Stories...of sorts.

Violet Bellamy

Somehow, Pulling It Together
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence Of Hair From The Mane Of A Unicorn
((Okay. So, I'm basically setting up this thread so I can post stuff relating to my characters. Some will be IC, some will be OOC. I decided to do this because I have a lot of backstories with my own characters in my head, and some things I just am not bothered to RP, so I figured this was the best place to put them. Let's see if I ever actually use this. xD ))
Title: Like Father, Like Daughter (IC)
Characters: Emmanuelle Leroy and Tyrone Faraday
Rating: PG (for slight language and themes).
Status: Complete (pending editing based on flights of fancy)

Emmanuelle was glad of the weekend away from the school. Beauxbatons, despite being very pretty, had a very ugly side to it that Emmanuelle liked to steer clear of. Of course, she was immune to most of the hardships the school could throw her way. After all, she was part-Veela, and kept herself to herself. She did not meddle in other people's business, and they did not meddle in hers. She had the nice protection of her blood, for most who knew what was good for them did not mess with the 'beautiful people' of Beauxbatons. Nonetheless, Emmanuelle was a bit of a loner, and seeing the cliques within the school, and what some of the girls did to the others...well, she liked to keep as far away from it as possible.

And so it was that Emmanuelle was sitting, alone, in the pub. She was only fifteen, but she was remarkably responsible for her age - despite the appearance of a spacey, airy girl, one with her head in the clouds. She was intelligent and mature, and it was thanks to her mother that she was. For Evangeline Leroy was perhaps the most immature and irresponsible forty year old anyone could ever meet. And to think that she had two children...well, she only looked after one (the term 'looked after' being used quite loosely). Antoinette had been dumped on her father's doorstep as soon as she was born. Emmanuelle...well, Evangeline had dumped her father and kicked him out of her house. And she'd insisted she could raise a child by herself - ha! It was lucky that Emmanuelle had been born so intelligent. From the time she was about two, she was able to amuse herself while Evangeline went out to use her Veela powers to seduce unfortunate men. She could go to the shops and buy food at about five or six. And she was extremely grateful for the day she was accepted to Beauxbatons - it meant she could worry less about keeping herself occupied, and instead set to sharpening her mind. It was good for Evangeline, too - she didn't have to pretend to be worried about Emmanuelle at all.

At another table of the well furnished pub sat the thirty-nine year old Tyrone Faraday. He appeared to be carefully studying a menu, but if one were to look at him, you could see him sneaking glances at the pretty young girl who was quietly drinking a butterbeer all alone. Though one could also tell that despite the attempt at curiosity, Tyrone had found exactly what, or rather, who, he was looking for.

Tyrone had been married only once, and only for six months - to Evangeline Leroy, no less. What he had assumed was a one-night stand had turned in to something more when he stumbled across the half-Veela once again, and she confessed that she was pregnant. Well. Tyrone may not have been the perfect gentleman, but he had been raised well (even if that was in a home with his brother and a few other orphaned children). He did the right thing by her and proposed. After all, once he saw her again he was convinced he was in love with her. And Evangeline, while hesitant, thought it was appropriate and accepted. But a leopard could not change its spots, and Evangeline did not like being tied down. Even while heavily pregnant. At eight months, she filed for divorce and kicked Tyrone out of the house. He was never able to find her again, although he tried desperately. Even if he did not love Evangeline anymore, he was desperate to find his child, his baby girl (for they'd found that it was a girl). Emma Faraday, that's what her name was supposed to be. He didn't even know his own daughter's name, but he sure hoped that Evangeline had at least respected his wishes and named the little girl the name they'd picked together.

Well, no time like the present, he thought, as he drained the last of his butterbeer and walked over to her. It had to be her. She looked so much like her mother - yet at the same time, so much like her father. Himself. Clearing his throat, he put his hands on the chair opposite her.

"Oui, monsieur?" she asked, looking up blankly in to his eyes. Obviously, she had no idea who he was.
"...sorry. I don't speak much French, mademoiselle." Tyrone stated, calmly - or, as calmly as he could, given the gravity of the situation.
"Oh! I am sorry," Emmanuelle responded, blushing slightly. Her accent was truly terrible, but she hoped she was improving. Especially since she had mostly taught herself all the English she knew. "Eez there something I can 'elp you with, monsieur?"
Tyrone swallowed. How was he supposed to say this? Fifteen years, he'd been waiting, and now? But Tyrone was always the confident one. It was Adrian who was shy. Tyrone was the bold leader, always unafraid, always knew exactly what to do in any situation. He nodded slowly, before swallowing again and opening his mouth.
"...well. There's...there's just one thing," he said, slowly. " your name Emma? Emma Faraday?" At this, Emmanuelle shook her head.
"Non, monsieur, I theenk you are mistaken. Zat eez not my name." So that b!tch didn't even use the name we picked, thought Tyrone to himself, bitterly. Figured as much.
" has to be. You look exactly how she's meant to look. ...tell me. What's your name, sweetheart?" Emmanuelle was frightened - it showed, quite obviously, in her eyes - but she merely swallowed and shook her head.
"I believe it eez rude to not give your name first, non?" she said, her eyes innocent. Tyrone merely chuckled to herself.
"Hah, you're right. My name's Tyrone." At this, Tyrone held out his hand to the girl, who took it with a smile.
"It eez a pleasure to meet you, monsieur Tyrone. My name eez Emmanuelle."

Emmanuelle, huh? Well, it's close enough to Emma... She certainly looked enough like his daughter was supposed to look. He had to be right. There was no doubt in his mind. "Wouldn't happen to be Emmanuelle any chance?"
Emmanuelle was completely shocked. How does he know my name? Is he stalking me? No, he can't be, he called me Emma Faraday...but still! Maybe he knows my mother...oh. I suppose he's yet another one night stand. He probably remembers seeing me at home or something.
"Oh," she began, disappointed. "I suppose you are looking for my mother, zen. I am sorry, she eez not here, and most likely, she is with another man, so I would not search for her if I were you." Emmanuelle spoke in a monotone, sighing at the end of her sentance. It was all so well practiced, so rehearsed. The number of times Emmanuelle had to send men away from the house, because her mother was too cowardly to do it herself...
"," Tyrone quickly clarified, shaking his head. "I am looking for you, Emma...Emmanuelle. Did your mother ever tell you about when she was married to your father?" Emmanuelle had an idea of where this was going, but she attributed that to reading too many books. She merely shook her head, wondering what he'd say next.
"Did you know that your mother used to be married, when she was pregnant with me?" If Emmanuelle had been any less shocked by this statement, she would have possibly rolled her eyes. But nonetheless, she was quite shocked. It wasn't every day that a man came up to you and told you that they were your father.
" you mean to tell are my father?" Emmanuelle looked up, tears in her eyes. She hoped he wasn't joking. She really, really hoped. For the one thing Emmanuelle had always wanted was a father. Someone to look after her and care about her. But not just any man. Her real, true father. Even if he'd been nonexistant for fifteen years.

In an instant, Tyrone had pulled his chair around next to where Emmanuelle was sitting, and had stretched his arms around the girl. He was a fairly affectionate sort - only to people who deserved it, however.
"Honey, don't cry," he whispered, holding the girl close. His daughter. The girl he'd wanted to hold for the past fifteen years. "It's alright, Emma...sorry, Emmanuelle. I...I just always thought of you as little Emma Faraday. That's...that's what your mother and I were going to call you. Emma...I'm so sorry. I always wanted to be there for you. I looked so hard for fifteen years, but your mother seemed insistant...but...I'm really, really sorry. Could...could you ever forgive me?"
Emmanuelle nodded in to his chest, but didn't say anything. Tyrone didn't expect her to. Besides, they had to get to know each other better as it was. They had fifteen years to catch up on. And slowly, they'd get to be the proper father and daughter they were always meant to be.
Title: ???
Characters: Adrian Faraday and Christobelle Montgomery
Rating: ???
Status: In progress

Adrian had never been a particuarly social person. Ever since he was born, he had been quiet and had always hidden in Tyrone's shadow. He didn't view this as a bad thing - after all, Tyrone was his brother, and always looked out for him. Tyrone understood Adrian, and always spoke on his behalf, and for that, Adrian was thankful. Adrian was smart, nay, some would even say he was a genius...but that didn't exactly mean he knew how to function on a social level. From the time he was little, he'd never known how to put his feelings in to words, and while he was learning now, it was still something of a struggle for the thirty-five year old. It made him feel quite useless - for what good was a brain when you had trouble sharing it? But Adrian supposed that was the way it was. At least he still had Tyrone. Tyrone was always proud of him, believed that he was an absolute genius, always helped him out when he needed it.

But after what happened wtih Niko...Adrian shuddered. He'd been roped in to playing poker with Niko. After all, who wouldn't want to go up against a genius in a game of cards? But as smart as Adrian was, that was purely limited to intellectual pursuits. Poker wasn't a game of intellect, it was a game of reading the other person. Something Adrian wasn't good at at all. He lost 200 galleons that game. And while Tyrone had insisted that Niko was one of them, that he wouldn't dream of really trying to take 200 galleons...well, when Niko had turned up with a knife and slashed Adrian's shoulder, that had proven Tyrone's theories wrong. He hadn't left the house since that game. Tyrone tried to coax him out, but Adrian just couldn't do it. He knew he was being a burden on his brother, but...well, he'd always been paranoid, but now he couldn't bring himself to face the outside world.

It was one day, when Adrian had forced himself out of the house, that he met her. He sat on the back verandah of the small house he shared with his brother, staring out blankly at the garden, when he heard someone humming to themselves. A female voice. Naturally, Adrian was mildly curious, so he stood up and looked around. It was one of the nextdoor neighbours. He didn't know them well, but he knew there were three people - a blonde woman, and then twins, a girl and a boy, about ten or so years younger than Adrian. It was the younger girl, the painter. He was clued in to this by the fact that she had an easel and seemed to be concentrating on something, flowers, it seemed. She seemed so at ease, so relaxed, that Adrian couldn't help but watch. What he wouldn't give to be able to have that calmness, to not be so ill at ease and paranoid. He hated having to look over his (good) shoulder every few moments just to make sure he was alright. He hated being so terrified of someone who used to be a friend. But Adrian just couldn't help it.

He turned to walk away when he stumbled on something lying on the ground. Letting out a small cry as he fell, Adrian huddled on the ground, his hands on his head, covering his face. All he wanted was to get back inside, be safe, even if Tyrone wasn't home to protect him, he wasn't a wizard and a former Ravenclaw for nothing, now, was he? He started to crawl, heading towards his goal of the door...

"H-hello?" Adrian looked up, slowly. It was the girl, the painter. "Are...are you alright?" Adrian cowered, even though he, of all people, could pick up the hesitation in her voice. Perhaps it was because she was softly spoken, quite similar to himself. Adrian merely looked pale and fearful though, choosing not to answer her.
"O-oh! I...I'm so sorry if I startled you," she said, looking truly remorseful. Adrian could not be terribly frightened of her, though he couldn't help but be a little suspicious. But it seemed that she would not hurt him. Slowly, he began to stand up, levering himself with his good arm and letting out a small noise of pain as he brushed his bad shoulder against the post.
"I'm fine," Adrian said, in barely more than a whisper - loud enough for her to hear, though. He never spoke loudly, for he didn't see the point in it. If he needed to be heard...well, he spoke loudly enough to allow that. But usually he didn't need to. He'd always let others do the talking for him, anyway. He just did the thinking. "'re not going to hurt me, are you?" Adrian may have been a grown man, but there was an almost childlike innocence to his behaviour.
The girl shook her head frantically. "Oh, oh no! I-I wouldn't d-dream of such a thing!" she said, blanching. Christobelle was an extremely gentle soul, after all. The idea of hurting someone seemed absolutely preposterous, in her mind. After all, she'd been a kind and sweet Hufflepuff at school. And this man definately looked like someone who didn't need to be hurt.

((this is still in progress. D:))
Title: ???
Characters: Johannes Engel, mentions of other characters
Rating: PG, for violence and adult themes.
Status: In progress.

((AN: First entry is 'translated' from German. Written in italics as an indication.))
Age Five said:
This is my new journal. Aunt Claudia and Uncle Franz gave it to me. They know I want to make my writing good. It is my fifth birthday today and we visited great aunt Ava's house. We all had a yummy chocolate cake. None of mummy's family were allowed, though. I've never met any of them. Daddy's family don't like mummy much. I asked Uncle Gunther why, and he hit me and told me to go back to my lessons. I don't think he likes me much. Everyone was nice today, though. Great-Aunt Ava even let me have the biggest slice of cake, and Mark and I played in the garden. Gretchen is always nice, but she's only three and she's silly. Aunt Claudia is about to have another baby. Another girl, she said. I wonder what she'll be like. Maybe she'll be nice, like Gretchen and Mark. I don't know.
I had better go help Aunt Hanna. I have written a lot and she says I will hurt my eyes one day. I hope not. I like being able to see.
"Happy birthday, Jo-Jo!"
"Thank you, Gretchen. The present is very nice."
"Why are you sad?"
"I'm...I'm not sad, Gretchen. Honestly.
"But you were crying. You shouldn't cry, it's your birthday!
"You are right. But I wasn't crying! I just had something in my eye, that's all. Really."

Age Seven said:
I am sorry, journal. I may be crying on you.
I am writing in English so that Uncle Gunther will never read this. He is verruckt...crazy. I am happy that he said English is stupid and a waste of time. If he sees this, he will not know what I am writing. I have to use a dictionary but I do not want him to read this.
He hurt me, journal. He said I am "spawn of mudblood filth", I think, and a lot of other mean things that I want to forget. I know why he always hated mutter, now. And then...I do not know how to write it, but I do not want to write it anyway.
There is no bruising, though. I hurt all over but you can not see a thing. He may be mean, but he is not stupid.
I do not think Aunt Hanna knows. I think she would cry. She has never been very fond of me but she does care, in her odd way.
I can not cry, though, because then Uncle Gunther will say I am a failure and throw me out. I don't think Great-Aunt Ava would take me in, and I do not want to be alone!
I must be strong. I must not show weakness. Only four more years. Then I can go to Durmstrang, and learn magic, and get away from here!
...this was not a very nice birthday.
"Stupid, foolish, mudblood boy!"
"Gunther, my love, don't you think you're being too harsh on him?"
"It is no more than he deserves, Hanna. He has tainted blood. My brother was always a fool, and that woman...that disgusting creature..."
"But Gunther, it is not his fault he was born to such an unfortunate marriage. Why do you take it out on him?"
"Hanna, do not tell me you feel sorry for the boy? Look at him. Such a pitiful wretch. I am trying to beat sense in to the boy, you see? He will never amount to anything in the world, but he must
know his place."
"I suppose you are right...but he is only seven. He is only young, he has years to prove himself..."
"Hanna, I will hear no argument! I tire of this conversation. You have said more than enough. The boy does not need your defence. I am his guardian, and I will discipline him as I choose."

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