stop that board.

Lowan Kickett

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Lowan was not happy with his gran. ever since his sister had gone away to school in new zealand his gran had used him as her target for all things proper. he just couldn't stick it. at least so far she hadn't tried to make him go to one of those schools in the city. Today just as he was looking forward to a day off in the school holidays. with his cousins and mates in town then going on a bit of a hike along part of the bibblum track and set up a camp for a couple of nights. when who was to walk out of their fireplace but the witch herself Gramma zab demanding that he compare her to new zealand. he hardly had time to text Jaz to say he couldn't make it ad pick up his skateboard before he was pulled into the fire by zab he could hear her tutting as she did. obviously she didn't approve of skate boards. he didn't know how una had managed to go so long living with her. as soon as they reached the harbour his gran disappeared into a cafe where there were quite a few witches sitting together each with a cup of tea or coffee (he could hear his grans thoughts on the idea of coffee god forbid). obviously he was so not going to follow so he dropped the board and headed off down he street before she could make him do otherwise.
luckily it wasn't too busy and he was easily able to navigate the shoppers. stopping every now and then to look in the windows. the shot that was almost mot interesting was quality quidditch supply where he stopped and looked at the shiny new broom in the window. maybe he would join the school quidditch team when he started. he had always done good on the school sports teams, he even played for the higher age groups in AFL. he was so intrigued by the broom wondering how he could trick his mum or gran into buying it for him that he didn't hear a rumble as his board started to roll down the hill. a minute later he was done looking and went to keep going when he realised it wasn't there. "oy. who took my board" he said out loud. obviously no one admitted to the uncommitted crime. it was a moment later when he realised what had happened. "oh grap" he said making a run after it as he could see it through a gap in the people making its way ever closer and ever faster to the harbour where the chain linked fence would not stop it rolling into the water. "stop that skateboard" he called starting to run and try and catch up with it before they ran out of road.
It was the school holidays for Jason and he was making the most of it. Seeing as he saw school as being like a prison where he was stuck for most of the year, the holidays were a very welcome break for this boy. He had decided to go to Obsidian harber today to get of the house where his sister was driving him mad. She had one of her friends round today and they loved nothing more than to annoy him ever chance they got and he couldnt be bothered with it any more. Sometimes he hated having a little sister, she was just so annoying.
Jason walked down to his faviourate bench by the water to eat the chips which he had just bought. He liked the chips here, they were the best around he thought extra crispy on the outside and soft on the iside. Perfect. Once he had finished and enjoyed the scenery he stood back up and went for a little wander. He still had some time before he had to be back and the more time he spent out the more likely his sister would have found something much better to do with her time than pester him. As he was walking Jason saw a skate board rolling towards him. Random. It was lucky he saw it when he did otherwise it would have hit him. Putting his leg out he stopped the board and looked around to see who it belonged to. That was when he saw a boy running shouting something he didnt quite catch but he guessed it belonged to him seeing as he was running after it. Jason picked it up and walked over to the boy. "Here you go mate." He said with a smile handing over the board.
Lowan could see the board getting ever faster and he was running as fast as he could though there was no way he could catch up he saw that there was a boy sitting on the bench at the bottom of the hill. he hoped that he would see the board and stop it. The boy must have read her thoughts as he got up and caught the board. Lowan kept running don the hill glad to see it was safe but slowed down slightly as he approached the bottom so that he could stop.
when he reached the boy he managed to some to a stop and took the board that the boy gave to him. "thanks mate. I'm glad i didn' have to go for a swim after it" he said. it was his sister who was the one who liked swimming. Una would spend all day every day in water if she could. the boy in front of him seemed about the same age as him maybe a little older. he thought that most of the people in new zealand older than him would be at school which meant that the boy was probably the same age as him and due to start school next year. "seriously bro, i owe you one." he said grateful for the boy. maybe he wouldn't be as alone this afternoon as he thought he would be. "are you up to much this arvo?" he said. "I am just trying to keep away from my gran, and have a little fun hopefully. I'm lowan by the way" he said he wasn't meaning to some across too odd, he just had nothing to do with himself this afternoon and as he had been hoaxed out of a day with his mates he may as well make some more
Jason looked at the boy as he took his skate board back. He looked around the same age as him well ish anyway Jason had never been one for age telling. He was glad though he had met a few older kids who were in desperate need of a slap in the face, with a chair. This boy seemed nice enough though so with a smile he replied. "No worries, i would want to swim after it either, especially seeing as it would sink." He said with a little humor in his voice. He wasnt the biggest fan of swimming so he knew how the boy felt and he was happy that he had helped him out, if only a little bit. "Dont worry about it, il call on you when i loose a skate board next time." He said with a smile. Jason had never actually even so much as stood on a skate board. He didnt exactly have the best balance and knowing his look he would stand out it and it would shoot from his feet and he would end up on his bum. Now that was an embarassment he could live without.
When the boy spoke again he sort of had to think about a reply, only because it took a second to realise what he meant by arvo. "Meh im just getting out of the house, my little sister has a friend over and their favorite thing to do is annoy me in every possible way." He told the boy. He wondered whether all siblings were the same or if had just got unluckly with his sister. As the boy informed Jason of why he was out and about here he couldnt help but giggle a little. "So im gettting away from an annoying sister and your getting away from your gran. There must be a pattern starting to happen." He said with a grin. So maybe it wasnt just him with the annoying family. "Im Jason." He said in reply. He had never met anyone called lowan before, he liked the name though. Common names could be annoying especially in a big group of people and someone has the same name and you think someone is talking to you and they actually arent and you just made yourself look like a weirdo.

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