Stellan Myser

Stellan Myser

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curved 16 1/2 Inch Unyielding Willow Wand with Demiguise Hair Core

He could be a sinner, or a gentleman
He could be a preacher when your soul is damned
Full Name: Stellan Delphine Marie Myser
Pronunciation: STEL-ahn; del-phine; m(a)-rie; Mii-Zser
Nicknames: Stella, Stel, Estelle, Misery, Myser
Name Origins: Stellan is a corruption of the name Stella. Her parents did not believe in traditional names. Stella is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Stella is "star".
Delphine is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Delphine is "dolphin".
Marie is of French and Latin origin, and the meaning of Marie is "star of the sea". Variant of Mary.
Myser is a misspell of Myers. In the mid eighteen hundreds, Stellan’s ancesters could not read or write and when boarding a ship misspelled their initial name. It was never corrected and so their name eventually became Myser.
Date of Birth: June 12th, 2028
Current Age: Currently eleven</FONT>
He could be a lawyer on a witness stand
But he'll never love you like I can, can

Basic Appearance: Stellan is of asian decent from somewhere in her family, from her mother's line. She has long, wavy brown hair that is often accentuated with lighter brown or blonde highlights. Her big eyes are brown and her skin takes on an almost golden tinge when in the sun. She has almost flawless skin everywhere but her feet which often peel and blister from all the dancing she does constantly. She's had minor leg injuries, but no bone breaks.
Personality: --
Family: Father: Robert Myser
Mother: Marnie Myser</SIZE></SIZE>
He could be a stranger you gave a second glance
He could be a trophy of a one night stand

Pets: A dog named Anna (Anna Pavlova)
School: Muggle Education at Leeds Performing Arts School
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Heritage: English and a bunch of other things.
Interests or Hobbies: Mostly dancing, bollywood and festivals
Strengths: --
Weaknesses: --</SIZE></SIZE>
He could have your humour, but I don't understand
</i> 'Cause he'll never love you like I can, can, can

Describe your character in five words: Sarcastic, Stubborn, Witty, Proud, Bossy
Best school subjects: --
Worst school subjects: --
Current Job: Student
Plans for the future: To become a ballerina
Patronus: --
Patronus memory: --
Boggart: --
Animagus: --

<COLOR color="#000"> Why are you looking down all the wrong roads? <i></i><i></i>
When mine is the heart and the salt of the soul
<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50">

<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="verdana"><SIZE size="50">Now hear this kiddies. This template is created by me with thanks to Tenilee. No touchy or I break you... Kay Oh , oh and song lyrics are "Like I Can" by Sam Smith.​
Stellan was born at five thirty in the morning to Marnie and Robert Myser. The couple were overjoyed for their unexpected gift and immediately did everything they could to ensure that Stellan would grow up into a happy and healthy young girl. Though their finances were not the best and their life was not exactly stable, Marnie and Robert did not regret the decision to let the pregnancy carry through, they loved Stellan and they knew that she would bring them great joy. Robert worked as a transport official whilst Marnie cleaned houses for the local high rollers. They lived only in a share house, but were happy for the company of young backpackers and students who were only too happy to help raise a baby girl with a talent to make people smile. Even as a baby Stellan showed signs of a future interest in dance. However it wasn't until she was about two years old that this interest was fully fleshed out. It happened accidentally really, Stellan had just been messing about in the lounge room with some of the other boarders and happened to be entertaining a student at one of the local dance academy's. The woman, Theresa, offered to talk to the board about getting Stellan a scholarship and though this did not end up panning out, it did get her into a local dance school. She attended a local school in her home at Leeds, but after school was finished for the day she would spend hours at the dance studio, practicing her pirouettes and plies. Stellan enjoyed herself immensely and quickly became the youngest student to dance in the recitals. Though she was severely lacking in certain areas, she made up for it in great enthusiasm and soon became very well known in the dancing circuit as the kindest person and most enjoyable to teach. She took direction well and wasn't frightened of criticism in the slightest. She often stayed in touch with Theresa and invited her to many of her recitals.

As Stellan began to get older, she started realising that she barely saw her father around. At the age of six, she started going through a phase where she thought that perhaps her father didn't love her enough, or that he hated her mother. She kept her concerns secret from her mother for a long time and it was only when she started acting out at school that her mother got wind of the problem. After a couple of months of therapy and a long awaited call from her father, Stellan realised that it was because her father loved her too much that he was always away. They needed money to be able to keep her in school and so her father took increasingly more frequent jobs and further away because they paid the best. Stellan was sad that her father had to work so hard, but was happy that he actually didn't hate her. She was delighted to hear that he was taking some time off soon and would be around to visit her. She took the one to invite him to her next recital and though he worried that he may be unable to make it, Stellan had been alight in the knowledge that were he not there in presence he would be there in spirit. As it turned out, Robert did make it to the recital, albeit very late and tripping over every chair on the way, making a lot of noise and ruining her concentration. The other students were angry, but Stellan only smiled and laughed, because her daddy was there to see her. Her father learned a valuable lesson that day though, don't disrupt a bunch of six year olds. He managed to get out without major injury, but many of the six year olds left with satisfied smirks.

When she was seven, one of the boarders invited her along to a private Indian festival. They asked her if she was interested in the common Indian style of dancing and Stellan, not saying no to a challenge, told them that whilst she had never personally engaged in the style of dance herself, she was very interested in trying. Up until this point she had been mostly focused on dancing ballet. It was no longer challenging for her and she was keen to find something to push her again, as ballet had done when she was a child. Indian dance presented the kind of challenge that would allow Stellan to work not only with her feet but also her hands and her hips. She was generally very good with her hands and feet, but her hips were another thing entirely. She hadn't seemed to develop, yet, the type of coordination that was needed for such a movement. Stellan loved to dance and used all of her spare time to practice for the upcoming festival. Though the festival was unlike anything she had ever done before, she was happy to be experiencing something new. She was very friendly by nature, though she often had a tendency to be a little bossy. That was only when it came to her abilities and her talents in dancing. Stellan knew what she wanted and tried whatever she could to try and get it.

Aged ten, Stellan and her parents were forced to move to New Zealand when her father got a new job. Though she was glad that her father would be earning more money, she wasn't a happy that sheepishness to move. In fact it was one of the reasons that she refused to return to dancing. She thought that if she boycotted her favourite activity her parents would be forced to move back to England. Unfortunately for Stellan, where once her parents were eager to please and easy to manipulate, they were no longer the same. After four weeks of refusing, Stellan realised that her parents were not going to give in that easily and so she decided against boycotting dancing. She was starting to miss it rather badly by the point that the moment she was able to go back, she was practically kissing the floors beneath her.

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