Stay cool, stay calm.

Finally exams were over, and the holidays had began. Christmas morning, and Jennifer was already out of her common room. Christmas wasn't exactly the happist day for her. Christmas morning a few years ago, Jennifer had woken up to the smell of smoke. A tragic day, she had lost both her foster parents. Since then, Jennifer had been quiet and distant from other people. Hogwarts was a new place, new people, a new start. Jennifer had changed beyond recognisation, her red hair and plain clothes had been changed to black hair and cheerful clothes.

Her 'legal guardian', Steve had sent her various bits and bobs from his workshop, including a minute sculpture of a dog made of bolts, springs and some other bits of scrap metal that Jennifer couldn't identify. She wore it on a bronze chain around her neck, where it looked perfectly normal against her green fluro tank top with a giant black peace sign on it, bright pink layered skirt and black tights. Jenna had ditched the 'geek' clothes for something more bright, and she was happy with the change.

Jennifer walked around the castle, an easy smile on her face. So far, she hadn't met anyone, most people were still opening presents in thier dorms. She twirled a few times, before going down a flight of stairs. Jennifer wondered what Steve was doing at home, probably taking junk from the dump and making it into something weird and wonderful.
Henric sat by a window, in his hands a worn and tragically mistreated book with a ragged hard cover he seemed to be hard at work trying to repair; waving his hand around in repeated patterns, attempting to draw up and rehook the lines of fiber to repair this book, he murmured, "Reparo." The book gave a little 'crack' sound before it renewed itself and sat in Henric's hands, as good as new. The pale boy had taken to lurking around the corridors ever since the Yule Ball and Christmas had threatened to come - he genuinely disliked being seen at either, for they would bring about unneeded worry and questions. He preferred to avoid them.

His work done, Henric slid the book open gingerly before his ears picked up the sound of footsteps. Raising his head, where his dark hair was arrayed in a seemingly meticulously fashion, he blinked as he noticed the Ravenclaw's approach. "He-llo." He greeted amiably.
Jennifer stopped walking and peered curiously at the boy. "Uh... Hi." she said, her brown eyes focusing on Henric. She wondered what he was doing up so early on Christmas morning, she hadn't expected anyone else to be up yet. The Ravenclaw first year had been quite surprised when he had spoken. Jennifer blew a strand of hair out of her face and attempted a smile. "Have I met you before?" she asked bluntly.
"I would assume not." The pale, oriental boy replied with a chuckle; a throaty laugh that bounced off the walls of the corridor. "That would mean, as is polite, I'd have to introduce myself." He slid off the window he was perched upon and landed upon the cold floor without a sound. Brushing his dark hair out of his eyes, he bowed his head politely. "I'm Henric." He tilted his head and flashed her a little smile. "What are you doing, up so early this morning?"
Jennifer shrugged. "Huh, I might have seen you in class or something." she decided. "I'm J-Jennifer." she said. Her stutter was getting better, but it wasn't quite gone. "It's Christmas, I decided to have breakfast early. Beat the rush." Jen said with a small laugh.
The pale boy canted his head slightly, but otherwise made no other reaction. "I see." Henric mused, raising a hand to brush the hair out of his face. "Off to breakfast are you then?"

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