Step Out

Professor Kahurangi Josephs

contented | comfortable ancient runes 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Siobhan ) ( Lesbian
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
3/2007 (54)
It had happened slowly and gradually, but Kahurangi had realised earlier this year that she was spending nearly all her time at Hogwarts cooped up in her office, not talking to anyone or doing anything other than working. She enjoyed being able to focus on the career she had worked so hard for, but spending time with her parents over the holidays had really driven home to Kahurangi how much she missed time outside. She had made up her mind to ask Landon or Maurice if there was a small corner of the garden she could commandeer to give herself a reason to go outside every day and get back to a hobby she enjoyed so much, but hadn't quite worked herself up to approaching colleagues for a favour yet. The sun was beautiful today though, and it was just a perfect day to spend some time outside. Abandoning her books for now, Kahurangi had picked up a rugby ball and decided to take a break and run some drills outside. She found a corner of the lawn that was out of the way a little, not wanting to bother any students enjoying the sun, and began warming up, trying not to be self-conscious about practicing by herself.
Gwen was having a quieter year than the year before. She was glad that the revolution from last year hadn't been mentioned at all and was just happy to be carrying on with her classes without the fear of it happening. She had found herself plenty of more time to study and was somehow glad that she did not make the Quidditch Team due to the fact it was just another added responsibility when she had other things to focus on. The girl wanted to take a break from that though as the semester had only just started and so decided she would head outside where there was plenty of fresh air. The sun was shining bright and Gwen was happy for this. She wanted to do something fun and so looked around the Great Lawn eagerly, wondering what she could do to make the most of her time. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted one of the professors who seemed to be having a lot of fun doing some type of sport. Gwen enjoyed playing sports and so this made the Gryffindor curious. She approached the professor and smiled at her. "Hey, what are you doing? Can I join?" Gwen asked, not wanting to miss out on whatever fun she was having and hoping that she did not mind.
Absorbed in her drills, Kahurangi was a little surprised when a younger student approached her, but gave the girl a friendly smile in greeting. "I'm doing some rugby practice." She said happily, pausing her practice to talk to the girl. "You're welcome to join if you want, have you ever played before?" Kahurangi asked kindly, trying to think of what sort of easy drills would be best to teach someone so young. She had never taught anyone to play rugby before, but while she had been studying they had done plenty of work on how to teach sports to kids, so she felt well prepared to make it fun and interesting.
Gwen smiled slightly at the professor's kindness, glad that she didn't seem bothered that Gwen had disturbed her practice. However, Gwen had no idea what rugby was. The only sport she knew of was Quidditch but she was excited to get to know other sports. After all, if the Gryffindor Quidditch Team wasn't going to let her play Quidditch, then maybe she could try to play some rugby instead. "No." Gwen replied simply to the professor's question. "How do you play it? Is it kind of like Quidditch but on the ground? I know how to play Quidditch!" Gwen was quite interested in how a sport worked on the ground. It probably meant one had to be quite fast at running, and Gwen would be willing to practice running if that's what it involved.
Kahurangi had been prepared for the girl to have never played rugby before, but her not even knowing what it was was a surprise. "Oh!" Kahurangi paused, trying to find the right words. "Well, sort of... it's a bit like Quidditch on the ground, but the only ball is a bit like a strangely shaped Quaffle." Kahurangi held up her rugby ball, showing the girl its shape. "The goal is a different shape too, but it's the same basic idea. What Quidditch position do you play?" Kahurangi asked, curious about the girl's experience.

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