Stink Bomb

OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
There were many things that Aubrey's brother's did to get on her nerves. They stuck bubblegum in her hair when she wasn't looking, replaced the sugar with salt to ruin her tea and even put tabasco sauce inside the tomato sauce bottle to ruin her french fries. One of the things that annoyed Aubrey the most, however, was when her brothers ditched her in the middle of Obsidian harbor to spend time with their friends. It happened far too often than Aubrey would have liked and it was especially annoying on that day where she had a list of supplies to buy for another year of homeschooling and no idea where to buy the supplies without her brothers' instructions to guide her. So instead of doing was she was supposed to, Aubrey ended up being lost on the cobblestone streets of Obsidian harbor with nothing to occupy her mind and a grumpy mood to boot.

She crossed her arms over her chest and huffed, kicking at the ground with her shoe. She wanted to hex both her brothers, yell at them for treating her like a doormat simply because they knew they could get away with it. They were the 'mature' children. The one's with better grades and poop eating grins and Aubrey wanted to kick their teeth in now more than ever knowing that no matter how much she pleaded, her parents wouldn't believe her when she told them about that day. They would surely think she was to blame for not getting her school supplies on time. As she passed a group of girls she was interrupted from her thoughts. They laughed in her direction, commenting on her shorts that were frayed on the edges. It was merely a small comment but it was enough for Aubrey to reach her tipping point. She turned on her heels to follow the group of girls in the other direction, keeping out of their ear shots and their eye lines. When they turned into a store Aubrey waited behind a nearby bench with her eyes trained on the door. As the group of girls walked out Aubrey reached into her shoulder bag, pulling out a stink bomb which she unwrapped and threw in their direction. The bomb hit it's mark and the girls watched with confusion before screaming and running around in frantics. Aubrey could not help but let out obnoxious laughter at the sight of the girls and at how pleased she was to give them their comeuppance.
Unless it was in Dervish and Banges, or Gambol and Japes, Finn hated shopping. He could easily spend his whole lifetime, his whole allowance in the said shops, but take him anywhere else and it was all he could do to stop himself from knocking over the shelves or clothes racks by 'accident', just to create some chaos. Luckily, his younger siblings knew this about him, and so sent him off to keep himself occupied while they bought the supplies for him. Finn was thankful for them, but he'd never let them know that. Perhaps they can have a prank-free week; or maybe just a day. Still, walking around Obsidian Harbor was not the most fun he could think of. Finn would rather be roaming the land around his home, but seeing as he was supposed to be 'looking after' the twins, he had to come out with them.
Finn huffed, really unsure what to do with himself. His mind was wondering back to Hogwarts, where he wished he could be. He only had three more years left at the place, and he still didn't know what he wanted to do once he left, nor did he actually want to leave. He figured it might be cool to work in one of the joke shops, or maybe even have his own one, but it was different to playing his own pranks. Finn's uncharacteristic melancholy was interrupted when he saw a girl hiding, and throwing a stink bomb at a bunch of girls. He let out a bark of laughter, digging in his pocket and grabbing out a couple of dung bombs himself, throwing one at the annoying, screaming group of girls, and the other at the laughing prankster, someone Finn was sure he was already in love with. He quickly then put on his nose and glasses disguise, no one would ever recognize him!
The only thing that caused Aubrey to laugh more was another stink bomb hitting the vicinity of the ground near her already panicking victims. She laughed more as the girls' screams reached a higher, ultra sonic pitch and she turned her head to the source of the second stink bomb. The brand was not the one she kept in her bag for such opportune moments so it wasn't as if one of hers fell out of her bag and conveniently rolled towards the girls and somehow also blew up in the commotion. Just as she turned she saw another stink bomb fly her way, landing in front of her but under the bench and she quickly darted back to avoid it, holding her nose as the stink was released and any hint of the laughter that lingered from earlier fell from her face.

Her eyes narrowed as they landed on a boy wearing fake glasses, a fake nose and a mustache. It was clearly the most suspicious, pathetic disguise Aubrey had ever seen and she knew that he could be the only culprit. No one would wear that if they weren't trying to hide. He stood out too well in the crowds of wizards and witches walking to and from stores on the street and Aubrey wasted no time storming over to him and tugging him by the arm, letting her fingernails dig into the fabric of his shirt as she pulled him out of the eyesight of onlookers and into a nearby alleyway. She shoved him against the wall with her forearm and hissed. "What the hell is wrong with you!" mere centimeters away from his terribly disguised face. The scent of the stink bomb he threw at her was lingering on her clothing. Despite leaping away she reacted too late and was unable to avoid it entirely. "How dare you throw a stink bomb at me!" As she spoke she put more pressure on the boys torso with her arm and kept her face close to his. Her expression was one of pure rage as she waited for the boy to explain himself.
Maybe it was the smile that gave him away, because Finn was sure his disguise was genius; or maybe he just wanted the girl to approach him. Still, he was completely taken aback when the smelly girl dragged him into an alleyway. He feigned a look of shock when the goddess girl asked what was wrong with him. Her rage reminded him of his sister Falon, and he had to laugh, knowing it was a dead give away and he couldn't pretend anymore that it wasn't him. Though the girl still had a tight grip, he took off his disguise. "Claws out momma bear, this is a new top!" Finn joked. "I thought it was a stink bomb party!" He added, giving her his lopsided grin. "Besides, I hit your targets for you, a double attack is much better than a lone ranger, surely you should know that. Or are you still a pranking newb? There's so much I can teach you grasshopper." Finn rambled on. The Gryffindor hardly ever rambled, and he wouldn't realize it now, but looking back he'd figure it was probably nerves; what guy wouldn't be nervous with a beauty pushing them up against the wall?! This day had definitely taken a turn for the better, and Finn hoped it stayed that way. He wouldn't mind hanging out with the crazy lioness for the rest of the day, teaching her new pranks, using the group of squealing girls as target practice. But it depended on if she was a different type of crazy, like really crazy. If she punched him in the face, he'd probably empty all his dungbombs on her and run away as fast as he could.
Aubrey practically snarled when the boy removed his disguise and said he thought she was having a stink bomb party. He was cute, admittedly, behind the ugly set of glasses and the bulbus looking fake nose, but he couldn't be that stupid. At least not stupid enough to intrude on the revenge she was getting by stealing her stink bomb thunder and thinking he could get away with it. Especially not with the worst disguise Aubrey had ever seen. No, he definitely couldn't have been that stupid. Not unless he was trying to be. So when he was done speaking Aubrey lightened the pressure her forearm had on his chest ever so slightly and moved her face back from his. Somehow, she was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt through her otherwise blinding rage and she wasn't sure if it was the cute face behind his pissant disguise or the fact her victims got a second round of stink bombing by his hands. Either way she could tolerate him so she simply hissed at a lower, less intimidating volume, saying "I know more than you ever will." and pausing before continuing. "Like how to blend in to a crowd of people without something as bad as this" she said as she took the disguise from him with her free hand, holding it between their faces. "Are you trying to be seen, grasshopper? If I taught you how to hide, no one would find you!" She exclaimed. If he was going to pull apart her pranking skills with a lopsided grin, she would do the same with equally as much arrogance as she had anger.
Finn couldn't help but find this girl's anger completely charming and he wondered what she would be like when she wasn't angry, if she was this good while she was snarling. Finn didn't stop grinning even as she continued to berate him. He chuckled when she stated she knew more than him, even more again when she called him grasshopper. Finn stole his disguise back when she finished speaking. "I very much doubt you know more than me! I am the pranking king! This isn't bad!" Finn exclaimed, lifting his disguise glasses. "This is half the fun! Do you even know the word fun, Miss - ? What was your name again?" He asked. With the little bit of extra room the girl had given him, Finn looked around, trying to see if anyone was around. He couldn't even hear the screaming girls anymore. The young Gryffindor looked back at the girl, pretending to put on a disappointed face. "Look, now our target practices have disappeared! I definitely blame you."
The boy was equally as arrogant as she was and Aubrey was unsure of how to handle it. If she should continue to snarl at his know it all grin or if she should give him leeway to help her continue her revenge on the group of girls. It was confusing indeed and especially so when she wasn't sure if she thought he was cute or simply annoying like her older brothers. In response to the boy Aubrey simply moved her arm from his torso, resting her hands impatiently on her hips. The last thing she wanted was to tell him her name on the off chance he would sell her out, get her in trouble for the stink bomb fiasco despite the obvious fact they were as red handed as each other. "You'll find out my name if you can prove you're good enough to know it." She said, almost ready to continue whatever banter they were sharing until the boy said their targets were long gone. Gasping, Aubrey's mouth dropped in shock before she ran to the entrance of the alleyway, scanning the area with her honey brown eyes and realizing the group of girls were nowhere to be found. She let out an annoyed huft of air, turning back to the boy and resisting the urge to blame him for such a mishap. Instead Aubrey wanted to take a much smarter, more productive route with her anger and with the boy. If he would let her, of course. "Looks like we'll have to find them again, and show them what it means to be mean to me." She said as if it were a proposal to the boy as it was in a way. "You game?"

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