Stephanie Kayla Harris

Stephanie Harris

Well-Known Member
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Holly Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

Why's it always darkest right before the dawn?
If liars can be honest and right can be wrong


Please welcome,
Stephanie Kayla Harris


When you find a doorway,
Are you in or are you out?


[Full name] Stephanie Kayla Harris
[Meaning] Stephanie \s-tepha-nie, st(e)-phanie\ as a girl's name is pronounced STEFF-a-nee. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Stephanie is "garland, crown".
Kayla \ka(y)-la\ as a girl's name is pronounced KAY-la. It is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Kayla is "slim and fair".

[Nicknames] Steph
[Age] She's currently twenty four years old
[Date of Birth] Stephanie was born on the 15th of June, 2014
[Hometown] Sydney, Australia
[Current Residence] Auckland, New Zealand
[Ethnicity] Both of her parents are Australian and although her fathers side of the family has roots in Scotland Stephanie is seen as an Australian
[Blood Status] Her parents are both Muggles, so therefore Stephanie is a Muggle Born
[Education] Hogwarts Scotland Alumnus, Ravenclaw House
[Profession] Stephanie is currently working at a Muggle bar
[Sexual Orientation] Stephanie is straight
[Current Relationship Status] Single
[Wand] Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Holly Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Length: On the shorter side of things, this wand offers excellent control and aim - easily an extension of one's own arm.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: A protective wand, Holly takes on many traits of the core that it holds.
A rare wand to find, Holly is notoriously difficult to pair.
Core: This wand core works well for people who adapt easily to their surroundings while still maintaining their own personalities.
Meteorite dust seems to produce wands that are useful in Divination work.
Flexibility: Flexible; Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its weilder.


You have to stand up before you fall down,
You need to get lost, before you get found


[Hair Colour] Stephanie has naturally blonde hair, it's very wavy and she likes it that way
[Eye Colour] Her eyes are of a light blue shade, with a few small, white flecks in them
[Skin Colour] She has a fairly light skin which doesn't tan easily
[Height] 1,70 meters which is roughly 5"7"
[Body Type] Since Stephanie used to do a lot of Muggle sports when she was younger she has a very fit body
[Which hand] Right hand.
[Current Playby] Amanda Seyfried
[Previous Playby] N/A


We're never gonna know it all,
Like houses we will fall


[History] Stephanie was born to Eloisa and Matthew Harris on the 15th of June 2014, in Sydney Australia. Both her father and mother are Muggles and it wasn't untill her tenth birthday that they found out there was something different about Stephanie, something not normal. When she got her acceptance letter to Hogwarts Scotland on her eleventh birthday things started to make a lot more sense and even though her parents were still taken by surprise a bit that their daughter was a witch they started to embrace it over the years and turned out to be very proud of their daughter. After Stephanie had graduated from Hogwarts she went back to Australia and lived with her parents, that was untill she got a job offer in New Zealand. Unfortunately Stephanie got fired from the job after a year and a half and was happy to finally be able to take care of herself, so instead of moving back to Australia the young woman stayed in New Zealand and was eagerly looking for a job in the wizarding world, but ended up working in a Muggle bar.
[Basic Personality] Stephanie is a very friendly and intelligent girl. She didn't know a lot about the Wizarding World untill she had been at Hogwarts for a few years and she still has a lot to learn nowadays. She is a very loving and caring person, however she is rather insecure and because of this a bit spineless, easily backing down from confrontations and often lets people walk all over her. She'll take more care of others than she will of herself.
[Strenghts] Friendly, intelligent, easy learner
[Weaknesses] Insecure, rather spineless and claustrophobic
[Boggart] ---
[Patronus] Her Patronus would probably be a Seal
[Patronus Memory] Her memory would be her first day at Hogwarts, she had never seen anything like it and it made her extremely happy about the fact that she got magic in her blood
[Mirror of Erised] Stephanie would see herself more confident and with a great job
[Amortentia] She loves the smell of burning wood, fir trees and citrus


And break in stormy weather,
And be put back together better


[School] Hogwarts Scotland
[Thoughts] Stephanie had been a bit skeptical when she first got her letter from Hogwarts, she had always thought things like magic were only used in fairy tales, but it did explain some of the weird things that had been happening to her and after a while she started to actually get excited for it
[House] Stephanie was sorted into Ravenclaw House, a place where her intelligence and logical ways of thinking were perfectly put into use
[Sorting Post] *
[Current Year] Stephanie has already graduated

[Favourite Class] Transfiguration
[Least Favourite Class] Astronomy


We're never gonna know the way,
Never gonna know which words to say

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[Relation] Father
[Name] Matthew Harris
[Blood Type] Muggle
[Date of Birth] 3rd of August, 1990
[Brief Description] Ambitious man who owns his own pub in Australia. He's very commited to his business, but always knew how to make some time for his daughter and would love for her to come work in his pub.

[Relation] Mother
[Name] Eloisa Harris (née Wright)
[Blood Type] Muggle
[Date of Birth] 28th of June, 1994
[Brief Description] Lovely woman who has always been proud of her daughter and supported her at everything she did. Never fails to stay positive and was extremely proud when they found out Stephanie had magic in her blood.

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And don't you worry,
It'll be okay.

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<COLOR color="#000">A rocket to the moon - Lost and found​

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