Storybook Forest

OOC First Name
Phil and Ana V
My potions bottle
Sophia-Nox was awake for once. How long had it been since their mother had bound them to the trees of the Bella-Donna forest. The forest had a different name of course but it was never called that name by anyone who knew. This entire stretch of land belonged to Dympna Bella-Donna and everything in the woods knew that. With in these woods she was queen. Sophia-Nox had given up a long time ago struggling against the branches that held her wrists and ankles together as well as the ones that bound the rest of her to the trees. Her sisters Purnella and Adora-Ursala where siring as well. "Send the call dear sister. Our gentle singers aren't here so you will have to sing." AU and Prunella said together. Sophia-Nox agreed. She had the most seductive voice out of the three sisters.

"Come to us." Sophia-Nox sang out in a way that it seemed to echo for miles. The creatures around them ran for their lives. "Come to us, little ones, older ones. come to us and set us free. We are three victums of dark magic. Help us grow, help us move, help us live." Sophia-Nox finished before repeating her words. Every time she was wake Sophia would do this. It had been a long time since they could talk one of the others to sing for them. A longer time still since they lived as the fear with the hearts of all who where in Bella-Donna land. Sophia-Nox sang at the top of her lungs for a while before her sisters joined in to make the entrancing sound more powerful. Someone would come, eventually someone foolish enough to be taken in by their pleas for help would come and free them from the curse that bound them to the trees.

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