creepy coming from this man. Chavdar lowered his wand, and put it inside his jacket. If he wasn't Asparuh...then he was... Chavdar fought to remember. Rosaline was the first to receive the name, and Chavdar gave the man an odd look, "You are my uncle? Arnost?" Chavdar frowned slightly, when he insulted his own twin. It seemed like Arnost was enjoying himself thoroughly. "Yeah, dad and I fight on occasion, and it is just because our ends don't meet or he says something..." Chavdar shrugged lightly. Arnost did a very good job on remaining low, and Chavdar had never met the man before him in his life. Though Rosaline's question hung in the air, what was he doing here and where did he come from? Because he didn't apparate or come through the front door.
Arnost could only gave an odd look to the woman. She knew him, but she wasn't a Zhefarovich. Though she was carrying children. Arnost reached inside his robes and pulled out the family tree, and pointed at the man, "All right, you are Chavdar, and you must be..." He followed the single line to the woman's name and then pointed at the woman, "Rosaline." He folded the parchment and place it back into his robes. He saw that both were pureblood, and thought, I see that Asparuh did spawn with that Liyla wh0r3. Arnost gazed over to Rosaline, and simply responded, "I was trying to meet up with my brother and I have no idea where he might be. So, I used floo powder, and apparently, this is the Zhefarovich Household. I'm not exactly here willingly, because to be blunt, I have no idea who you two are. I just know that he is related to me by the eyes and the blond hair." He had his gloved index finger pointed at Chavdar.
Rosaline simply nodded when Arnost said her name, as he answered her question she responded, "I believe you might be thinking of the... Zhefarovich Manor." She had paused for a slow moment before finishing her thought, trying to recall where it might be. She shrugged her shoulders and leaned back a bit more relaxed, for some reason Arnost reminded her of someone in her own family, and she really had no problem with him at all.

OOC: If that is the wrong place just assume it's the right one.. :p
Chavdar calmed down, and sat back down next to Rosaline. He had to admit, Arnost was slightly strange. But Chavdar only stared at his uncle in disbelief. He was brusque, there was no doubt about that. Chavdar let out a sigh, and shrugged his shoulders, “Reason why I hate floo travel. I didn’t know anyone in our family that actually did that.” Chavdar absentmindedly felt his blond hair, knowing full and well that he looked similar to Asparuh, and now Arnost, because of his features. He did have Liyla in him so that he did not look completely like them. He motioned toward the chair for Arnost to sit.
Arnost shook his head at Rosaline, “No, I’ve already been there, and I assumed that he would have another house somewhere out in the world. Perhaps I was wrong or he is going under a name that I wouldn’t know about.” Arnost gave a light hearted shrugged. Arnost sighed and decided to sit down, his back straight. Arnost glanced down at his hand for a moment, before looking up at the couple. “What concerns me slightly is that Chavdar, you seem to get your ass kicked every time you fight Asparuh.” Arnost raised an eyebrow and his smirk became less subtle and more evident.
Rosaline placed a hand on Chavdar's shoulder softly when Arnost mentioned Chav's fighting with Asparuh. She was a little guilty that it was because of her pain from any mention of Vaschel's death that the truce was over and that Chavdar had lost his memory. An inaudible sigh erupted from her lips at the thought of all of this. In silence she placed her hands back on her stomach as she felt kicking from one of the babies, she honestly couldn't wait until they were born.


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