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Tyler Kenner

Lawyer ~ Drive fast ~ Music ~ Sing ~ Paint ~
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 15 1/2 Inch Rigid Black Walnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
The speed was the coolest thing imaginable and it gave me an adrenaline rush. Tyler had been in accidents before, but it never made him learn. This time too it was the same. After a long work week, Tyler decided to go out on a motorcycle. The road was wet due to the rain and there was a minor accident.

After the fall, his ribs hurt for a couple of days and he couldn't really walk because his right ankle was swollen. Tyler found a healer's private practice that would help and went there to make an appointment. His turn had come and he knocked on the office door.

@Miran Kemp
Miran was settling into his new life in New Zealand. They'd opened a private practice, he and Martine. Living in a lovely two story building. Basil had transformed the attic, Martine was living in the second floor, and Miran and Georgie had taken the first. They'd bought a small office building nearby, and for now it was only him, but he was looking to bring in a few more healers.

Martine was working as the office secretary, handling everything in the front of house while he treated patients. He had just sent out the last woman- an older woman that he was prescribing 'natural remedies' for- but really, the herbs in her tea were just flavorful, what really helped her was the cream he was giving her to rub into her aching joints. He had just sanitized his office when he heard the knock on the door. "Come in," He called, standing and changing out his gloves.
Tyler kept his hand on his left side while he waited, because he says the pain is unbearable, the warmed ribs started to hurt even more and he could only hope that he wouldn't have to wait long at the door and luckily, soon after he knocked on the door, a man's voice was heard saying that he can enter. So did Tyler, opening the door and going inside.

When he opened the door, he noticed that the healer was quite a handsome man, and he stopped for a moment, but remembering the pain, Tyler went further inside. ''Good afternoon! I will be very grateful to you for helping me to get rid of the pain. I have a pain on my left side, it seems I have broken ribs and a swollen ankle. Please help.'' he literally begged the handsome healer in pain.
Miran nodded, and motioned for the man to sit on the exam table. "Of course, take a seat," He washed his hands. "Tell me what happened," He instructed, putting on a new set of gloves and picking up the medical chart- Martine filled them out then slid them onto his desk through the little window. He flipped through it and scanned over the information. "Mr. Kenner, is that right?" He double checked his pronunciation, looking up to the man.

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