Stien, Nicoli

Nicoli Stien

Well-Known Member
11' inch Ebony Wand with Veela hair

Nicoli Pyotr Stien​

Hold your breath, jump with me and we'll survive
-----Cause you are the song that leads me to the light

Full Name:: Nicoli Pyotr Stien
Nickname(s):: Nico
Date of Birth:: November 1 2022
Gender:: Male
Sexuality:: Undecided
Hometown:: St. Petersburg, Russia
Heritage:: 1/2 Russian 1/2 German
Blood Status:: Half Blood
Blood Type: AB
Occupation:: Student
Spoken Languages:: Russian, English</SIZE>
Hope is just a ray of what everyone should see
-----Alone is the street where you found me

Height:: 5 ft. 8 in.
Weight[::/color] 73kg / 161 lbs.
Body Type:: Slim
Skin Type:: Slight Tanned, Fair Complexion
Eye Color:: Blue
Hair Color:: Blonde
Hair Style:: Short and Messy
Piercings & Tattoos:: His ears are both pierced, too young for tattoos
Playby:: Niall Horan
Just pieces of a puzzle to find where we stand just confused
-----So you are the moon that pulls me through the night

Favorite Clothing Brand:: H&M
Favorite Shoe Brand:: Clarks
Accessories & Jewelry:: An enchanted pocket watch.
Style & Vibe:: Nico when not in his school uniform dresses very fashion forward combining business casual with hipster flair. Skinny jean and a nice blazer and a graphic tee is something that is common for him to where as he is unafraid to layer as often as he can. His color palette is varied though he prefers more softer tones such as light blues, greens and whites.
Live with what you have now
-----And make the best of what's to come

Five Fears:: Death, Loneliness, Failure, Werewolves, Goblins
Five Goals:: To Become Headmaster of Hogwarts!
Five Adjectives:: Indomitable, Tactful, Uncompromising, Noble, Studious
Bad Habits:: Bits nails when under stress
Horoscope:: Scorpio
Horoscope Description::Passion, desire and power go hand in hand for Scorpios. Their biggest challenge and test in life is choosing between the power of love and the love of power. Coming to grips with their extraordinary emotional depths and sensitivity isn't easy for those around them. They are different from all other zodiac signs and this difference has them walking, working and loving to a different beat. Others can often live with a Scorpio partner for years, but not really know them. Much to do with a Scorpio remains ever secret. Their eyes often blaze with feelings that words never express, and beware on the days or nights they hide their feelings behind dark glasses, there is likely to be a storm of some kind brewing. When you deal with a Scorpio you have to always deal with them on a psychic intuitive level. They often wear a mask. Too often they say "no" when they really mean "yes". They have contrary natures. Once they find true love they can be the most faithful dedicated of all partners but fall out badly with a Scorpio and you are likely to find they will never forget or forgive.
Overall personality:: Nico is slightly more withdrawn than his fellow slytherins as being the victim of bullies all his life made him weary of social settings. When alone he is thoughtful, analytically, and naturally curious about magic as well as the world around him. However when placed in a group setting his personality shifts somewhat as he begins to evaluate those around him and makes assumptions based on actions. He is somewhat cold to those he doesn't like and can be merciless towards bullies including members of his own house which he holds in high esteem. Once Nico gets to become close to someone the walls begin to come down and a sensitive, loyal,loving young man can be found whose simple desire to move up in the world is out of his love for learning. He rarely becomes angry and refuses to fall in love blindly as he holds his future partner as his one and only equal in the world.
We aren't what we say
-----We are what we do

School:: Hogwarts New Zealand
House:: Slytherin
Favorite Class:: Charms
Worst Class:: Astronomy
Clubs or Teams:: N/A
Accomplishments:: N/A
Patronus:: N/A
Animagus:: N/A
Bogart:: N/A
Pet:: N/A
Wand:: For those with Veela blood in his family it has been come tradition for the creation of a very unique wand for each member of the family. All cores come from the same source each generation and that is the matriarch of the family whose bloodline is pure and true so as to provide the best possible core for every wand. A single hair taken willing from the host is a delicate matter and is done with the safety of the Veela in questions at utmost importance. In the case of Nico his Grandmother on his mother side, Veela side provided the hair for his core. The wood that was selected was Elder as its peculiar properties seemed to work hand in hand Nico rather odd personality. The Length of course was 11 inches and the design was kept to a sleek thin style as the child exhibited a neatness that was passed on to him on his father side. The wand's unyielding flexibility is a testament to the wands refusal to accept anyone other than Nico as its master making it unwise to use without Nico's blessing.
Tell you a story and it starts with time
-----Moves to how you live, and learn how to die
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General history:: Coming Soon!
Year by Year summary::


Name: Anastasiya Viktoriya Stein
Age: 40
Blood Status: Part- Veela
Spouse: Klaus Sven Stien
Occupation: Unspeakable
Children: Nicoli Pyotr Stien

Name: Klaus Sven Stien
Age: 37
Blood Status: Half- Blood
Spouse: Anastasiya Viktoriya Stein
Occupation: Shopkeeper
Children: Nicoli Pyotr Stien
[th colspan="2"]Stien/ Markin Family tree[/th]

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