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Ryan Williams

loyal/ sympathetic / persuasive/55, grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
12¾", Red oak, Manticore Venom
Ryan had a long day that in the end he decided to vent his head a bit of all the work, so he decided to go until Tākarokaro Park could go for a peaceful walk there, because later it was arranged, but now he just wanted to walk and not think about anything. There were a lot of people in the park more than other times, here you could notice children with their parents, who will obviously spend their offspring this year in Hogwarts. On the one hand, it was a little sad, because this is his last year. He didn't even want to think about it. So he tried to think of positive things, then turned left on the trail and there were fewer people here. Ryan was not able not to think about what to do after school, so pulled out of pocket a small radio to listen to the magic of radio, where as once sounded his favorite song and he began to hum along. At least that made the thoughts clear from the sadness that wanted to wander through his mind like worms. He then sat down on a free bench to enjoy a short rest.

@Hattie Thorne
Hattie was keen to make the most of her break before starting her last year at Hogwarts. She knew the NEWT exams would be hard, and she didn't want anything stressing her out whilst she did them. The teen had gone shopping by herself at the Makutu Mall, explored areas of Obsidian Harbour, and now she was walking through Brightstone Village and towards the park where she hoped she could find some zen and relax. She wanted a clear mind before stepping into what could possibly be the hardest year of her life, and she thought the park was the perfect place to be. The Ravenclaw kicked a stone along the path as she walked, looking up at the clouds every now and then to see if the shape of them had changed. As she made her way to the middle of the park, she heard the sound of a song, and this easily distracted her and caught her attention. She didn't particularly like the song, but it was different, and she wondered where the noise was coming from. Looking in its direction, she spotted a familiar face sitting on a bench with a black box sitting beside him. She wondered if the music was coming from that. Curious, Hattie approached Ryan. "Hey, what's that?" she asked, pointing to the black box.
Ryan crossed his arms to his chest, listening to music and looking at the sky, where a white fuzzy cloud could be felt here and there. He placed the radio a little quieter so as not to disturb others, as he looked down from the sky for a moment and noticed that he was staring at him. As soon as he was quieter, he heard a voice that was very close. Ryan looked up and saw Hattie. "Hey, it's a radio." He said, lifting the box from the bench and showing the girl that she could look at the black box better.
Hattie raised her eyebrow as Ryan said the black box was something called a 'radio'. It continued to make noises before it suddenly made sense to her. "Oh is that something muggles use? It is, isn't it? How did you get a.. raydyo? Are your family muggles?" she asked, genuinely curious. Muggle inventions never really phased the girl, but she wondered about Ryan and whether or not he had muggle ancestors like herself. She didn't know them and barely knew a thing about muggles of any sort, nor had she had any interest in finding out about them.
Ryan looked at Hatty with a facial expression from where she had come from not knowing what the radio was. He turned it off in the field as he moved his hand back. ''It's not just muggles. No it's not. My father gave me the radio. My father has muggles.'' He replied. There was nothing to hide that his father was not a magician. "Don't you want to sit down?" He asked, pointing to the shelf on the bench.
Hattie frowned a little as Ryan turned off the radio. "You don't have to do that, I don't mind it. Unless they've finished." she told him, not knowing exactly how it worked. She nodded when Ryan said his father was a muggle, however she had never seen a box like that before and thought it was pretty cool. "My biological family are muggles, but I don't know them." she said, before then taking his offer to sit down. She sat down next to him, giving him a friendly smile. "How's your break been so far? Been up to anything fun?"
Ryan put the radio back in his jacket pocket. ''Nothing will end that song soon. They'll repeat the song later." He said, then looked at Hattie again. "Have you ever listened to magic radio broadcasts?" He asked. After hearing that Hattie had left a little more, she understood. "How is your muggle with your mother?" She was asked, then smiled at the girl as she sat down next to her. ''So far the break has been purely good. I spent time with sisters and muggle friends. It was fun to ride a motorcycle. How's your break? What fun has happened to you?''
Hattie nodded as Ryan explained that the box would play the song later. It made her feel a little bit better about potentially disturbing him. "No, I haven't listened to a muggle anything before. I don't know anything about muggles." she told him, and couldn't help but tense a little at his next question. She had never spoken about her family to anyone, but she liked Ryan, and she thought he ought to know. "Well I was adopted by my father, so I don't know anything about my biological parents. I just know that they were muggles and they didn't want me." She shrugged, not caring at all that she was adopted, as she couldn't be more thankful for her father and everything he had done for her. The teen listened as Ryan answered her question. "Oh, you rode a motorcycle! That would've been fun, but also scary. I heard bad things can happen on those. They're a muggle thing too, aren't they?" She had heard about motorcycles. They were like cars but with only two wheels and very little protection. "Nothing much happened on my break. I did a bit of shopping though at the Makutu Mall which was fun. My job at the diner helps me buy heaps of cool stuff." she told him.

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