Open Step 1 - Party

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Savannah Walters

sda president; seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (16)
Savannah didn't mind these dances, nearly as much as when she'd been younger. She could appreciate it, but with her OWLS in the very near future she knew that this was the last fun she was going to let herself have before the exams. She just knew she couldn't lose focus on what actually mattered, her exams. If she was to do better than her parents, she needed to work. but one last night of dancing before letting herself focus wouldn't be terrible. It would be a good thing for her to do. The ravenclaw moved into the dance, enjoying the feel of the dress she was wearing. She didn't like valentine's day as a celebration but she didn't mind some of the dance aspects.
Leah was feeling less than festive by the time the dance rolled around. She had considered skipping it but she felt like that would raise more questions from her friends than she was willing to answer. So she put on something nice but relatively casual and made her way downstairs. She scanned the hall for any familiar faces but stopped herself. The last thing she wanted to do was see Anisha and pretend everything was alright, she had to do that everyday. Eventually she saw Savannah who looked nice and didn't appear to have a book with her this time. Maybe that was what she needed. To talk to someone who hated her. Maybe that would fix her, she though sourly as she approached the Ravenclaw. "No book tonight?" she asked with a sigh.
Savannah didn't know Leah that well, though she at least no longer openly hated the girl. She shook her head. "I don't always have a book, just when something's boring," she replied with a little sigh. She didn't really think a lot of things were more interesting than what she was reading at any given moment, but with the exams upcoming, she knew that her time was more taken up with books to do with that, and those were less interesting.
Leah let out a dry laugh. "And this isn't boring?" she asked almost earnestly. trying to understand. She wanted to find some joy in the holiday that celebrated love but it all felt so distant from her she was struggling to find any bright spot at all. How had they manage to switch places like this where she was the one sulking? Was she trapped in some kind of alternate reality? Leah sighed. "So are you going to end up dancing tonight?" she asked genuinely curious.
Savannah shrugged a little at the question, "It's a party," she settled upon answering. "I'm not one for the love part of it, but this is just another party," she elaborated just a little, and Savannah knew she was likely the last to be seen as liking parties, but she really hadn't minded them. An occasion to feel pretty and to dance. "Are you asking me to dance?" Savannah replied.
Leah listened to Savannah talk while she watched some of the floating candles drift in the air. It was a party, and a pretty fun one at that. Then why did she feel like she couldn't have any fun. She had asked the other girl about dancing so she could prepare herself for such a shocking sight. So she wasn't prepared for Savannah's question. "What?" she squeaked at the absurdity of the idea. The thought of it felt like asking a shark for a dance. But maybe she had read the situation wrong. It wouldn't be the first time. Leah stood up a bit straighter. Savannah was beautiful, she wasn't blind. She was also so smart and a great quidditch player, again she wasn't blind. "Do you want to dance with me?" she asked.
Savannah gave a little snort at Leah's reaction. "Well, I basically suggested it," she retorted with an almost sharp tone. "I wouldn't have suggested it if I didn't want to," she added, in a tone that did imply that she thought Leah was perhaps being intentionally dense.
Leah felt her ears get hot and her heart start to race a little. She was stunned again as Savannah didn't back down. Not that she expected her to. "Well then." she said her tone just as brisk, and tried to find some confidence she didn't feel. She would just have to fake it for now. Leah held out her hand and nodded to the dance floor. "Shall we?" she said with a grin. She had never been one to back down from a challenge. Shark or not.
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