Open Steps Forward

Daintree Vaskevold

loves attention; hates muggles deceptive; layabout
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
11/2036 (25)
Daintree had agreed to go on a walk with Jenna, he wasn’t entirely sure why, but he was more than willing to go for a walk if it meant that they became friends, he needed friends from all walks of life, Jenna was certainly that. He looked at her with a little smile, ”Do you go walking much?” he had seen some students do it a lot, but he tended to find it was older students who either looked bored or who looked to be stressed who likely used the time to walk and figure out whatever they needed to. He had never been much of a walker, he’d had his bike, his skateboard, or his brother to take him between places that he needed to do. At hogwarts he walked more just because he had to. ”Do you find it relaxing?” he added, a little curious about it and looking to just speak with her about something she liked, that would help them become friends.
Jenna was excited and silent all the way and didn't really know what to say. On the way, she noticed a couple of schoolmates who looked like she was slowly moving towards the castle, but she was not as many as other places in the school area. Walking beside Daintree the wind blew and the girl put her hands in a jacket pocket. It was April, but maybe the excitement was at fault?'' Yes, I like to go for a walk. Usually I go when the homework is done and you?'' The girl smiled at the schoolmate and looked away. ''Not realy, but we can sit? If you want? Are you happy that school is almost over and soon will be summer?'' She asked Daintree.
Daintree looked towards Jenna as she replied. ”Oh I’m not much of a walker, or a homework person,” he said with a shrug, he’d been looking for other things to do with his time, so perhaps walking was something he could look towards doing, but it wasn’t like he would start doing homework and he didn’t want to do it right away. Maybe he could stick to reading the horror books like Emily had suggested he do. Well, she’d given him a few to read, perhaps just because she liked those books. ”I’m happy to just walk for a bit really,” he told her, at the question he found himself almost shrugging, ”I’m looking forward to going home and seeing my old friends,” he liked them all, and they were still open to him, but he knew that the more time away from them the more he would be excluded from things. They would have experiences without him and he just had to re-find his place in the group afterwards. ”What about you?”
The girl looked at the boy and smiled at him. It was nice to listen to what he said and find out what he likes and what doesn't. ''Why that?'' The dark-haired girl hoped he had no problems with his homework and failed? In addition, Daintree was certainly a smart and talented young man. ''Me to!'' Jenna smiled to him and still was hard to belive Daintree was so nice to here and she still don't remember first met. ''Where you live? I live in New Yourk, i have to many friends there and i miss my home.'' She answered boy and Jenna looked around while walking around Hogwarts. incredible as time was slowly passing by summer. ''I have a hobby of photography and often take pictures of nature and still do drawing and singing, and that is all and what about you?'' Jenna asked.
Daintree shrugged, ”I just never really did, growing up in a muggle place, I would cycle to places or get driven,” he replied, ”There was never any need to walk really. And homework, homework is boring” he told her, finding himself being a little more honest that he might’ve otherwise been but it was just Jenna and for some reason he found her easy to talk to. ”New York?” he couldn’t help but say, he’d been to New York a few times. But living there, that much be cool. ”I live here in New Zealand,” he told her, he felt like boasting about his own wealth, his families wealth. But he stopped himself ”How come you came to New Zealand for school?” the slytherin asked, knowing there was an american school from what he’d seen in the library. The boy listened as she listed her hobbies, ”Oh, I like sports, like quidditch and rugby,” he said with a shrug, he was a little embarrassed that his hobbies could be summed up like that, it wasn’t like being popular was a hobby. ”I’m on the quidditch team, an alternate but on the team,” he said with a boasting tone unable to stop himself.
Were the muggle so bad? The girl had never thought of anything bad for them and Jenna had a best friend who was muggle. ''Oh, you don't like it live with them? I like them and have grown up among them. my mom was single and taught a lot about them when she was alive. Now I have a dad and I have a best friend Daniel who is a muggle and he is really cool.'' Jenna says to Daintree and hoped he would be angry with her becouse she like so much friend with muggle and learn lot of stuff with them. ''Yes, that my home'' She smiled and Jenna was happy live there a big house with grandmother, grandfather, with Bella dog and her dog named Bella and her brother Thomas. ''That so cool live there'' Jenna smiled to Daintree. '' I don't talk so much about my family, but that was my dad idea learning this place'' Hufflepuff girl answered Daintree and she walk with him, but that was a good fealing. '' Oh,i don't like quidditch at all, becouse i'm bad flyer.The key is to do what you realy like'' Jenna smiling to Daintree. ''I wish you good luck playing this game.'' Jenna smiled to Daintree and she was thinking about siting somewhere?
Daintree looked at her, he didn’t dislike muggles or living like muggles. He preferred it, he’d spent a whole load of time just trying to get out of Hogwarts to go home, but perhaps it wasn’t the time to bring it up to Jenna. She seemed nice enough and he didn’t know how open to be with her about what he thought. ”i like muggle life and muggles fine, my family are all muggles, it’s just growing up muggle means there are more ways to travel,” the boy shrugged at her. He was curious for why she’d lived in New York and then came to new Zealand, but before he could ask about it, she said she didn’t like talking about her family. From what she said, he could figure that it was a family wide decision by her father to come to new zealand. He would not have been happy if his father had tried to do that with him. ”I would’ve never let my dad do that to me, just ship across countries, nope,” the boy said, his tone was firm but it light, as if he knew he couldn’t but he wasn’t saying that it was a bad thing for someone else. He looked at her as she explained that she was not a good flier, ”It takes practice really, it’s not too complicated, if you ever want to learn i’d happily show you,” he then added.
She listened to Daintree and felt relieved that he did not condemn the muggle and made friends with them. It was very good and he had really changed for Jenna and she was still thinking. ''I think the magic world will teach us how to teleport and use all sorts of fly nets. It will be an opportunity to get to a new country much faster.'' She responded to a sophomore. The girl took a leisurely step forward. It was nice to talk about it and have a nice time as the wind tried to shake her hair. She was not ready to return home yet. '' Why, that? I'm not mad at my dad, becouse i still, when i finished shcool i will be study and working with dragons in here New Zealand our Rumania.'' She revealed to him his biggest dream of dragons and hoped he wouldn't laugh. The girl wanted to leave her brother later and go away to fulfill her dream. '' Aww, thanky so much Daintree. You are realy change for the first time we meet.'' She smiled to him.
Daintree nodded when she talked about what sort of thing they might get taught in the future. He had heard about it, apparating or something it was called, he had to admit it was one of the few things that he was actually looking forward to in the school. It wouldn’t be enough to keep him at the school if he got presented with a different choice but it was something to set his future sights upon. He nodded in agreement with her, it would be quicker way to get between countries, it would be a quicker to do anything, there was nothing in the muggle world which really compared. Video games, virtual reality could only do so much. ”I have friends here in New Zealand, I had lots of friend at my old school,” he couldn’t really imagine uprooting his entire life for his father whose was simply deciding to no long be in one place. He might spend time in other places but he was wholey unwilling to move country and even less so continent. He had lost the fight about going to muggle school over this place, continued to lose that fight every time they had it. He listened as she said what she was going to do. ”Dragons? Dangerous,” he replied, he knew from reading some stuff that there was dragons, but he couldn’t imagine it would be easy to do. ”Why dragons?” he asked, he didn’t know what he wanted to do and was not that interested in highlighting it.
''That good'' She smiled to him and know a little more about Daintree. '' So friends?'' jenna asked him and hoped he would be say yes to hear. Jenna wanted be with friends with Daintree and he was realy interesting boy.

''Not to me! I always wanted work with dragons. I read so much books about dragons and i was talk with Fleur and she dreamed to about dragons. '' She asnwered to him. '' I'm not sure why dragons, but it's my big dream and i wanna worked with Animals and dangerous to.. Jenna smiled
Daintree looked at her and nodded, ”Yeah, we’re friends,” he was pleased that he could add the official friend label to Jenna, he needed to ensure that he had more friends, friends who believed they were friends no matter how Dain felt, though Jenna was fine, she could be a real friend without him having to lie about it. He listened as the girl went on to talk about dragons, getting pretty excited as she spoke of them. He could see elements of his father’s own passion in the way she talked about dragons. He didn’t have those same passions any more, though he couldn’t really say for certain if he’d ever had them before. The slytherin just looked at her and gave a small smile. ”That’s cool, you’ll be taking that care of magical creatures class then,” he said to her, ”I don’t think they do just dragons, but they probably do a whole bunch of animals.”
She was delighted that Daintree had found out that they were both friends. The joy was great and a nice smile appeared on Jenna's face. Great! She liked the idea of making a great new friend with whom she could go on countless adventures. Daintree was quite different and sometimes he was so serious, but also nice and this girlfriend really appreciated. ''Ī think yes, i love so much magical creatures! So, do you go wild puch club?'' Jenna asked Daintree becouse Jenna loved so much flowers and nature to. ''That's okey! I love to animals who nots a dragon. How about you? Do you have a favorit creature in magical world?'' She smiled.
Daintree smiled at her and gave a little nod, so she liked that. He wasn’t about to say that he intended to do all of the classes, if he was in all of the classes, it didn’t matter if he didn’t do well, he would get to know the greatest amount of people. The slytherin shrugged in regards to the wild patch, ”I don’t currently, but i was thinking about going along, do you go? Is it any good?” he had intended to go to the SDA wild patch event, but he hadn’t had the time in the end, he was a part of the SDA and liked the duelling aspect of it, even if they didn’t get to do that all that often. At her question he almost gave a little shrug and then decided against it. ”I like puffskeins,” he said quickly, thinking of the first animal he could think of from the animal store he’d seen a few times. He hoped it wasn’t too weird a thing to like, but soon enough he’d know more.
''Oh, yes! I'm going to wild puch club is realy good and i love take care of flowers and trees. You can go with me, if you want to?'' Jenna wanted be together with Daintree and do something intresting together. He was nice boy and she was hoped, that both friendship would be good.

''Puffskeins? What are they?'' Jenna asked the boy with a curios smile.

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