Open Step by step exploration adventures

Rhea Moss

youngest child/funny/smart
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
It was a weekend when she could forget a little about her studies, so Rhea decided to go on a little excursion around the school theory. She needed to get to know the place about which she had heard so much from her relatives, and finally it was her turn to explore every corner and corner of the castle that happened to be on the way, so that she could explore them. Of course, she won't be able to explore everything in the first year, but she will have plenty of time for that for seven whole years.

Rhae decided to start by exploring the grounds of the castle, so she set out on time. The first final destination was the cliffs, because she had heard about it from her older brother Joshua, who was said to have been looking for inspiration for his artists' works there. Therefore, the girl also decided to go and see what is so special about that place, if she herself will get some inspiration for her favorite activity, DJ music. She climbed up to the cliffs step by step, when Rhae was up her breath was taken away, some beauty opened up from above, it was simply grandiose, so she decided to stay here for a while.

@Victoria de Lacey

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